My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 840, recording ends

I recorded in Mexico for several days. I went to a lot of places and saw a lot of scenery. I also experienced life in the wild. I was beaten by nature in the sun and rain, and I also became dark several times.

It was the last day, so we packed up and returned to the country collectively. We had just returned to Seoul, and the others could go back and have a good rest. Only Pei Xian followed the program crew to the TV station for an interview without stopping.

He didn't take any photos before departure, so he could only add footage to the follow-up interview.

Basically, the PD of the program team was asking questions, and Pei Xian was just answering. After staying at the TV station for two or three hours, they actually let him go.

As soon as Pei Xian left, everyone in the program team stood at the window and watched him leave the TV station. As soon as the most difficult guest to deal with left, they suddenly felt a lot disappointed.

Not only was the recording time this time not as planned, it even ended a little slower than expected.

After returning home, Pei Xian had a good sleep at home and slowly got up at five or six o'clock the next day.

After he woke up from sleep, he went downstairs and found that there were many large and small boxes in his home that he didn't know who had put them. They were piled up in the living room. There were roughly twenty or thirty boxes.

"What are these things? Oh? Happy birthday, mine?" Pei Xian walked closer and saw the note attached to it. He turned to look at the electronic wall clock on the wall. There were still more than twenty days left, why was it like this? I already had a birthday present.

Before opening these gifts, Pei Xian heard the phone ringing, looked back at the sofa, walked over and answered the phone, "Good morning, call me so early?"

The call was from Lin Yoona. When he answered the phone, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked next door.

Sure enough, the celebrity neighbor was standing on the balcony staring here.

The two waved in the air as a greeting. Lin Yoon-ah saw something moving next door, so she called. She told Bae Xian on the phone that she had finished recording in Jeju Island, and his house was also very clean. In fact, She just used the kitchen and a guest room.

"I think the orange tree still needs to be taken care of. You have to remember to go back and take care of it often, otherwise it will break."

"Well, I'll go back when I have free time in the next two days. Have you had breakfast?" Pei Xian returned to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and asked quickly.

The topic changed a bit suddenly. Lin Yoona was confused for a moment, shook her head and replied, "Not yet, you have to do it."

"Let's go to your house to eat. I don't have anything at home."

".I don't have anything to eat at home either."

Pei Xian was still thinking about having a meal. Hearing her weak words about not having anything to eat, he raised his head and sighed, "Okay, then just wait for me for a while. Do you have any plans today?"

"If there is no schedule, then I will wait for your breakfast."

Instead, Lin Yun'er got a meal. After hanging up the phone, Pei Xian went out and quickly bought breakfast such as sandwiches and kimbap at the entrance of the alley. He also bought two more buckets of milk.

He hasn't been back for a while, and even when he went to the house next door, Pei Xian felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe it was because he had been in the wild for a long time, and he even ate more voraciously now than before.

"Lightning has grown very big, yes, it's not like rice cakes, it's still small." Pei Xian couldn't help but feel a little envious when he noticed that Lightning was more than two circles bigger than when he originally picked it up.

Who makes rice cakes small? Unless they are fat, they are still so small.

"People change, let alone dogs." Lin Yoona took a bite of seaweed rice, looked at Pei Xian up and down, suddenly pointed to her hair, and said with a smile, "However, a slight change is not bad, the new hairstyle is very good, A bit like Lengdu Man”

Pei Xian raised his eyes and stared at the small bunch of bangs he had hanging down. He smiled and pushed up his hair, "I haven't cut my hair in this period. It should look good now. I took a shower and shampooed my hair before going to bed yesterday."

"Yes, yes, I heard that you are going to film with IU soon." Lin Yoona took her eyes away from Bae Xian's hair and brought the topic to the filming of the movie.

"Well, it should be soon. Director Kim Yong Hwa didn't tell me when to go. It seems that I will have to wait for a long time until IU xi's schedule is free before starting," Bae Xian said with a shrug.

Neither director has said when filming will start. It is still in the preparation stage, and the scenery and personnel are being adjusted. There is no latest news yet.

"So now we want to promote the new movie? The results of the trip to Berlin were very good," Lin Yoona asked again.

"It's almost time. Brother Kang Hao is discussing some programs that we need to participate in, but the results haven't come out yet." As he spoke, Pei Xian felt some burning pain in his calves and the back of his hands. He frowned and raised his hands to look over.

There was some redness and swelling on the calf and the back of the hand, like a wound after being hit hard.

"Are you injured?" Lin Yuner noticed the two wounds on his body and got up to get the medicine box. "Can't you feel it when you sleep? In your case, did you get into a fight? Or did you hit something somewhere?"

Pei Xian squeezed his hand and turned it twice. When he exerted force, the muscles on the back of his hand and calf were indeed a little sore. He took the medicine box given by Lin Yoona and applied ointment on himself. At the same time, he replied, "It should have happened when I was in Mexico." Yes, there is also physical labor, so it’s normal to feel a little swollen.”

"Look, this is why we are not willing to participate in this kind of show. If a female idol is injured, it is really difficult to explain clearly, and the impact will be great."

Hearing what Im Yoona said, Bae Xian thought of Kang Seulgi and Lisa. He quickly finished his breakfast and drove to Sejong Road. He took his mobile phone and sent a message to them all. When he passed a flower shop on the road, he stepped on it. He pressed the brakes and parked the car in front of the store.

"To buy flowers, or not to buy them?"

I haven’t been back for a while, and the apartment building was a lot livelier. As soon as Jiang Seulqi returned to the dormitory, she happily gave all the things she bought in Mexico to the members. Everyone she knew upstairs and downstairs gave them to the members. Actually, Blackpink didn’t need to go there by himself, but since the two groups were acquainted with each other, we still sat together.

"Seulgi, you went to Mexico and you didn't do a good job with sun protection." Bae Zhuhyun stared at Jiang Seulgi's neck and face for a long time. When she came back, she wanted to say goodbye to her, but she didn't really do it until now. I couldn't help but mutter a few words, "You don't even know how much you need to make up for it."

"Unnie, if you see Oppa Bae Xian, you will know that I am nothing at all, right, Lisa?" Jiang Seulqi touched her skin and raised her eyebrows with Lisa while talking to Bae Zhuhyun.

When we were in Mexico, the weather was like being poisoned. It was either out in the sun or it was raining non-stop. Moreover, they were still in the woods, and the conditions in all aspects were much worse than in the city, not to mention how miserable they were. Depressed.

Lisa told them about her experience in Mexico. Except for Bae Joo Hyun and Kang Seulgi, the other members of Red Velvet were still staying in their dormitories. Bae Xian was lucky, and when he came over, someone happened to open the door.

As soon as Pu Xiurong opened the door, he saw a bouquet of bright red roses handed to him. He looked up at the arm holding the bouquet of flowers and saw the bright smile on Pei Xian's face, and suddenly he began to want to curse.

"Zan Zan! Xiurong, here you go."

'boom! ’

The door was slammed shut by Park Soo-young, which startled Pei Xian and also frightened Son Seung-wan and Kim Ye-rim inside.

The three faces were stunned at the same time, completely unaware of what was happening.

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