My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 832, Nian Gao is speechless

Before dawn, the mobile phone in the room started to buzz. Park Xiurong pressed the phone to turn off the alarm clock. He took a look at the sky outside. It was only early three o'clock. Nowadays, idols are more likely to wake up than chickens. Still early.

Seeing that Pei Xian was still sleeping deeply, she lay on top of him with her cell phone, scrolling through the latest news on her phone. Except for the news about their return, she didn't pay much attention to anything else.

But soon she discovered that the hot search suddenly changed. Song Kanghao and his first directed movie "Redemption" released the first trailer.

She didn't find it strange that this was on the hot search list, but what was strange was that the second most searched one was her sister Wanni's name.

Wendy Song Kanghao

Clicking in, she found out why Son Seung-wan was on the hot search list. The movie trailer that was the most searched for used the song she sang.

"Oppa, the painting style in the trailer is so gloomy. It feels like it's either raining or cloudy. Even though you are deaf and mute, it's too miserable for you. How can Oppa Gong Liu really fight?"

The question was asked, but the person who should answer was still asleep. Park Xiurong wrinkled his nose, but gave up trying to wake him up, and scrolled down the phone screen to see the comment area.

Enthusiastic Netizen 1: Talking about what Pei Xian was doing during filming. He couldn't speak and was beaten all the time.

Enthusiastic Netizen 2: Regarding what Kong Liu was doing during filming, he kept beating and scolding Pei Xian.

"Mo, that's so pitiful."

After turning off the interface and taking a look at the message in the chat room that her manager was urging her to go downstairs, Park Soo-young went back and searched for her sister's name. After getting up to wash up, she put on the trailer and listened to the song.

This was the second time Son Shengwan had experienced this kind of thing. He was in the hot search for no apparent reason while he was sleeping.

When she got into the nanny car, she was confused and listened to her agent talking about today's hot topics, and then she realized that today was the day when the trailer of the movie "Redemption" was released.

"Unnie, don't you know?" Jin Yilin took out the warm baby and handed it to her, and asked in surprise, "I even checked the hot searches for you several times, Unnie, but the trailer is very good, and the atmosphere is very Depressed, just a bit violent.”

To be precise, it is unilateral violence.

Hearing what she said, the people in the car looked at Park Xiurong in unison, wanting to see her reaction.

But when faced with so many eyes, Park Xiurong's reaction was much calmer than theirs. She shrugged and leaned back, "What's the matter? I looked at it too. It's pretty good."

Pei Zhuxuan subconsciously twitched the corner of her mouth and said a word of sympathy to Pei Xian. She also watched the trailer. Although it seemed like a commonly used domestic filming technique, as for the plot, you still have to watch the movie to know what the content is.

Deaf-mute people are a vulnerable group, and this role is inherently sensitive. Maybe the topic will continue to move in the direction.

After dawn, Pei Xian set out for Song Kanghao's house. Also arriving here was Kong Liu. We hadn't seen him for a while. Kong Liu still looked handsome and sunny, but Pei Xian's hair had grown longer and darkened twice. The person looks a lot more decadent.

"Why are you looking so lethargic? Didn't you have enough sleep?" When Kong Liu got off the car, he saw Pei Xian standing in the yard in a daze. When he got closer, he didn't even comb his hair. He hung it casually in front of his forehead. If he wasn't familiar with it, He almost didn't recognize it.

"Well, I slept late yesterday, but brother, have you had breakfast?" Pei Xian reached out and handed over the brown paper bag in his hand. Inside was the kimbap and eggs he bought on the road. He bought two more portions, so there was still a lot left in it. .

Kong Liu nodded and took over, and walked into the house with him. He hadn't seen Song Kanghao yet. They went into the small conference room they had been to before and stayed there. It was just the two of them, and the topics they talked about were very relaxed.

"I've been busy filming a while ago, and I haven't been idle since I came back. I haven't had enough sleep." Pei Xian yawned, took out a small bottle of mineral water from his pocket, opened it, and drank. Looking at Kong Liu's stunned expression, he had no choice but to explain, "I'm too lazy." If you bring a bag, the pockets can only hold small bottles.”

"You're really messing around now. You're obviously doing well, but you're still miserable. When it's over, I'll treat you to a nice meal." Kong Liu couldn't stand Pei Xian's appearance, so he smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Recently, someone I know has opened a new restaurant in Hongdae. Let’s go and eat together. It specializes in barbecue.”

Often, Pei Xian would not refuse such a meal, and would agree with a nod.

After chatting for a few words, they saw Song Kanghao come in. As soon as they entered, they saw that he was radiant and energetic like a young man. Pei Xian felt ashamed and sat in his seat with a wry smile to hold back his sleepiness.

Song Kanghao glanced at Pei Xian's sleep-deprived state curiously, and kindly poured him a cup of tea, and then talked about his plan to go to Berlin this time.

"Starting on the 15th and lasting until the 25th, we will all be in Berlin. The time may be a bit long, but within these ten days, you will have to deal with the media to promote the movie. You all have passed the English. I believe you can do it. , so this time, only the three of us will go there."

three people? ? ?

Pei Xian and Kong Liu were stunned at the same time. Even if they had no experience in promoting movies overseas, it would be a bit shabby to have three people on a crew.

"Brother, just the three of us?"

"Yes, I have contacted everything over there. I will communicate with the people on the jury when the time comes. You just need to attract the attention of the women on the jury."

As expected of you, director, in order to promote the movie, you really used all the beauty tricks.

There is still less than half a month left before this time. Apart from the necessary travels with the director around the country, Pei Xian spends the rest of his time exercising and walking the dog. In his private time, he has to carry that little dumpling wherever he goes. Bring it.

Thanks to the owner's unremitting efforts and forced exercise, Xiaotuanzi finally lost a lot of weight, but his mental state was very good. The glutinous rice dumpling that kept running in four directions was back.

"Abba, I am leaving for Berlin this time. The rice cakes are here with you. Don't let him eat too much. He finally lost weight. As for the dog, being too fat is not good either."

When setting off, Pei Xian handed Nian Gao to his father, gave several instructions, pointed to the park not far from the apartment building, and continued, "If you don't have time sooner or later, let Nian Gao go for a run there." "

Although Father Pei was speechless, he still disliked his son for being so verbose. He nodded and sent him away quickly, "Okay, okay, you go quickly. How long will it take to go this time?"

"I'll go to Berlin first, and then fly directly to Mexico to participate in the show. It will take about twenty days." Pei Xian didn't have an accurate time for the recording of the show, so he had to give an approximate time.

When he heard that Pei Xian had been gone for about twenty days, Father Pei suddenly felt a little disappointed. If he came back, he might be in trouble again.

"Okay, you go quickly or you won't be able to catch the plane. Go quickly, go quickly."

As he spoke, he pushed Pei Xian's big body out of the door, and before closing the door, he kindly threw an apple for him to eat.

Pei Xian held the apple, looked up blankly at the closed door of the apartment, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Am I being disliked by my father? Abba! Don't give snacks to rice cakes! Two bowls of dog food a day is enough! Let him remember to run."

Father Pei "."

rice cake"."

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