Pei Xian didn't expect that one day he would see Jiang Seqi catching wild ducks in the woods, and the people he caught stepped in the water.

"Oppa! Grab it quickly! Here's dinner!"


Is this kid going crazy with hunger?

One more person brings more strength. Pei Xian was urged by Jiang Seqi and still caught the duck. He didn't feel tired at all, but the duck was panting from exhaustion.

Jiang Seulqi quickly ran to Pei Xian, holding her knees with both hands and breathing heavily. She chased the duck from the water's edge to the original camp and then to another water's edge.

Her physical strength was so amazing that even Pei Xian had to admire her.

Is this the legendary power of food? Or is it because you are too hungry and your potential has been unleashed?

The duck was caught, but it was a bit difficult to deal with it. The two groups met at the camp. Jin Bingman expressed surprise that Jiang Seulqi could catch the duck, but he quickly calmed down.

He had been scared many times today, and this time was no different.

Lisa squatted on the ground and touched the poor duck with a branch. Pei Xian tied the poor little thing's legs with a rope. He couldn't jump even if he wanted to. He could only wait for them to come over. give yourself

"Oppa, is this dinner?"

"Well, here comes the question, who will handle it?" Pei Xian nodded and threw the question out again. At the same time, he looked at the other three men in the team.

You can't let girls see blood.

Jin Bingwan shrugged and said calmly, "The only ones with cooking experience here are you and Junxian. I'll light the fire."

Seeing this, Kang Nan on the side quickly said that he would continue to make everyone's beds and ran away.

Pei Xian pursed his lips. It wasn't that he didn't know how to deal with these chickens and ducks, but he just felt that doing this in front of the camera would be a little bit wrong. After turning his head and looking at Jin Junxian, he accepted his fate and went to catch the ducks and deal with them.

The camera crew didn't follow. These sensitive scenes couldn't be taken. It was difficult to remove the duck's feathers with just a knife. It took a lot of time before the two came back.

Unknowingly, the work of cooking dinner was handed over to them, a duck, and a bunch of local fruits, some of which were not even ripe, and then they found plantains in the woods.

At first glance, it seems that the six people are not full to eat. This is just a show by the program crew. When the camera is turned off, their respective managers will give them some food.

By the time we finished our work and finished eating, it was already almost midnight.

Pei Xian gave up his blanket to the two girls, while he was resting on the tree trunk. Hearing movement behind him, he turned around and saw it was Jiang Seulqi, and asked with a smile, "You are not used to sleeping in the wild, aren't you?"

"Then there are you, Oppa." Jiang Seqi smiled and walked to sit next to Pei Xian. Seeing that he seemed very relaxed, she asked, "Oppa, aren't you tired? You haven't had any rest in the first place, and today is another day. So many things”

"I'm jetlagged. I've eaten and drank enough. There's nothing to worry about." Pei Xian laughed, turned around and looked around. Suddenly he took out a piece of candy with a colorful wrapper from his pocket and stuffed it into her hand, and whispered, " Keep it private, eat it.”

The wrapper was printed with fruit candies. Jiang Seulqi held the candy in her hands and smiled happily, and quickly opened the candy wrapper at an angle that no one else could see.

"Wow~ It's delicious, Oppa, thank you."

Jiang Seulqi is very touched now that she can eat the familiar fruit candy in a foreign country or deep in the mountains and forests.

She should have listened to the captain's sister and stuffed food into her bag!

"How can you be full after eating so little?" Pei Xian glanced at the aluminum pot hanging on the bonfire and sounded helpless.

There was originally boiled duck, but now it was all eaten. How could it be possible for six people to eat just that much?

"Lisa, come on"

Seeing the other sister coming back from washing, Pei Xian waved and shouted, and when she came closer, he gave her another candy in his pocket.

“The last one, delicious”

"Wow, Oppa, thank you~"

Lisa's eyes widened when she got this unexpected candy. She quickly opened it and ate it in surprise. The rich orange flavor mixed with the sweetness of malt lingered on the tip of her tongue. This was much more delicious than those unripe plantains.


"As long as you like it. I've prepared the sleeping bags over there for you. You can sleep together at night. I'll be next door. If you need anything, just call me." Pei Xian pointed to the wooden tent he had set up.

With the shelter of the banana leaves, even if there is water, it will be difficult for it to leak in. He also tidied the ground carefully so that they would not feel uncomfortable if they lay down at least according to their weight.

In the second half of the night, except for Jin Bingwan who slept alone in a hammock not far away, everyone else rested in this simple camp.

Jiang Seulqi and Lisa were lying in the same sleeping bag. When the sleeping bag was spread out, it was more than enough for the two of them to lie down. They were covered with thick blankets. After falling asleep, they didn't feel that this was a wild place at all.

There was a distance of more than one meter between them. Pei Xian woke up not long after sleeping. He slept late and ate hot duck soup last night, so when he woke up today, his face was still a little swollen.

There were many staff sleeping in hammocks or recliners in front of them. They woke up quickly when they heard the noise, and found that Pei Xian was the only one who woke up, and the time was not even six o'clock.

The cameraman responsible for following Pei Xian fixed the camera on him, rubbed his face and asked curiously, "Pei Xianxi, did you wake up so early? Let's sleep a little longer."

"I always feel like Brother Junxian is going to hit someone." Pei Xian looked around drowsily. There was a reason why he couldn't sleep well.

Jin Junxian's snoring was not unusually loud. Others were still asleep, so he looked specifically at the two sisters.

I have to say that female idols also manage their image when sleeping. You can't see their faces at all...let alone how they look.

I got up quietly and tidied up my bed. It was just a thin blanket and a small pillow. I folded it neatly and put it in my backpack. I also took a few candies and put them on my partner who was still sleeping. Next to their pillows.

"I'm going to be Santa Claus today, let's go." Putting on the sapper shovel and gloves for traveling, Pei Xian winked at the camera crew, smiled and looked at him who looked like he hadn't had enough sleep, and took the initiative to extend his hand. "How about I help you carry it?"

As soon as he heard this, the other party immediately shook his head and followed him. He didn't want to lose this job.

After walking for a short distance in the woods, Pei Xian found that there was a pond that was not too deep. There were several trees beside the pond, and they seemed to have some kind of fruit growing on them.

"Fruit? But I haven't seen this before. Can it be eaten? This..."

Looking at the small unknown species on the trunk, Pei Xian came closer and smelled them first. Then he suddenly remembered something and picked two of them.

Just when the camera crew thought he was about to eat it, they saw Pei Xian suddenly take something out from his neck.


"In the past, people would use silver needles to test whether food was poisonous. I have never seen this thing before, so it's better to be careful," Pei Xian explained to him seriously.

Cherish your life and be careful, this is a very important principle of survival in the wild.

Looking at the small fruit in his hand, Pei Xian said sorry to Park Xiurong in his heart, then took off his necklace and pierced some of it with a silver pendant.

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