My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 819, New Year’s Eve

The place where we made an appointment with Park Seo-joon was still at the food stall. Because of the New Year's Eve, the business here was very good. The two big stars appeared at the food stall on the roadside. At first glance, it seemed a bit down-to-earth, but in fact they just didn't want to Going to restaurants exclusively to eat like those young people you date would look awkward.

"Why don't you go with Joy on New Year's Eve?" Park Seojun shook the soju in his hand and teased him.

"There is a performance tonight, we will be very late when we get back." He pointed to the small TV playing in the food stall, and looked up. It happened to be close to twelve o'clock at this time. It didn't look like it had been long. Those five people are going back.

Park Seojun looked at the TV screen and said, "I'm just calling you out for dinner, it doesn't matter."

"Brother, aren't you treating me? Thank you for the treat, I will eat well." Pei Xian looked calm, nodded, picked up the chopsticks and ate quickly.

"My treat?" Upon hearing this word, Park Seojun was stunned for a few seconds. In just a few seconds, Pei Xian almost had all the beef in front of him, and he quickly grabbed it with him in a hurry.

Pei Xian was able to grab him at first, but when his cell phone rang, he was distracted for a moment, and the beef was taken away.

He stared at Park Seo-joon sadly, took out his cell phone and saw that it was Lin Yoona calling him, so he had to answer it first, "What's wrong?"

"Did you watch the live broadcast? Are you in Jeju Island now?"

How did she know she had been to Jeju Island?

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Pei Xian told Lin Yuner that he and Park Seo-joon were eating food stalls outside. After chatting for a while, the call was hung up.

Seeing the confused expression on Pei Xian's face, Park Seo-joon looked at the screen of his mobile phone that hadn't dimmed yet.

The three characters "Lin Yuner" are very obvious, and in my impression, there is only one Lin Yuner whom Pei Xian knows.


"Well, he said he wanted to ask me some things about Jeju Island. We made an appointment to meet at home at one o'clock." Pei Xian nodded and answered his question.

"Home?" Park Seojun noticed the weirdness of this word, "Why do you say it so strangely?"

"We are neighbors, the kind of neighbors separated by a wall."


The word 'oh' made Pei Xian's brows jump for a moment, but Park Seo-jun's next question made him almost want to throw a glass of soju on his face.

"Xian, tell me, does Yoona xi have a boyfriend? Have you never thought of introducing one to her?"


You made a careless friend and actually started to covet your neighbor?

Pei Xian didn't say much, but just said that it was up to Lin Yun'er to decide. Fortunately, the owner of the food stall brought wine and was able to change the topic. He drank several bottles of soju over and over again, but there was no food on the table. Eat as much as you want.

Twelve o'clock passed unknowingly. The two of them were eating at a food stall and were photographed by many people. However, it was nothing new. In such a large circle, they could spend New Year's Eve together. Friends who have dinner at night are already considered very lucky.

There were not many topics that could be discussed in public. They basically talked about interesting things during the filming period. After eating and drinking, they dispersed. Park Seo-joon was not a very good drinker. Bae Xian sent him home before taking a taxi back to Seodaemun. Home.

Lin Yoona's sports car was parked outside the door, and she didn't see any other cars. She was curious why she didn't go back to her family, but stayed here alone.

The door was opened from the inside. Pei Xian was carrying a heavy load of takeout and drinks. Seeing that Lin Yoona was still wearing an apron and looked like she was busy in the kitchen, he asked with a smile, "So, are you planning to cook by yourself?" ?”

"I just came back, but what's going on with you?" Lin Yuner pressed the button to close the door and smelled the smell of alcohol in the air. She wrinkled her nose and sniffed towards him. She was very sure that the smell of alcohol was on him. He came over and said disgustedly, "You actually drank. Are you sorry that you came to someone else's house as a guest after drinking?"

"My home is two steps away. I'll bring you some delicious food." Pei Xian subconsciously took half a step back and used his chin to check the location of the house. While walking that way, he asked, "But , why are you not with your family today? Is your schedule too late? "

"Aren't you the same? You're going to have New Year's Eve dinner with others. I'm taking someone home today, okay? It's already so late."

Lin Yoona's words made Pei Xian stop for a moment. He glanced at Lin Yoona with a strange expression, looked inside the door, and suddenly thought of the question Park Seo-joon asked him during the meal, and asked softly, "So, I... can't Does it bother you?"

"Huh?" Lin Yoona turned to look at him blankly, stretched out her hand to open the door and took the lead to walk in. "It's Taeyeon. She's staying alone in the dormitory and doesn't want to go back to her hometown, so tonight, we are together."

So that's it.

Pei Xian nodded to express his understanding. As soon as he stepped into the entrance hall, he hesitated again and asked in a low voice, "I've had a drink. You take the things in first. I'll go back and take a shower. But what is it? It has something to do with Jeju Island." ?"

"It's about recording a program. We have to go to Jeju Island to record. Why are you shy?" Lin Yoona took the bag and saw Pei Xian's strange reaction of being shy and afraid to come in. She couldn't help but laugh. "Are you shy?"

"It's not that I'm shy, but I'm not special even with Taeyeon. I'm going to take a shower first. It's not early. How about tomorrow?"

If it were Yuri from Girls' Generation, Bae Xian would feel more comfortable. At least they could be regarded as drinking and eating friends. It was Kim Taeyeon. When they collaborated on the MV before, they had physical contact. It was so embarrassing that now Bae Xian Xian would be a little embarrassed when he saw her, so they had known each other for such a long time, so it could only be regarded as a short acquaintance.

After hurriedly speaking to Lin Yun'er, Pei Xian quickly walked out of the room, waved his hand and said to her that we would talk tomorrow, and quickly disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

Kim Taeyeon in the room heard the noise and walked out. She saw that Lin Yoona was the only one at the door. She asked curiously, "I just heard Bae Xianxi's voice. Where is he?"

Lin Yoona didn't tell Kim Taeyeon about Bae Xian's own answer. She cleared her throat, laughed dryly and said, "I'm leaving. I said I was drunk. I want to go back and take a shower first, and I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Drinking? Didn't I just get a bottle of red wine? I asked him to come over and drink it before he was far away. This red wine is really good. I still have something to ask him for."


Lin Yoona didn't know how to explain her sister's blunt reaction, so she had no choice but to take out her cell phone and call Pei Xian again.

When he received the call, Pei Xian had returned to his living room. After listening to what she said, he had the same idea in his heart, and at the same time he had a question.

Isn’t it all said that the SNSD leader is introverted and introverted? It was the same the last time he was in the United States. We filmed together for a whole day and could not speak more than ten sentences. At other times, when we met, we only chatted a few words and never talked back. , why are you so enthusiastic and inviting people to drink today?


In less than five minutes, Pei Xian appeared at the door of Lin Yuner's house again. This time he successfully entered the living room, sat on the small sofa, folded his legs obediently, and did not dare to say anything.

"Bae Xianxi, I'm sorry for asking you to come over so late. I heard that this bottle of red wine tastes very good. It was a gift I received, but I don't like drinking very much, so I gave it to Yoona." Kim Taeyeon He enthusiastically took two goblets from the cabinet and returned to the living room. He opened the bottle and poured the wine himself. After waiting for the red wine to wake up, he took the initiative to tell Pei Xian the reason.

"It's like this. Our Yoona accepted a variety show and it was to be recorded in Jeju Island. However, Jeju Island is a little colder this season, so... can I borrow your house for a while?"

There's nothing wrong with borrowing a house, that's all.

Pei Xian looked at Lin Yuner blankly with an empty wine glass, and blinked blankly. The problem was not big, but why was it Kim Taeyeon who mentioned it to him.

"Ahem, Ernie, I said it myself." Lin Yuner reluctantly put down the late-night snack in her hand, handed Pei Xian the chopsticks, sat opposite him and added a few words about the reason.

"This recording is with Lee Hyori and Unnie. I may have to spend a lot of time in Jeju Island. The house that the program team found for me is not very good. Although it is very close to the recording venue, Hyori and Unnie will stay with me for a long time." The recommendation is that the house diagonally opposite her house is very nice and it belongs to you."

Now, Pei Xian finally knows the reason. This is what co-authoring is.

"Ang, it's a small matter, when will you leave? I have no plans to move in in the near future. I have to stay on the set and promote the movie, so the house will be empty, so feel free to live in it."

He naturally agreed to this matter, but what Pei Xian hadn't realized yet was that there was another person living in his new home.

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