My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 839, The Passion of Sanjiu

Ever since Seulgi went to Mexico to record a show, the country has been very quiet and not much news has emerged. Thanks to Seulgi going overseas to record for at least a week, her schedule is not so busy anymore.

Taking advantage of the rare free time, Pei Zhuxuan sat in his father's teahouse and drank tea quietly. He listened to the agent's report that the company planned to let him accept an advertisement. He frowned in confusion and asked, "The advertisement, isn't it for a group? What is it?" advertise"

"Cosmetics, and oh, the company has recently received a lot of invitations for TV dramas. We have discussed it and plan to let Xiurong try it." As soon as the glasses guy finished speaking, he saw Bae Zhuhyun's expression change very subtly, and asked curiously " What’s wrong? Isn’t it possible?”

"It's not impossible, it's just Oppa, have you told Xiurong?" Pei Zhuxuan felt strange and asked. She didn't think that Park Xiurong would not explode in the chat group after knowing this.

The guy with glasses smiled awkwardly and shook his head, "No, that's not the plan. The movie's box office is so high, it can be said to be the highest-grossing movie in the past two years. It's normal for the crew to send invitations."

"I can't speak for Xiurong, but Oppa, you can ask her to come down and ask about the situation, and ask her to come over for a cup of tea. She's been a little angry these days." After Bae Zhuhyun finished speaking, she gave her manager a look. , minding his own business, he poured himself a cup of tea. Seeing that the manager actually took out his mobile phone to call Park Xiurong, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

Bae Xian was not in the country during this period, and Jiang Seulqi also went to Mexico to record a program. She could have taken this time to rest in the dormitory, but something happened during this break.

Who asked his younger brother to participate in some music video? In addition, tvn posted a photo of Mr. Sunshine with the actors, and now they can't contact Pei Xian. It's a lot of stimulation. That girl's mood these days is really... Not much better.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how Seulgi's recording in Mexico went, but don't be really hungry." Thinking of her sister in Mexico, Bae Zhuhyun sighed and muttered.

The agent sitting opposite her just put down the phone and heard this murmur. She said, "I heard from the assistant. Thanks to Pei Xianxi's care, she eats and drinks well. But sometimes, the image management in front of the camera is a little bit..."

A popular female idol went into the water to catch ducks. No one would believe this kind of thing.

When he heard this from his assistant, he was stunned for a while, but when he heard that YG's precious artists were in a similar state, he felt relieved for some reason.

He is not the only one who has lost his idol image.

In less than ten minutes, Park Soo-young appeared in the teahouse with an angry look on his face. He was about to tell his agent face-to-face that he did not want to make a TV series, but he saw Father Pei suddenly appear from behind, with a look on his face. Say hello with a smile.

"Uncle, good afternoon"

This greeting was sweet and greasy, even in a coquettish tone.

The facial features on Pei Zhuxuan's face were all twisted together. He turned around and stared at this sister with disgust and speechlessness. He kept slandering her in his heart. Is this the image management of his family?

"Hey, Soo-young." As soon as Father Pei saw Park Soo-young, he showed a hearty smile. He quickly walked forward and pulled out the seat next to Pei Zhu-hyun for her to sit. He also said to his daughter, "Joo-young." Hyun-ah, hurry up and pour some tea. It’s so cold outside. Soo-young, it’s almost freezing. Hurry up and drink some tea to warm yourself up.”

"Well~Thank you, uncle." Park Xiurong kept a well-behaved and happy expression on her face, said a sweet thank you and sat down in her seat.

Father Pei said several words to her, but in the end he went to get her snacks and walked away.

With a speechless face, Bae Zhuhyun took a teacup and poured tea for Park Sooyoung. Seeing her father running to the back room to look for snacks, she felt really bad to be honest.


"Well, this tea, Ouni, is a bit bitter." Pu Xiurong put down the teacup, licked his lips and savored the taste of the tea. The bitter taste made his taste buds uncomfortable, and he said awkwardly, "What kind of tea is this? No, Oppa." , why do you have to ask me to pick up the script? It’s really not convenient for me to film now."

"The script is still good, why don't you read it first?" The guy with glasses persuaded me again without giving up.

Pei Zhuhyun leaned back in her chair with peace of mind and watched them discussing whether to accept the script or not. According to the TV station, there was no need for an audition. Once accepted, they would go directly to the crew for filming.

I guess she was attracted by the residual enthusiasm of Walking with God, but with no audition and such unrigorous conditions, Park Soo-young thought that the script would not be much better, and good scripts would not be her turn, so she simply kept saying no.

Apart from Pei's father coming over to deliver snacks, Pei Zhuhyun spent the rest of the time listening to her agent arguing with Park Soo-young about the script. Finally, there was a call from the company, and Park Soo-young reluctantly agreed.

After drinking tea, the two returned to the dormitory together. Sun Shengwan saw that they came back together and asked curiously what was going on.

Park Xiurong told them the cause and result, and saw the sister and the maknae laughing at the same time.

After laughing at her, Jin Yelin couldn't help but tease her, "Who is your partner? Is he handsome? Unnie, if you meet someone like Zhao Yincheng, wouldn't you make a lot of money?"

"If it was Jo In-sung, do you think I would come back with a bitter face?" Park Soo-young pointed at her completely unhappy face and complained, "If my partner had been Jo In-sung, someone would have competed with me for the role."

"Xiurong, if it's really Jo In-sung, remember to get a signed photo for me. I'll work very hard to visit your crew." Son Seung-wan smiled and didn't forget to add fuel to the fire.

Park Soo-young was at a loss for words. Apart from hearing from her agent today that she would be playing the female lead, she had no other news at all, let alone who her co-star would be, and she hadn't even received the script yet.

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Bae Zhuhyun walked into her room with her mobile phone. She saw the photos and messages that Lin Danni sent to her. She looked at them carefully one by one and got a general understanding of the recording of Bae Heon, Jiang Seulgi and the others.

As long as she was not injured and there would be no negative news, she was relieved.

As for whether she can have enough to eat, she believes that her brother can take good care of her sister.


"Yeah! Seulgi!"

Far away in the forest of Mexico, Bae Xian was once again frightened by the ants sent by Jiang Seulqi and jumped away from the wooden pile. His eyes were full of displeasure and he said speechlessly, "Don't try to persuade me to eat ants." It’s my butt. Girls say they want to eat ants’ butts every day. Is it appropriate?!”

"But Oppa, I'm really curious, so do you want to eat it?" Jiang Seulqi held a long branch with several ants crawling on it, and handed it to Pei Xian while speaking.

Pei Xian "."

This girl, I don’t know who she learned from, but ants’ butts are sweet? Try it? Why don't you eat?

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