My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 820 Final Volume, New Year

Kim Jonghyun never expected that he would spend the New Year in Jeju Island and enjoy his career in the interim. When he received the call from Bae Xian, he wanted to curse in his heart, but when he received the call from his agent, he wanted to collapse even more.

"What kind of album is that? I'm sorry, brother, I'm feeling very unwell right now. To tell you the truth, I was in Jeju Island a few days ago and accidentally fell into the water because of Pei Xian. He is now responsible for taking care of me. If If you have any questions, go to him."

Pei Xian "????"


A big question mark hung over the manager's head. He couldn't figure out how it had anything to do with Pei Xian. He knew that it was Kim Jonghyun who was trying to prevaricate him, but now he didn't know where Kim Jonghyun was, and the company was also urging him.

Not long ago, he learned something about Kim Jonghyun. The other members felt unspeakably uncomfortable. They were afraid that Kim Jonghyun would have some unthinkable thoughts, so they never dared to disturb him. Now they are in a dilemma.

"Pei Xianxi, okay, I understand."

Pei Xian had a good relationship with him. The manager knew this. He had seen them chatting in Pingchang before, but there was no contact information for Pei Xian. After hanging up the phone, he was embarrassed and had to contact him. Bae Joo Hyun.

On the other side, today is the first day of the new year. He has no schedule and no one to disturb him. Pei Xian slept until he woke up naturally. He packed some nutrition products at home and planned to go back to the apartment building. By the way, he took a look at the things upstairs. Bit.

When he drove out, he saw that there was no change outside Lin Yuner's door. He guessed that the two sisters were still sleeping and resting, so he didn't disturb them much.

In the Sejong Road apartment building, Bae Zhuhyun was sitting in her parents' room. After listening to what SHINee's manager told her, she looked a little confused and asked several questions. She felt that she couldn't just give him Bae Xian's mobile phone number.

While they were talking, they happened to see Pei Xian coming back. The two of them looked at each other and noticed something was wrong with the expression on the other's face.

"Sorry, wait a minute." Bae Zhuhyun whispered sorry to the person on the other end of the phone, put down the phone and pressed mute, and asked Bae Xian, "Is Oppa Jonghyun over there? What's going on? He moved and I didn't give him the address." The manager said? Now the company is preparing for SHINee’s new album, and I’m going crazy trying to find him.”

"With his kind of mental state, I would feel uncomfortable if he returned to run the schedule." Pei Xian laughed. Hearing her question, she already knew who called her and asked, "SHINee's manager? Or someone from your company?" How did I contact you?"

"Oppa Jonghyun said you pushed him into a puddle and he is recovering from his injuries now," Bae Zhuhyun explained speechlessly.

"Huh?" Pei Xian was confused by this answer and said speechlessly, "What the hell, the only chance he and I came into contact with water was when we went to the bathhouse to take a bath that day, and then it disappeared. Bathing is done in cubicles. ,Really are"

Bae Joo Hyun "."

She couldn't figure out how to tell SHINee's manager. She made a silent gesture with Pei Xian and picked up the phone again to talk to the person on the other end.

Pei Xian listened to her quietly, and then the call was hung up. Pei Zhuhyun's words meant that it was cold in Jeju Island, and he and Kim Jonghyun were both wet with rain and snow and felt unwell.

It seems that this is the only excuse I can use now.

"You guys are really capable of making trouble. You want to come back. That's good. I just don't know what Oppa Onew and the others are thinking, but according to my understanding of them, even if the other four people know the address, they won't tell it." Bae Zhuhyun sighed slightly, SHINee In my own opinion, as a whole group, they value the friendship of their members more than the company's orders.

For the sake of Kim Jong-hyun's physical and mental health, even if they knew where Kim Jong-hyun was, they would not tell them.

Pei Xian didn't say much, shrugged and went to say hello to his parents.

It was the Chinese New Year, and they were still discussing where to go for a family trip. Just before Pei Xian arrived, they were still asking Pei Zhuxuan where he wanted to go.

Knowing that Bae Xian would be filming in Chungcheongnam-do, the two elders quickly decided to go there to see the historical sites and visit the pottery town. Coincidentally, the filming location of Mr. Sunshine would also be in this place. .

"Travel, ha."

Pei Xian didn't know how to tell his parents that he might not have much time on the crew. He could only tell them that he would take time out to accompany them, but he would be called back by the crew at any time to continue filming.

The travel plan was decided like this. When he walked out of the room, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at the last few words he talked to Pu Xiurong. She was resting opposite last night, but it was very late at that time. Pei Xian never came back.

Pushing open the door of the apartment opposite, there was a noisy sound coming from the TV. The wall lamps in the living room were all turned on. Hearing the noise, Xiaotuanzi ran to the entrance. When he saw it was Pei Xian, he waggled his tail happily. Stick to him.

Pei Xian took off his shoes and walked into the living room. The person who was sleeping on the sofa still had one of his legs hanging out. He lay there facelessly hugging the plush pillow. He glanced at Pu Xiurong's feet on the coffee table. They were white and white. A small dark gray hot water bottle was clinging to her slender ankle, and her big toe turned red from the pressure.

"I've said it so many times, why is my sleeping position still like this?"

No matter how many times I watched it, this inconspicuous sleeping position still didn't change much. I walked over and slowly put the foot under the blanket.

Noticing that there was a box of unopened cake boxes on the coffee table, Pei Xian suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. There would be someone at home or extra lights would be lit, waiting for him.

However, Pei Xian couldn't say whether the girl forgot to put things in the refrigerator or didn't turn off the lights. At least seeing that she was sleeping deeply now, it should be half the former and half the latter.

It was not too early, so Pei Xian put the box of cakes in the refrigerator and made breakfast by himself. While the porridge and eggs were still cooking in the pot on the side, the sleeping people in the living room finally made some noise.

Park Soo-young woke up smelling the fragrance. She wrinkled her nose and inhaled hard like a dumpling sitting at the door of the kitchen. After opening her eyes and seeing Pei Xian, she quickly walked to the kitchen, picked up the rice cake in her arms, and looked at While Pei Xian was cooking, he said, "It smells so good. When did you come back?"

Pei Xian looked back at her, "Are you awake? I just came back. I went to bed late last night and didn't come over. Let's go wash up first and then come back for breakfast."

"Oh" Pu Xiurong nodded and said, noticing that he had also cooked porridge, the expression on his face suddenly became weird, "Don't tell me that I want to drink porridge today, it's the first day of the new year, I don't want it."

"That's for Zhu Hyun. There's nothing in the refrigerator. Why don't you go eat across the street?" Pei Xian turned around and deliberately asked her for the location of the apartment opposite.

"Ahem, cough, white porridge is pretty good too. I'll drink it later." Pu Xiurong smiled obediently and quickly walked to the bathroom with the rice cake in his arms. "I'm going to take a shower, and then I'll wash up. Remember to put your foot down." "Bowls and chopsticks"

Pei Xian tilted his head and watched her disappear. He shook his head and smiled softly. The breakfast opposite had been eaten long ago. It was already after eight o'clock, so he couldn't eat it if he wanted to.

Book review section! Whoever calls my second pillar Tutu again, believe it or not, I will fall out!

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