My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 828, Has anyone watched Yunnan Worm Valley? (Pan Yueming’s version)

Jin Rongxian and the other four came here and successfully received Lin Danni as a fan. In addition to the album, they also gave other gifts.

About their official peripherals and their unreleased albums.

"Isn't it released yet? Wow, Dafa." Pei Xian held up a yellow album with their group name and logo printed on it.

"It is expected to be released in March. This is the first batch of albums given to us, so I give it to you, Oppa." An Hye Jin pointed to the back of the album and said with a smile, "We have plans for each member this year. The plan for the Four Seasons album, this is my representative color.”

Yellow Flower has a nice name and the flower on the icon is also very nice.

Pei Xian was surprised and pleasantly surprised by this gift. He accepted it with a smile, "I will promote it to you on time. Don't worry, I will keep this one well."

The four of them stayed here for a long time. After giving away the gifts, they chatted a lot with Pei Xian. However, due to time constraints, they dispersed.

It was getting late, Pei Xian changed back into his clothes, put the box full of albums in the car, and listened to Lin Danni talking about today's news post about the golden record on the way home.

“Awards given to idol singers, why is my name the most popular search topic?”

"Because you are the host, Oppa, and you are much more dedicated than those idols." Lin Danni's rare compliment made Pei Xian feel a little uncomfortable.

"What did those people say? I saw that several of them had my name on them." Pei Xian raised his face and asked pretending to be relaxed.

Just now I was still talking about why the hot search had my name, but now I am curious about what others said.

Lin Danni couldn't help but slander men in her heart. She opened a news post and read out the contents one by one.

She knew very well what a bastard the domestic media was. When she met a famous movie actor or a famous idol, the rainbow fart could be said to be the best in the world. The waves of praise made Pei Xian feel uncomfortable everywhere.

"Okay, okay, okay"

After only listening to a short paragraph, Pei Xian couldn't help but interrupt her and brought the topic to other topics, "Over there in Jeju Island, why don't you continue to say anything?"

"Jeju Island? No, but Oppa." When Pei Xian asked, Lin Danni suddenly thought that there was such a thing.

My idol actually borrowed my artist’s house to record a show!

"Oppa, do you need someone to take care of your house in Jeju Island? I can do it!"

"I will go back to the crew to film tomorrow. The filming will be completed before the end of the month. I will leave for Germany and Mexico next month. Did you forget?"

The passion and expectation of the young assistant were ruthlessly extinguished by Pei Xian. The extremely resentful eyes had no effect on him at all, and he began to talk about the hurried schedule of the past two months.

"After going to Berlin, we have to leave for Mexico immediately. Before going abroad, we have to deal with the filming of the crew. We also have to go to Ganghwa Island to shoot a few scenes and go back and forth. I can only take you alone. You still want to go to Jeju Go to the island, don’t be afraid that Sister Meishu will scold you.”

Under this nagging, Lin Danni's expression suddenly became frustrated. After calming down, she suddenly remembered something, and then said, "Oppa, you also missed one thing. The box office of Walking with the Gods is still rising. Wait. Before the screening ends, please pay more attention to the news about the movie. It has broken several records. There are already posts saying that you will not accompany this year’s Blue Dragon Daejong Baeksang.”

The same venomous tongue is worthy of being your little assistant.

"Yeah, my popularity reward has never stopped, okay?"

"Oppa, the popularity award is not as important as the best actor. Every time I am shortlisted and every time I am accompanied, I get angry. There are three awards this year and two movies are released. If walking with God is not possible, redemption is definitely possible."

It is indeed two movies, but Pei Xian himself did not think so much about it. Every time he talked about these award ceremonies, Lin Danni became more confident in him, but when she saw that her opponent was Song Kanghao and Huang Zhengmin, she instantly became more powerful than Pei Xian. Coward.

Otherwise, let's run with him.

Early the next morning, Pei Xian was urged to leave by a call from the crew. Yesterday's golden record was still in hot news on the Internet. However, Pei Xian was not an idol, so no matter how hot the news on the Internet was, it was none of his business. .

As soon as he returned to the set, the director dragged him around to make sure that his appearance and figure had not changed since he had been in Seoul for the whole day, and then he hurriedly asked him to go to the dressing room to get ready before filming the scene.

"You tell me, why don't you have a younger character who specially puts on makeup to make you look older? You are the first one." The stylist lady rubbed makeup on Pei Xian's face and added two fine lines on him. I couldn't help but complain.

"I've also played the role of a man in his fifties and sixties, sister. With a big beard, no one would recognize him." Pei Xian's face was particularly proud when he said this.

The stylist girl just glared at him and did not continue to speak.

Makeup can change a lot of facial features. She also admitted that Pei Xian would not be able to recognize the beard if he was not informed in advance.

Before the sun set, I quickly finished filming the two scenes. The camera was switched several times and retaken twice. Fortunately, none of the actors complained that the remaining progress of the script was shortened. .

"The look in Tae-ri's eyes just now was very good, the feeling of valuing the country above all else." Director Li Yingfu was staring at the filmed scene, talking to the two leading actors at the same time, pointing to the pharmacy set in the venue, and continued, "Wait a minute. I will shoot another set of shots, and Tae-ri can go back and rest first.”

"Director, what about me?" Pei Xian pointed at himself in confusion.

"You?" Director Li Yingfu turned his head and glanced at Pei Xian, and said sternly, "Aren't you in a hurry to finish filming? Shouldn't I help you? Just don't sleep tonight. Finish the filming early and continue filming tomorrow."

Pei Xian "..."

Who did he offend?

"Remember your on-the-spot performance. I quite like your on-the-spot acting skills, those little details and so on. As long as it doesn't affect the progress, we are now seventy or eighty years old. By the end of the month, if everyone works hard, it will be completed. After the filming is completed, I will treat you. Have a great meal!”

Director Lee Ying-bok talked a lot, and also said the greeting words that every director would say. Kim Tae-ri on the side didn't pay much attention to it, and her attention was on the script in her hand.

"After the filming is completed, Tae-ri, you and Pei Xian remember to work with sponsors to shoot a temporary commercial."

Jin Taili came back to her senses, nodded to the director and smiled, "Okay, director."

"Let's go get something to eat first." Director Li Yingfu looked at the current time. "Come back at half past eight to continue filming. There are not many scenes left. Yan Xi will come over to shoot a scene with Bae Xian in the evening."

The group of people walked away together. Jin Taili saw that Pei Xian was in a trance. When the director walked far ahead, she quietly called him and asked, "What's wrong? With this expression, you don't want to finish the film so early?"

"A bit. I will go overseas to promote a movie next month. This is my first experience, so I am a little nervous."

Is this why you co-authored it?

Jin Taili looked at Pei Xian from side to side, and he didn't look like a nervous person. After a while, he couldn't help complaining, "You don't have an accent in English. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that the Germans will eat you up?"

Pei Xian "..."

Why is this sister starting to harm others?

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