My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 831, it’s all here

After the recording of the program was completed, the sky turned completely dark.

After having a full meal, Pei Xian had no intention of staying with them in public. Facts proved that he was right to do so. When he went downstairs side by side with Pei Zhuxuan carrying the empty bag, he saw the girl standing in front of the door. Assistant.

"Dani? Why are you here?"

Lin Danni looked at Pei Xian, feeling a little helpless, and whispered, "Oppa, you are now appearing as an artist in a program group that is not on the schedule. I must come over."

"I'm surprised, how did you know I'm here?" Pei Xian asked curiously.

Lin Danni looked back at the circle of fans outside and replied, "There are so many viewers, and the technology in the online world is very advanced. Oppa, in short, it is safer for me to come with you."

She calculated in her mind for a long time, thinking that if Pei Xian had any scandal here, it would not only have some impact on Red Velvet's album promotion, but also his movie promotion.

"Since Danny Xi is here, I won't send you out. I'm sorry for today. I didn't know you had so many things to do, so I called you." Pei Zhuxuan said, holding a packaged barbecue in his hand. handed it to him.

"It's okay. Anyway, it's better to do more publicity. Get some rest early. I'll go to Ou Ma's place." Hearing the word "sorry" from Pei Zhuxuan's mouth, Pei Xian felt strange in his heart and glanced at the people who were still gathered outside not far away. The fan base is lucky to be with Bae Zhuhyun, if there is more than one among them.

We can see some news again tonight.

Lin Danni drove here by herself. When walking to the parking space with Pei Xian, she told him that after the trailer is released tomorrow, Song Kanghao will release news that the film will participate in this year's Berlin Film Festival. Kong Liu is about to set off for Berlin with Song Kanghao.

"Is it just the two of us?" Pei Xian asked in confusion.

Normally, there are only four people in the starring list. He thought that all four people would show up in Berlin this time.

"Senior Gong Hyo Jin has a schedule with Kim Hyun Soo Xi, and ahem, this year's Berlin Film Festival seems to be more oriented toward women, so Oppa, you and Senior Gong Yoo were more suitable in the past." Lin Danni told him the reason in a low voice. , and then said, "Also, the funds are not that much, and you still need to communicate in English there, so I didn't go."

To put it bluntly, the crew is poor, and secondly, they use the faces of Pei Xian and Kong Liu to attract the attention of the female audience.

Pei Xian was speechless for a while by this reason. He moved his lips, but finally nodded to express his understanding: "Okay, okay, I understand. You should go back and rest early. It's getting late. I'll go to Shizong Road first. There are If it’s urgent, send me a message, I won’t go out if nothing happens.”

She knew that the assistant's appearance today was because she went out to visit the class. After all, it was because she did not tell her in advance, otherwise she would not have harmed the assistant who came all the way here.

The farther they go, the citizens and fans no longer care. Because of the relationship between Bae Zhuhyun and Bae Xian, even Bae Zhuhyun's fans know the special existence of Lin Danni. As for her being with Bae Xian all the time, they used to There were some news posts, but the assistant himself appeared to communicate with these people face to face, so there were no such rumors.

Returning to Sejong Road, Bae Xian was sent to eat as soon as he returned to his parents' place. Although Bae Zhuhyun and the others ate some while they were recording the show, it didn't affect the second meal, because they were filming on the crew, and the little dumplings part. Time is on the parents' side.

The last time I saw it, it was only about the size of my little arm. Now...

His stature has not changed, but he has changed to look like a small gas tank.

"Nian Gao, how much have you eaten? Dad, don't just give those snacks to Nian Gao."

In the past, Xiaotuanzi used all his four legs to run fast, but now his four legs can only support his body. Let alone running, running two steps will turn into a slow walk.

"Yeah, is that what I gave it to eat? It's from this building. Everyone will give it snacks when they see it, okay?" Father Pei replied speechlessly, pointing to the gift boxes and dogs piled up at the entrance. Snack bags: "Look, aren't those given by people you know?"

There are many dog ​​lovers living in this building.

Pei Xian was speechless and felt that he was in the wrong. After eating, he took the rice cake back to the apartment opposite. He smelled the smell of the little dumpling. He didn't feel any odor. He checked it for bugs in the living room with peace of mind. some type of.

"You dumpling, you are fat, but you don't have any bugs. Do you think you are sensible and won't go to those grassy fields? Let's take a bath together?"

I also paid attention to taking a bath on a whim. I prepared all the things needed for taking a bath and digested some of the food in my stomach. When Pei Xian took out a bottle of red wine and entered the bathroom, the people upstairs happened to come back.

Nian Gao walked hard to catch up with Pei Xian on four legs. He stopped when he heard some movement outside the door. He seemed to hear a familiar voice and turned and walked towards the door without looking back.

"Nian Gao, let me tell you, taking a bath can also help you lose weight. Tomorrow morning, you can go out for a run with me. You are so young and still so fat. No, you must lose weight with me?"

Pei Xian turned around and couldn't see the shadow of Nian Gao's dog. He slowly put down the seahorse knife in his hand, glanced strangely outside the bathroom, stayed quiet for a few seconds, and shrugged not feeling anything strange anymore.

Maybe this little dumpling is afraid of torturing it?

The fact is that two people came in at the door. Park Soo-young saw the rice cake at a glance. After putting down his bag, he waved goodbye to Bae Zhu-hyun behind him.

Pei Zhuxuan wanted to come in, but when she saw the rice cakes, she gave up all her thoughts and quickly nodded and walked away.

Pu Xiurong walked into the living room holding rice cakes. When she turned around, she could see what was going on in the bathroom. Although the door was ajar, she still saw who was lying in the bathtub taking a bath without realizing it.

"Oppa, what are you doing?"

After getting closer, she saw that Pei Xian was wearing headphones and his back was facing her. Pu Xiurong put down the rice cake and then opened the door.

Pei Xian was startled by the movement behind him and turned around hurriedly. He slapped some of the foam on the water away and splashed it on his face. His hair was messy and embarrassing.

Still in a bathing state.

The two of them were silent for a while.

Park Xiurong stared at Pei Xian's exposed upper body for a while. The foam stuck to his skin in several places, and water droplets slid down his hair and dripped on the water.

The sound of water dripping slightly diverted her attention, and she glanced at the half-full bottle of red wine left on the shelf next to her. Not far away, she could still smell the scent of essential oil mixed with red wine in the air.

Very good.

Pei Xian reacted and coughed twice in embarrassment, "Why are you back so suddenly? Also, don't look at it, I'll be embarrassed." As he said this, he felt more and more that this girl's gaze was too bold and he couldn't help but move his ears. He moved and became even redder.

"Why are you shy? I've seen it, okay?" Park Xiurong was very calm, looking like he had smashed a broken jar. He moved his eyebrows and said, "I thought I would be able to eat something delicious when I came back today. It seems that there is indeed something delicious. of"


Anyway, we have been together for so long, and we have never heard any small love words.

Pei Xian felt that his ears were a little hot. He turned over and leaned back to his original position. "Would you like to soak together? I can tell you a secret."


Park Xiurong was attracted by this 'secret' and was really curious. He simply changed out of his clothes and jumped into the bathtub. Seeing Pei Xian staring at her, he waved his hands and splashed water.

"What are you looking at? You said it yourself. Tell me what the secret is."

"Tomorrow I will take rice cakes out to lose weight."


Pei Xian lost the embarrassment just now, and instead smiled very happily. When Pu Xiurong wanted to get up and walk away angrily, he stopped her in time, "You're here, why don't you leave without a meal?"

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