My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 852, Pei Kongqi wins the prize

It was very peaceful along the way. There was no freshly squeezed juice available at this point. Lisa could only buy bottled drinks and snacks at the convenience store where she met Kong Xiaozhen. Maybe she was too excited to meet Kong Liu. Pei Xian didn't even hear when he offered to help her with the bags. He happily jumped away with two heavy bags in his hands.

"Did she win the lottery today?" Pei Xian watched her run into the apartment building quickly, and curiously asked Park Xiurong in a low voice, "She's in such a good mood."

"It looks like Kakao from Gong Liu Oppa was added?" Park Soo Young guessed.

Anyway, the answer has something to do with Gong Liu. While walking upstairs, Park Soo Young complained to Bae Xian about the schedule. During the filming of the TV series, she had to miss many opportunities for performances and concerts, and they were all performances overseas. This includes the Pyongyang performance that she values ​​​​very much.

"The performance in Pyongyang, among the girl groups, no one has been there for years. Now our group is going to represent the country, but we are missing one out of five." When mentioning this matter, Park Soo-young's unhappiness was very obvious on her face.

Pei Xian opened the door of the apartment and stepped aside to let her in. He followed behind. As soon as he closed the door, he saw Nian Gao throwing herself on Pu Xiurong and acting coquettishly. He didn't hear her continue to complain about their trip, and felt temporarily relieved. Take a breath.

"It's not bad if you don't go overseas. I will accompany you here. Otherwise, I will take over Agent Lin's pick-up and drop-off service?"

"Forget it, I don't want to be photographed," Pu Xiurong replied. After Pei Xian said this, he felt less depressed. As he walked inside with the rice cake in his arms, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "You're not Are you busy promoting the movie?”

"Yeah, I'm taking you home, I'm not taking you overseas, how much more time can I waste? I'm happy to drive." His forehead hurt from Park Soo-young's words about not wanting to be photographed, and Pei Xian left him angrily. As he said this, he took out the things in his pocket and walked towards the bathroom. As he walked, he was still complaining that he was being disliked for taking care of her.

Pu Xiurong stood there blankly holding the rice cake, watching Pei Xian walk away with resentment. After reacting, he couldn't help laughing, walked over slowly and said good things, "Okay, I understand, no. How about letting your agent pick you up and waiting for you every day. If you don’t come, I’ll get angry. If you come, I’ll give you a lollipop. Don’t be angry. I’ll treat you to a supper.”

A piece of candy and a midnight snack can easily coax a sulky person to perfection.

Within a few words, Pu Xiurong held the rice cake in one hand and walked leisurely to the kitchen to find something to eat. His expression was relaxed and calm, and he didn't look like he had just complained about the schedule before entering the door.

The schedule requires less personal relationships. Even if Bae Zhuhyun and the others have a performance, they have to perform in a formation of four people. Regarding Park Sooyoung's lyrics, they have to separate who will sing them. Park Sooyoung doesn't even have time to participate in practice. She just goes out every day. The crew didn't come back until late at night after filming.

Pei Xian was supposed to catch up with the crew's promotion schedule, but he went to the beauty salon on this day. The reason was not that he came to get his hair cut. Despite the strong request of the stylist, his hair could not be cut any shorter.

"If you comb it up, you will look very handsome, Pei Xianxi"

"Cut it shorter, I like the length."

"Pei Xianxi, if your hair is a little longer, it will be easier to style."

"Ah, you'd better cut it shorter for me, thank you very much."

Pei Xian and Teacher Tony kept jumping back and forth on this topic, but Lin Danni couldn't stand it anymore. In order to rush for time, she temporarily sided with Pei Xian and told Teacher Tony to cut her hair short as soon as possible. The hair that had been growing for several months was suddenly The scissors were used to cut it to a satisfactory length.

Lin Danni took a photo of Pei Xian in the mirror with her mobile phone. When she heard what Pei Xian said to send to Park Soo-young, she couldn't help but laughed softly and asked, "Oppa, why did you suddenly say to cut your hair this morning? Is that what Joy xi means?"

"Well, I have long hair and it looks weird. I also think it's weird. I have to spend so much time combing it every day. It's also hot. I might as well cut it short." Pei Xian explained the reason.

"But Oppa" Lin Danni sent the photo to Park Soo-young, and complained about his answer at the same time, "I feel like you are too lazy to come and get a haircut. Joy xi must not be used to it. To be honest, I am not used to it either. I always feel Her facial features are inexplicably like Irene xi'

Pei Xian "???"

I don’t know whether this sentence is a compliment or a disservice, it’s awkward to say.

After leaving the beauty room, I got in the car and headed to the promotional location. On the way, the assistant was dedicated to talking to Pei Xian about the movie. There was only a twelve-hour difference between the official release date and the premiere, which was the night before. By the morning of the next day, the time difference was tight, but it was noticeable.

Song Kanghao doesn't seem to care how important the domestic box office is to him.

Before the promotion, Song Kanghao had to handle and confirm everything by himself. But when the promotion started, no one showed up, and he chose remote control. Even the leading actors were at the same promotion location, that is, his assistant or The agent just showed up.

"Is the director busy continuing to promote in Europe? We are all very aware of the virtues in China, right?"

As soon as today's publicity work was over, Pei Xian and Gong Liu went out to eat together. Both of them wore hats to cover themselves for fear of encountering any paparazzi. After eating, they even walked back through the path.

Passing an open-air cinema on the way, Pei Xian touched the back of his neck unaccustomedly. Maybe it was because he suddenly had his hair cut, and it felt much fresher. The stuffy feeling was gone, which was indeed a bit unaccustomed.

"The hairstyle suits you very well. You are so manly and you are so refreshing." Kong Liu saw his action and thought he was dissatisfied with his new hair style. He asked with a smile, "Is it for the filming of a new movie? I heard that director Na Hongzhen made it for For your character, you stay up late every day to change the scene."

"The movie shooting may have to wait until IU Xi's schedule is free, and Jung Min hyung, I don't mind. Apart from this movie, I haven't continued to take scripts. It's pretty easy." Pei Xian put down his hands and explained. After learning about the new movie, I saw that Kong Liu was heading to this cinema and asked, "Brother, do you want to go see a movie?"

"Well, let's come together. You have nothing to do tonight. Anyway, this is a public place. You can leave at any time." Kong Liu pointed to the sign on the side. There is no charge for drinks and popcorn here, but there is no charge for watching movies.

Pei Xian raised his hand to check the current time, took out his phone and looked at Kakao's chat interface again. Two hours ago, Park Sooyoung sent a message saying that he had to rush to shoot a scene that night, and it would end as early as midnight.

"Okay, I'm going to buy popcorn. Brother, you go and grab a seat."

After saying that, he glanced at what movie he was watching tonight, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

‘Horror Special – Murder Comics’

"Ha, do you have to see this kind of horror? Brother, brother." When he realized what was happening from the terrifying poster, Kong Liu was nowhere to be seen.

Pei Xian was inexplicably afraid of this kind of thing, but what he didn't expect was that Kong Liu would be more afraid than him.

The reaction of two cowards watching a horror movie in a public open-air cinema can be seen by everyone around them. Some people even recognized that they were Bae Xian and Gong Liu. They could take out their mobile phones and take photos of the dark history. .

"Brother, why are you watching this kind of movie?"

"Yeah, I didn't pay attention to what movie was shown tonight, okay?"

Sorry for being late, I just got home

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