My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 838, the reliable second pillar

Fortunately, the fruit was not poisonous. It was sour and sweet when eaten after washing it. Unfortunately, Pei Xian felt that he was going to be beaten up by Park Soo Young when the show was released.

She absolutely loves this necklace, so she wears it wherever she goes.

There were many fruits of similar sizes on these trees. Pei Xian took advantage of his height to pick a lot and wrapped them in his coat. When he was about to continue looking for food, he heard the voice of the cameraman.

"Oh! Pei Xianxi, there are fish in the pond"


The pond was not big. Pei Xian turned around and saw several fish swimming quickly in the water. He subconsciously took a few steps there, but thinking about his clothes that were not convenient for getting into the water, he suddenly became a little embarrassed. stand up.

The top doesn't matter, it's just the pants, you can't just take them off...

The cameraman stood on the shore and watched Pei Xian take off his shirt and walk into the pond. It was difficult to catch fish with bare hands. If he wanted to catch fish this morning, he might have to wait.

Seeing Pei Xian holding the handle of the shovel fixed in the water like a stone and motionless, he hesitated and planned to ask Pei Xian if he wanted to go ashore.

"Pei Xianxi..."

"Shh, don't talk."


He kept pushing the handle of the shovel into the water. After being in the water for a long time, the body temperature dropped, and even the weather became gloomy and drizzled.

God was unfavorable, and Pei Xian's patience did not let him down after such a tiring wait. The sharp blade at the tip of the shovel handle directly cut a fish into two pieces.

The more it rains, the more restless the fish in the water become. Maybe the blood of the fish just now dyed this small piece of water red, and there are other things crawling out from the bottom of the water.

"Crab? It's not small, this crab"

Seeing the crab about to climb ashore to eat half of the fish, Pei Xian's eyes suddenly dilated, he tightened his gloves and hurried after him.

Wait until the fish approaches and you have an opportunity to strike. The crabs don’t need to wait so hard and can just chase after them.

The camera guy stood there quietly, thankful that the coat he was wearing was rainproof. He sighed helplessly as he watched Pei Xian catch crabs here while getting caught in the rain.

The movie actor in his impression, and the kind of famous actor at that, didn't seem to be like this.

He didn't know how long he spent here, but Pei Xian realized it was because someone was calling his name.

"Oppa! Oppa Bae Xian!"

"Oh, Seulgi"

Jiang Seulqi ran quickly from a distance, still wearing a raincoat, and her happy face could be seen from a distance.

I don’t know what this sister is thinking, but she keeps smiling so happily.

Running over and stopping in front of the pond, Jiang Seulqi saw that Bae Xian was shirtless, so she didn't feel embarrassed at all. She even smiled and joked, "Oppa, are you planning to cosplay Tarzan here?"

"If I pick a banana, I'll be the winner of Mount Tai." Pei Xian followed her teasing, pointed to his victory, and said with a smile, "That fruit tastes okay, not poisonous, and tastes a bit sour and sweet. There were small tomatoes, a few fish, and I also caught a few crabs.”

There are fruits, fish and crabs. It can be said that it is a very common menu in this program group.

"Wow, there are so many, but Oppa, why do the crabs have no legs?" After getting closer, Jiang Seulgi found that the crabs were all missing arms and legs, but they had pliers and everything. It looked like they wanted to eat fish. , and couldn't climb over, I always felt a little pitiful in my heart.

"Of course I'm afraid that they will escape. Crabs will eat anything. If I put the fish in front, the crabs won't go away. Don't touch the crab's claws. It will be very painful if they are pinched." Pei Xian opened his mouth to remind her.

Jiang Seulqi's stretched out hand was flinched by this reminder. She looked around and suddenly said, "Oppa, this is very close to the place where I found the duck yesterday. Oppa Junhyun is still fishing there." "

"Fishing? I can catch this pond with a knife. There are many small fish here. Brother Junxian is at a disadvantage." Pei Xian blinked in confusion.

Yesterday, Jin Junxian tried his best but failed to catch a fish. It seems that he didn't find this place.

"Oppa, let's go see if there are any ducks later. I want to eat roast duck today."

"Roast duck? Okay, let's go back first and have breakfast first." Pei Xian saw that it was not early, so he went ashore and folded up his trouser legs. He was soaked and a little embarrassed, but he was still very embarrassed. Caught a lot of crabs.

The short sleeves were used to catch fish and crabs, and the jacket was used to wrap fruits. When they returned to the camp, Pei Xian was alone. More than four hours had passed since he went out to look for food.

"Where are the people?"

Back in the camp, Pei Xian saw that everyone who was sleeping was gone. He blinked blankly and looked at the program team, "Are everyone out?"

"Jin Junxian xi and Lisa xi went fishing, and the patriarch and Kang Nan xi went into the water to catch fish." PD explained. Seeing that Pei Xian brought back so much food, a smile appeared on his face, "Pei Xian xi, you have gained a lot."

"Ah, well, I found a good place. Let's eat together. I'll make crab soup." When he mentioned his victory, Bae Xian smiled very proudly, handed the coat to Jiang Seulqi, and said "Seulgi, help me wash the fruit and I'll make breakfast."

"Guilty!" Thinking about breakfast, Jiang Seulqi took the fruit and pot and ran to the water. While cleaning, she looked back to see how Pei Xian was cooking crabs.

"Oppa, what should I do with the crabs?"

"Now we can only cook, but this rain." Pei Xian looked up at the rainy sky, feeling depressed and wanting to curse. He threw the crabs into the bucket and walked to the other side first.

After being soaked in the rain for so long, he wanted to change his pants and take some cold medicine.

Crabs are easier to handle than fish. Due to limited materials, Pei Xian also used the seasonings brought by Jin Junxian. They are all local Mexican seasonings. They are a little different from those in China, so I tried some.

"Well, it feels a little weird, but it doesn't smell fishy."

Pei Xian tasted the soup he cooked first. Thinking of the fruits he had just picked, he cut two of them and threw them in.

Jiang Seulqi sat aside, looking longingly at the boiling crab soup, smelling the fragrance in the air, and swallowed again. When she spoke, her tone was full of expectation, "Can you eat it?"

"Eat it, be careful not to burn it. One is enough for each person, and there are more." The crabs he caught ranged from big to small. Pei Xian took a bowl and put two of them in for her. He was worried that she wouldn't be full, so he dumped them again. After the soup went in, he turned around and went to deal with the fish.

Enjoying such good treatment before anyone else, Jiang Seqi smiled so hard that she narrowed her eyes and counted the crabs in the pot. Looking back, she saw Pei Xian killing fish and talking like an old father. Let yourself eat more.

"Oppa, Juhyun Unni said again that you are similar to your uncle?"

The implication is that Pei Xian really takes care of them like an old father.

"Me? She often says that I look more like Ou Ma, and she looks more like Dad," Pei Xian replied without looking back.

"Before coming to Mexico, Ernie wasn't worried about what would happen to me here at all. I feel like she was like this for no reason." Jiang Seulgi took a sip of the hot soup and sighed in her heart. It was the same when she was recording a reality show last time.

I remember Bae Zhu Hyun said that bringing Bae Xian is equivalent to bringing a bodyguard, nanny, chef, and driver, which is absolutely true.

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