My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 851, large social death scene

There was a chain convenience store not far from the apartment building. Park Xiurong and Lisa walked to the door of the convenience store at the same time and were about to step in when someone inside the convenience store suddenly waved in their direction and nodded to them.

"What a fate, aren't these our siblings, oh, hello Lisa xi"

Park Xiurong was stunned. At this time, the door of the convenience store opened automatically. They saw that the person who called her sister affectionately was Kong Hyo Jin. She walked up to them with a bright smile on her face. Only then did the two of them react.

"Hello, senior"

Meeting in private was not a particularly familiar relationship, not to mention that it was Lisa's first official meeting with Kong Hyo Jin, so the greetings between the two were rushed and reserved.

Kong Hyo Jin held the box of milk she had just bought in her hand, handed it to them with a smile, and joked, "Without the middleman, will my siblings become estranged from me?"

"Huh? No, ex-Unnie." Park Xiurong felt a little dazed and hurriedly changed his title while looking around curiously.

"Look at Pei Xian?" Kong Xiaozhen could tell at a glance that Park Sooyoung was curious about whether Pei Xian was here. With a playful smile on his face, he pointed to a restaurant across the street, "Over there, it's the third game. They I’m still eating and drinking some wine, so I’ll go out and buy some milk to use as a hangover. Let’s come together, Lisa xi, come together.”

As he said that, Kong Xiaozhen took a look at their current attire. They looked like they were going out for a walk, but they just didn't know what they were going to do at this late hour.

Lisa still wanted to speak, but she heard Pu Xiurong agree first, and then she heard Pu Xiurong remind her in a low voice.

"Lisa, Bae Xian Oppa and Kong Liu Oppa are together today. Don't you really want to meet Kong Liu Oppa?"

Kong Liu?

"Really?!" When she heard Gong Liu's name, Lisa was as excited as a fanatic. She pulled Park Soo Young and wanted to run across the street.

"Wait a minute, be careful, Lisa." Pu Xiurong's eyes were widened by her fright, and he quickly stopped her. Seeing the familiar look in Lisa's eyes, he silently complained in his heart.

Is this a true fan?

Gong Hyo-jin happily watched the two young girls discussing how handsome and gentle Gong Yoo was. It would be fine if Lisa had such a fan mentality, but Park Soo-young also interspersed a few good words from time to time, which made her couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. Pei Xian said a word of sympathy.

The three of them walked to the restaurant across the street. It was already late. There were not many customers in this restaurant, but there was loud singing from upstairs. There were people there. Kong Xiaozhen pointed to the direction of the second floor and said, "The two of them It’s still upstairs. You guys go over there. There’s someone in that cubicle upstairs. I’ll go order some more dishes.”

"Thank you, Unnie." Park Xiurong thanked him and watched Kong Xiaozhen go to the front desk and then go up the stairs first.

There is only one hall on the second floor, and then there are many partitions. Each partition can probably accommodate four or five people to sit down and eat.

At this time, Pei Xian and Kong Liu were still standing at the end of the corridor, each holding several darts in their hands and aiming at the target.

As soon as Park Xiurong walked upstairs, she could see the very upright figure. In this weather, he was wearing a cool sleeveless vest and sweatpants. Maybe his hair was long, so he casually put a hairband on his head. It had been a long time. Seeing that Pei Xian still used a hair tie, she looked at it curiously for a long time.

On the other hand, Lisa is already immersed in the world of idols. Just looking at her back is enough to satisfy her, and she is like a complete fan.

As the dart accurately hit the center of the target, the sound it made called their attention back.

Pu Xiurong came back to her senses and took a few steps forward. Pei Xian, who heard the movement, turned around and happened to hear her crisp shout.


To be honest, after listening to Kong Liu's talk and brag all night, Pei Xian suddenly heard Pu Xiurong's voice. Not to mention how happy he felt in his heart. He dropped the darts in his hand and ran away in stride. Go over and hug that person.

"Ouch, so sudden?" Pu Xiurong was so angry that he squeezed out a lot of energy from his bear hug. Compared to Pei Xian, who was so big, she was much smaller standing in front of him, and the smell of alcohol on his body was not heavy. , but at least there is no smell of meat or vegetables, just the smell of tobacco and alcohol.

It smells worse.

"Yeah, you're drunk, so don't hug me."

"I just drank a little bit, and Brother Kong Liu drank the rest." Pei Xian didn't expect that Park Xiurong would come over. He was so surprised that he buried his head on her shoulder and rubbed it reluctantly, "Just for a while, just for a while."

Seeing him hugging her so carelessly, Pu Xiurong felt helpless and disgusted. Mainly because she disliked the smell of tobacco and alcohol on his body. She raised her head and looked at him complainingly, and reminded softly, "There is Lisa here, don't you?" See?"

"Lisa doesn't mind, right, Lisa?" Pei Xian smiled and looked at Lisa standing behind him. Seeing that she only had Kong Liu in her eyes, he smiled and said, "Lisa shouldn't be the one you're worried about."

"No?" Park Xiurong was stunned.

"Uh-huh." Pei Xian cleared his throat, let go, and took her two steps toward the rear compartment. Then he looked at the people sitting in the compartment and explained, "President, Brother Kang Hao, I'm sorry. , I made you laugh, this is my girlfriend."

After hearing this, Pu Xiurong realized belatedly that besides Pei Xian and Kong Liu, there were other people here.

President Kang Hao. I’m not calling MS’s president Kim Jang Kyun, but also Song Kang Hao!

He glanced over at the cubicle, and sure enough, there were still these two boss-level figures sitting inside. In embarrassment, Pu Xiurong lowered his head and timidly said hello.

"President Kim Jang-gyun, Senior Song Kang-ho, good evening. I'm really sorry for making you laugh."

The two people inside showed a very understanding smile. Pu Xiurong remembered the bear hug from Pei Xian just now, and lowered her head in shame and did not dare to look at other people. She almost found a mouse hole to crawl in.

I didn't feel as embarrassed as I did now when being seen by the members.

Seeing her like this, Pei Xian couldn't help laughing. He looked back at Lisa and saw that she was chatting with Kong Liu. He suddenly remembered what she had said to him before. Could this be considered helping her realize her dream?

After all, Kong Liu is here.

The appearance of Park Soo-young made Kim Chang-gyun and Song Kang-hao give up at the same time and let Pei Xian continue to accompany them to eat and drink. After joking with them for a few words, they let them leave. Park Soo-young also took Lisa away before leaving, otherwise look at her excited posture. , I guess I have forgotten why I went out tonight.

It's not far from the apartment building and you can walk back. On the way, Pei Xian was curious and asked how Park Xiurong met Lisa.

"I came out for a night run, and I planned to buy something to drink, eh?" As she said this, Lisa suddenly came to her senses. After being stunned for a few seconds, her eyes widened in surprise, "I forgot."

Just know.


"Lisa, do you think it's more important, brother Kong Liu, or buying a few drinks?"

With almost no hesitation, Lisa blurted out the truth, "Of course it's Gong Liu Oppa." After saying that, she felt something was wrong. She thought about the three sisters in the dormitory waiting for her to buy drinks and went back. She hesitated. He added a few more sentences, "Actually, you can finish chatting with Kong Liu Oppa, take a group photo, add Kakao, exchange mobile phone numbers, and buy drinks before it's too late."

I guess at that time, your three sisters will be so thirsty that they will call the police to arrest you. You will forget Ernie when you see sex, isn't that right?

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