My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 836, female idol?

As the road went further and further, Jin Bingwan finally stopped and found a place where he could set up a tent and stay overnight. It was near water and trees. The surroundings were not dry and the open space was not small.

I met the last guest, got to know each other, and quickly arranged the work assignments.

There were three people looking for food and three people looking for tent tools. Bae Xian, who brought his own tools, took Lisa and Kang Nan to the woods. Kang Seulqi followed Kim Byung Man and Kim Jun Hyun to look for food. If not, they could still hold the fish. Rod fishing.

Bae Xian and his two partners walked deep into the woods, looking for trees that could be cut down. He was actually a little worried about Jiang Seulqi, but thinking that she would be safe with Kim Byungman, he felt a little relieved.

"Can you catch something by fishing? I see a lot of water here, but not many fish." Lisa saw another water flow inside, and couldn't help but worry about the food group. "I feel like there are very few things to eat here."

"It's not that small, Lisa, look ahead." Pei Xian held her back to prevent her from continuing to move forward, and pointed to the tree directly in front of him with a serious expression.

Lisa and Kang Nan stopped and looked over at the same time. Even the people filming the show also looked over curiously. When they saw a long black snake lying on the tree, they instantly understood what it meant.

"Oppa, let's go around."

Although she was brave, she was not afraid of anything. Lisa watched the snake twisting its body on the tree trunk and subconsciously ran to hide behind Pei Xian. She looked around cautiously, fearing that some snake would suddenly jump out.

"As for snakes, as long as you don't infringe on their territory, they won't be attacked. Just walk around." Pei Xian took Kang Nan with one hand and Lisa with the other. He looked cautious and cautious, so that people behind him could see it. I want to lament the sense of security.

It is easy to find a tree trunk of suitable size, but it is very time-consuming to cut it down and drag it back. The small branches, dry branches and dead leaves are left to the girls, and the hard work is left to Pei Xian and Kang Nan. Due to the small number of people, It took two or three trips just to drag the trunk, and since they had to carry several of them back, one trip was simply not enough.

Everyone was focused on looking for dead branches and leaves that could be used to make fire, or building simple wooden tents. For a while, no one spoke at all in the venue, except for Lisa who asked if it was OK when she came with a lot of branches, regardless of the answer. If it wasn't possible, she would have to run in and find more.

The people from the program team sat in front and stared at the filming. They thought it was strange no matter how they looked at it. If the guests didn’t speak, it meant they didn’t have a camera. But without a camera, they couldn’t create a show with popular artists like Pei Xian and Lisa. Popularity brings good ratings.

The PD sat at the front and waved to them desperately, asking them to say something quickly, and he just had to write words on his face.

Kang Nan noticed what was going on here and looked up at the PD of the program team. He saw that he had written the three words "Speak quickly" on the paper. He couldn't help but smile. He looked back and saw what Pei Xian was doing. Then I understood.

Pei Xian has been here for more than half a day. He doesn't say much. It can be said that he has been working, either cutting down trees or moving things. Now he simply puts his back to the camera and builds a distance between the wood. It takes a lot of time. It was only then that I borrowed the trees here to build a small wooden tent.

"Where should I find some cushions for cushioning? Banana leaves? Are there banana trees here? Banana trees or something like that."

Looking at the uneven stones on the ground, Pei Xian muttered a few words in a low voice. He couldn't watch them all sleeping on the stones. Forget it about men, not the two sisters.

sleeping bag?

Suddenly thinking of this thing, Pei Xian suddenly turned around and looked at the staff of the program team. After finding Lin Danni, he quickly walked in and waved to her, and walked to a place where the cameras could not capture it to ask her about the sleeping bag.

"Yes, there are two, but Oppa, didn't you say no?" Lin Danni nodded and then asked.

Before setting off, she took two sleeping bags from the program crew and asked Pei Xian about them, but he told her they didn't need them, so she put them away again.

"Give me one. Is it big? If it's big, it should be fine if two girls sleep together." Pei Xian asked again worriedly.

Lin Danni was stunned, nodded and went back to find the sleeping bag. She took it and told Pei Xian about the size of the sleeping bag. "If it is spread out, it will be fine for three people, but if you want to zip it up, well, follow the instructions Seulgi and Lisa's bodies are so close together that they would be uncomfortable to sleep on. If they are spread out and covered with thicker clothes and jackets, there will be no problem."

Pei Xian frowned and thought carefully. When he turned around to ask if she had seen Jiang Seulqi's manager, he suddenly saw Lisa's bodyguard bringing two thick blankets over and staring at her.

So this is.

"Pei Xianxi, in front of the camera, I'm very grateful to you."

It turns out this man can still talk.

Seeing that he hadn't said a word from beginning to end, Pei Xian thought he really planned to remain silent to the end. He took the blanket with a smile and put it into a sleeping bag, and asked Lin Danni for a blanket with clothes. backpack, and walked back to its original location pretending it was something he had originally carried.

The program team has requirements, and they can only use the necessities they bring with them, such as sleeping bags. In fact, the program team does not allow guests to bring them. They just turn a blind eye to Pei Xian's behavior. Who allowed it? His appearance fee is expensive.

On the other side, the three people who were looking for food were not as smooth as they were. They had almost set up a sleeping place. After wandering around the woods for a while, they didn't see anything to eat, but they found it in the water. Weird shellfish.

"Oppa, tell me, are there any fish in it?" Jiang Seulqi stared at the calm water and looked at Jin Junxian with a blank look on her face.

As a person with long-term fishing experience, Jin Junxian offered to go fishing for them as dinner. However, noon and afternoon passed, and the sky outside began to darken. Let alone dinner, he had not caught a single fish yet. , whether you can have midnight snacks is a problem.

"The patriarch is looking for fruit, why don't I take a look around?" Jiang Seqi saw that there was no progress in fishing, so she simply volunteered, turned around and ran away.

Kim Byung-man and Kim Jun-hyun were not around, and Jiang Seul-gi was walking alone in the deep mountains and forests, relying on her memory to identify the plants and fruits she had never seen before. She wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat, and she was very hungry. , most of the plants we encounter are unfamiliar plants, or they are poisonous.

She didn't want her showbiz career to die in Mexico, so she didn't dare to touch these things.

After searching for a while to no avail, on the way back, I saw a wild duck standing by the water. I was surprised and chased after him, "Yeah! Duck!"

The person following her was startled by her brave behavior and quickly followed her with the camera in hand. They laughed and were surprised when they saw her various figures surrounding the duck in an attempt to catch her.

"Are all female idols like this now?"

Who would have thought that one of the popular girl group members would be chasing ducks in the mountains, while the other would be looking for dead branches to make a fire in the forest.

I just realized that the title of the previous chapter was repeated

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