My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 841, new TV series?

This was a welcome ceremony that Pei Xian did not expect. He stood blankly at the door and stared at the closed door. His hands were empty. The bouquets of flowers were still taken away by Pu Xiurong.

So what's going on?

Could it be that someone said something about him in front of her? Or was she unhappy because she had lost contact with her during this trip to Berlin and Mexico?

While he was making various guesses in his mind, the door was opened.

Jin Yilin stood at the door and said hello, "Brother-in-law, you are not allowed to enter the girls' dormitory. If you don't leave, wait until we ask and let you eat."

Pei Xian came back to his senses and glanced inside their dormitory. The bouquet of flowers was placed on the dining table in front of them. It was obviously something special.

So that girl is still complaining that she hasn't contacted her much?

Putting this speculation aside for the time being, Pei Xian held up his arms and deliberately raised his voice, shouting into the house, "You don't have to leave me to eat. I bought some ingredients when I came here, and I wanted to ask you if you want to eat." , I bought Korean beef, and someone also gave me black pork from Jeju Island, which was just delivered last night.”

Korean beef and black pork, Jin Yelin was stunned when she heard it, her eyes widened and she almost said I want to eat it too.

There was still no movement in the house. When Pei Xian saw that no one came out, he raised his eyebrows at Jin Yilin and said with a smile, "Shall I bake some meat for you? The company sent some piled-up birthday gifts to my house last night. I happened to bring an electric grill over here. Let’s eat together and I’ll fry some more vegetables.”

If you don't eat a big meal, will the opportunity be wasted?

"Brother-in-law~ I haven't eaten yet, let's go, let's leave the guys alone." Jin Yelin closed the dormitory door and picked up her phone with a smile, "I will be dedicated to taking good photos for you, even though I can't eat. But Ernies can watch it.”

Pei Xian "???"

Inside the dormitory, Park Soo-young and Son Seung-wan froze at the same time. Before they could react, the door was closed?

"Xiurong, you really don't want to eat?" Sun Shengwan looked at her blankly.

When Pei Xian was talking just now, they heard clearly, "Why are you not hungry for Korean beef and black pork?" It was because Mr. Park was too shy to answer the question. When Sun Shengwan couldn't help but ask if he wanted to eat together, they were busy. The door was closed inside.

"Unnie, I'm hungry." Park Xiurong rubbed his stomach and turned to look at Sun Shengwan with a somewhat aggrieved look in his eyes.

While she was talking, her cell phone rang several times, which were messages from Pei Xian.

He grilled the meat, cooked the vegetables, and cooked the rice. Jin Yilin could eat a lot, but Pei Xian would not really forget the two of them.

Seeing that the message said that Jin Yelin would deliver the meal, Park Sooyoung felt a little better and said with a smile, "Unnie, let's order takeout. Yelin went to eat delicious food, and we also want to eat delicious food."

Sun Shengwan glanced at the message on her phone and smiled disapprovingly, "You order it. Just order whatever you want. It's off today anyway. By the way, did you tell Oppa Bae Xian about your acceptance of the script?" "

"Why should I tell him to let him suffer on his own? I won't tell him." Pu Xiurong snorted coldly.

When it came to matters like the schedule, she was still angry and had not vented it, let alone asking her to agree with Pei Xian.

Seeing that she was still looking so arrogant, Sun Shengwan couldn't help but shake his head and sigh in his heart.

While waiting for the ordered takeout to be delivered, Jin Yilin came back with large and small boxes. If it weren't for the fried chicken and cakes she ordered for three people, she would have almost said that the two sisters were eating alone.

Pei Xian was lying on the sofa downstairs, reading the news. The on-demand variety show was still playing on the TV. Jin Yelin clicked on it and asked Pei Xian to watch the variety show they had worked hard to record some time ago. As a result, she was watching the whole show. Just shouting about barbecue, who cares about TV or not.


'red velvet Joy stars with actor Woo Do Hwan in MBC's latest drama, The Great Seducer'

"Huh? TV show?"

Clicking on this news post, Pei Xian saw the personal posters of Park Soo-young and Yu Do-hwan, and felt a little confused for a moment. Why had he never heard Park Soo-young talk about this matter?

"Yeah, Park Soo Young really is."

He was speechless and still couldn't say anything. Pei Xian thought that sometimes he didn't say anything to Park Soo-young when he took the role. He felt that he was in the wrong, so he just turned a blind eye and silently blocked the author of the post, pretending that he didn't read it. arrive.

After not getting enough rest, someone finally called on the quiet cell phone. It was Song Kanghao. Since the two leading actors were already in Seoul, he would definitely not let them go like this.

The most important thing is to seize the time and start making plans to promote the movie.

After picking up the phone, Pei Xian quickly grabbed his car keys and coat and went out, hurried to where Song Kanghao said he was going.

In less than half an hour, Pei Xian and Kong Liu met up and entered a tavern.

Sitting in the box, Gong Liu looked at Bae Xian carefully, with a gossipy look on his face, and asked in a low voice, "How was your trip to Mexico? I heard that you are going to shoot a movie with IU."

Why is it IU again?

Pei Xian still didn't understand why he and Lin Yoona were both asking about IU, so he smiled without saying a word, gave Gong Liu a very deliberate smile and nodded.

"That's great. IU is very beautiful. Why do you work with so many beautiful female artists?"

Pei Xian continued to smile, and this time he said, "Brother, are you embarrassed to accuse me? It was taken with Sister Doyan, and I could only touch my hand."

As soon as Jeon Do-yeon was mentioned, Gong Liu immediately lost his words, blushed and coughed in embarrassment.

"You two"

The sudden voice from behind startled them. When they turned around and saw that it was Song Kanghao, they quickly stood up and bowed their heads to say hello.

"elder brother"

Song Kanghao glanced at them and waved his hand to tell them not to be so embarrassed and reserved. Before taking his seat, he looked at Pei Xian's side more. "I went to Mexico, it's a little darker."

Pei Xian felt a little guilty, touched his neck and felt uneasy, and said with a smile, "The weather in Mexico is really not that good. It can be hot and cold, and the ultraviolet rays are also serious."

"It doesn't matter if a man is darker. Eat whatever you like. Today I will eat with you and discuss publicity matters while eating." Song Kanghao looked away and gave them instructions casually.

Eating is eating, but eating and working together make people feel uncomfortable.

Pei Xian took the menu and looked at Kong Liu from an angle that Song Kanghao couldn't see. They could see the helplessness in each other's eyes, but this was what Song Kanghao said, and they could only do it.

"By the way, I also asked Hyojin and Hyunsu to eat together and order more." Song Kanghao said to them again, "Remember to order drinks, hot ones. Children should drink hot drinks."

Thank you, old man, for remembering that our crew has four leading actors, not two.

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