After rushing to shoot scenes for several days, Pei Xian was seriously sleep deprived and his overall condition was not good. He spent all the time on the road catching up on sleep. Maybe it was just like this. When filming the last few scenes, he didn't need much. It takes time to adjust your mood, and your eyes can become red with tears.

In the second half of the script, few scenes are really harmonious. They are either going to death or being distracted, and the ending also ends in tragedy.

Kim Tae-ri stood in front of a small wooden cabin and asked the makeup artist to touch up her makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror, looking pale and sweating. She heard Bae Xian chatting with Liu Yanxi and the others about the plot, and opened his mouth to sum up.

"The five of us will die and stay apart. Anyway, none of us will end well."

This is the truth.

Pei Xian opened his mouth, thinking that he could restore his image as a hero who saved the country, but as soon as he said a few words, he was stopped by the director. He had no choice but to abandon the topic and turned around and walked to Director Li Yingfu.

"Director, what's wrong?"

"I'll finish shooting the last scenes in the past two days. You kid, why are there so many people urging me to let you out?" Director Li Yingfu tilted his head and looked at him in confusion, and said something about rushing to shoot in the past two days. , took the phone and handed it to him.

Pei Xian still didn't quite understand what he said, so he muttered subconsciously, "Didn't I say it would be okay before the end of the month? I hope I can catch up on my sleep when I go back tonight, oh?"

When he saw the interface message on the director's phone, the rest of his words were blocked.

The person who sent the message to Director Lee Eung-bok was Song Kanghao, and the content was very simple. The first trailer of the movie "Redemption" had been released, and Bae Xian needed to be sent back to Seoul in time to prepare for the promotion of the movie.

No wonder

"Ahem, I will shoot well, director." He smiled awkwardly and returned the phone. He had a thousand explanations in his heart, but when he saw the unhappiness on the director's face, Pei Xian could only tell himself , let these two big guys make trouble.

Anyway, it’s you who suffers.

I don’t know if the news about Song Kanghao stimulated director Li Yingfu. When it was Bae Xian’s turn to enter the venue to shoot his personal scenes, he was repeatedly whipped and retaken. He was so stunned that he shed two lines of tears before he was willing to say the word “passed”.

The crew is expected to finish filming at the end of the month. Due to director Li Yingfu's request to rush filming, the filming was completed ahead of schedule. The wrapping banquet was also very interesting. One table had actors whose characters were still alive, and another table had actors who had lost their lives. .

"Cheers." Pei Xian looked at Jin Taili and the director chatting and laughing, and suddenly felt bitter in his heart. He took the wine glass and touched it with his partner beside him.

"Aren't you going back tomorrow?" Liu Yanxi looked at the time. He knew that Pei Xian was still busy promoting the movie, so he couldn't help but curiously asked, "Has the trailer of the movie been released? I just checked the news and didn't see it. Woolen cloth"

"I'll be out on the 1st. Today and tomorrow, I can have a good sleep." After saying it for a while, Pei Xian put down the wine glass. The expressions on the faces of the people looking at the table were similar to his own.

Tired and gloomy, it’s also why the characters died so miserably.

It’s still very cold in Seoul. Even at the end of January, the sun’s rays are not very bright. Chungcheongnam-do is much warmer than Seoul. As soon as he returned to Seoul, Bae Xian, who was wearing only thin clothes, woke up from the cold immediately and didn’t drive the car. Despite the air conditioner, Lin Danni was still sleeping on the passenger seat, and only Jin Taeho, who was driving, was still awake.

Finding that Pei Xian was awake, Jin Taehao glanced at the time and said with a smile, "Are you sober? If you feel uncomfortable in your stomach, there is a small bag next to your bag with hangover medicine and water."

"Yeah, thanks, brother." Pei Xian woke up from the cold. He didn't feel cold when he woke up. The feeling in his stomach made him forget how low the temperature was now.

I took two sobering pills. The mineral water was obviously at room temperature, but when I drank it, I felt an inexplicable coldness.

"Are you home? Brother" Pei Xian put down the mineral water and his mind suddenly came to his senses, "You are already in Seoul, right?"

"Come on, you are really drinking with them. Go home and have a good sleep. Look at the dark circles under your eyes." Jin Taehao persuaded him to have a good sleep. "It's not bright outside yet. Remember to close the curtains when you get home." , don’t let the light shine through, get some sleep, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

"Yeah." As he spoke, Pei Xian felt that his stomach was getting more and more uncomfortable, and his head was also dizzy and painful.

This is not even a hangover, the reaction is so big.

It was the happiest thing to come home and lie down to sleep comfortably after working hard for a long time. Pei Xian didn't even go back to the bedroom. He lay on the sofa and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

When I woke up again, it was afternoon. The sun was shining brightly and there were enough ultraviolet rays. The sun was so harsh that it hurt my eyes.

I habitually took out my phone to see if there were any unread messages. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the phone, the screen interface changed.

‘Bae Joo Hyun’

These three words on the caller ID made Pei Xian hesitate for a while, wondering why she was still thinking of calling him when she was busy returning.

As soon as the call was connected, Pei Xian was stunned by Pei Zhuhyun's extraordinarily fresh gentle tone and greeting words.

"Xian, where are you now? Has the crew finished filming?"

I sent you a message last night saying it was finalized. Were those two read reminders on your phone sent to you by Ah Piao?

Pei Xian resisted the urge to complain. With such an obvious tone, is it really true that he still needs to be connected by phone to be on the show?

"Are you recording some show? I just came back and just woke up."

Upon hearing this, Pei Zhuxuan pursed her lips and cursed Pei Xian in her heart. Since he knew, what could he do if he accompanied him in a play?

"Thank you for your hard work filming. Our second album has officially been released. Have you noticed our album?"

When Pei Zhuxuan said this, her tone was stiff and official, for fear that Pei Xian would not know that she was calling him while recording the show.

"Hey Yigu, of course I listened. How could I not listen? I even promoted it to you on the set."

Pei Xian's voice, who had just woken up and was still a little confused, reached the studio through the phone. Except for Pei Zhuhyun, the other members wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so they had to hold it back.

After listening to Bae Zhuhyun introducing the theme of their album and other words of endorsement, Pei Xian sat blankly on the sofa. His mouth was dry and he wanted to get a glass of water, but because the phone was still connected, he could only stay in silence. move.

Until the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed.

"Bae Xian! I'm Kim Heechul"

Why is this uncle...

When Pei Xian heard Jin Heechul's voice, his psychological burden became heavier again, so he asked "Hello Brother Heechul" first.

"I'm going back to Seoul today. If you have time, come to our program team." Kim Heechul said, without waiting for Bae Xian's response, he directly reported the recording location to him.

Asking Pei Xian to visit the class can also have a meal and achieve the purpose of publicity.

Killing three birds with one stone, both parties benefit.

Pei Xian didn't have any reason to refute what he said, so he bowed his head and agreed.

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