My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1104: Blood handprint

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Countless swords attacked the scroll, and the four major races joined forces to resist. Many of the mortal creatures of the companion monks were shattered by these swords, and their bodies were instantly torn apart.

After leaving behind the broken corpses, they finally broke through the blade of grass and entered the boundless scarlet Gobi.

"Sure enough, it's a dead place. With such a clear murderous intent, more than a hundred people have died." The Tianlong clan elder breathed out a lingering breath.

"This is the number one murder in the periphery, and I don't know how terrifying there is. Hearing a ray of heavenly power, you can kill me and so on."

"Why alarmist talk, I have already arrived here, naturally I want to move on."

Suddenly someone shouted: "Look, there is a sword intent over there!"

Beyond the sky, a black sword shadow plunged into the cloud. After seeing this group of people were pleasantly surprised, and they stepped forward, feeling that the elder of the Hou Tianlong clan said: "It is exactly the same as Chen Ze's sword intent. Could it be that he has been here before?"

"No, this is a dead place. It is rumored that no one has ever gone out." One person arrived.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. Don't think about it, let the kendo practitioners stay, and I will continue to move forward."

Soon, almost fifty strong sword repairmen stayed behind to comprehend the sword intent, while others continued on the road.

Chen Ze followed up, and saw that these fifty-odd people had already realized that they could not help but sneered: "You can see the enlightenment of Tianzun's sword intent like this."

When he got closer, the eighty-eight sword intent in his body broke through himself and dispersed again.

Surrounded by Chen Zehuan, faintly contended.

"Who, dare to bother me waiting for Wu Jian!"

Chen Ze couldn't think of someone who didn't realize it deeply and was alarmed by his sword intent contention. At a glance, Chen Ze saw that the powerful divine consciousness was directly crushed, and this person's divine consciousness immediately collapsed, and the man fell to the ground softly, losing his vitality.


Suddenly someone vomited blood and opened his eyes, eyes full of horror: "Impossible, no, no..."

He roared, but there was sword aura coming out of his body, violently sweeping across the world. The three or four people approaching were not aware of it, but were killed by the sword intent he couldn't suppress.

The expected result.

Chen Ze smiled secretly.

Half a month later, there were only less than 20 of fifty sword repairers left, some died of unquenchable sword intent, and some were undoubtedly beheaded by others.

Chen Ze had also settled for half a month at this time, and the sword intent beside him had reached ten more, reaching 98.


At this time, the ninety-ninth sword intent appeared, but Chen Ze did not feel that his sword intent had been strengthened.

This is not right!

Chen Ze frowned, could it be that I was wrong?

He muttered to himself, and then glanced at the sword intent that was soaking up into the sky over there, and suddenly there was a glimmer of confusion in his eyes.


Thunder blasted in his ears, everything changed before his eyes.

In the illusion, two stalwart figures were at war. He couldn't see anything, only the sword was shining golden light in the void.

With one sword cut out, the world collapsed.


The turbulent sword intent rushed towards Chen Ze. His consciousness was shocked, and all the illusions in front of him disappeared, but he was stunned by cold sweat.

Just a glimpse of it was shocking enough for him.

Is this the true essence of Tianzun Yijian?

Chen Ze asked himself, and had an illusion about the sword intent that he had understood for a long time.

He was really wrong.

He gritted his teeth suddenly, and said silently in his heart: "Stop!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The ninety-nine sword intent shot to the four directions immediately, dissipating into nothingness. After many years of enlightenment, he directly discarded it.

If you want to realize it, you have to really feel this sword intent.

Chen Ze was firm in his thoughts, and suddenly jumped into the black sword intent.

In an instant, the black Lei Ze swept his spiritual sense and destroyed Chen Ze's body.


Chen Zehua emerged from the body of the ancestral dragon, and his thousand-zhang body climbed up along the sword intent and rushed into the sky.

In a flash of lightning and thunder, the turbulent sword intent was released everywhere, and the thirty-odd people who comprehended the sword intent immediately opened their eyes and vomited blood.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, someone shouted loudly.

But it was too late, the swords were cut in dense air, and the 30-odd people were annihilated after only a few steps, and all died.

At this time, Chen Ze's dragon scales shattered, bloody, and his body was almost chopped. But he was fearless and fearless, and shouted: "You are just a sword intent, and you still don't give in!"

The golden glow of his body bloomed, completely blending into the sword intent. The black thunder rolled, and all directions shattered. Chen Ze's powerful divine consciousness wrapped the sword intent and began to refine it extremely.

The lightning and thunder continued, and in the blink of an eye, it was more than a month before that, the black sword intent that soared to the sky was reduced by more than half, and Chen Ze's ancestral dragon body also recovered a little at this time, flashing invincible sword energy.

Enlightenment, refining, and taking for yourself!

Chen Zeshi was at war with this sword intent, and now he was seriously injured, relying on a will to persist.

It was January again, and the sword intent had become three feet in size, floating in the air. The golden light of Chen Ze's eyebrows flickered, transforming into his body and carrying Zhuxian Broken Sword to greet him.


The black sword intent finally turned into illusion and sank into Zhuxian's sword body. At this time, a black sword intent extended from the gap of the broken sword, making Zhuxian Broken Sword even more terrifying.

"With this treasure, I am not afraid of the emperor without appearance!"

Chen Ze raised his sword towards the sky, and his powerful sword aura broke through the clouds and pierced the sky.

In this line, Chen Ze's goal has been achieved. At this time, he looked into the distance, which was the depths of Buried Zun Mountain. At this time, Chen Ze was a little jealous and hesitated to move on.

He only saw a corner of the horror of Buried Zunling, and he didn't know what kind of existence Tianzun's true burial place would exist.

Chen Ze hesitated and decided to take a look inside. After all, he is a person who wants to prove Dao Tianzun, if he dare not even enter here, how can he go to the sky in the future.

After thinking about it, Chen Ze moved quickly, and soon reached the extreme place where Han Hong was killed. There are also people of four major races here.

Although it's messy here, they also discovered the beauty of the Extremely Born Land, and they actually deployed a formation to collect spiritual liquid.

"Interesting, how much do you receive?" Chen Ze suddenly appeared, making the dozens of people waiting here extremely jealous.

"Chen Ze! Why did you come in too." Someone was shocked.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "I've been here before, so what if I go again? Hurry up and hand over the vitality essence you collected, I will save you from death!"

I was terrified of being killed by Chen Ze before. At this time, who would dare to disobey Chen Ze's words.

The people of the four major races handed in the spiritual liquid collected in the past three months, and there were more than fifty drops, which made Chen Ze happy.

"Yes, collect it carefully and wait for me to return."

He laughed, and continued on the road without embarrassing a few people.

Less than ten thousand miles away, I saw a dragon lying there with three broken bodies, the blood had dried up, and the corpse had been air-dried.

"There is actually a dying force here." Chen Ze was surprised, and he began to be careful.

Moving forward, there were more and more air-dried corpses, and the redness on the ground became more shocking.

Soon a ray of blood blasted into the sky in front of him, filled with uncertainty. Chen Ze looked far away and couldn't help but touch his close relatives.

In front, it seemed like a sea of ​​blood was surging, with corpses constantly rising and falling above it. He recognized at a glance that he was a member of the four major races.

They are all dead!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, a **** energy rolled over, and Chen Ze's skin was dry and cracked.

When he saw this, he hurriedly tore off this arm, and when it landed, it had already turned into a mummy, shattered to pieces.

Nima, run!

Wherever Chen Ze dared to hesitate, turned around and ran away. I didn't feel relieved until I quit here.

Just looking at it from a distance, he lost an arm, and Chen Ze still had lingering fears at this time.

Fortunately, it was not the eyebrows that was blown by the blood, otherwise his life would not be saved.

What is there in that sea of ​​blood?

Chen Ze was shocked, but he dared not enter.

He turned around and ran to the extreme place, and the people of the four major races were all shocked when he saw it.

Chen Ze had just left for less than two days before he ran back with such a ghostly appearance.

None of their elders are opponents of Chen Ze. What kind of existence hurt him?

Chen Ze ignored these people, set his arm down and quickly recovered his injuries, and it took nearly three months to recover his arm.

After the formation, the people of the four major races all looked at him from a distance.

"Come here, hand in the vitality essence." Chen Ze waved, and these people were miserable. The elder ordered them to stay here to collect treasures. They never thought that for half a year, they would all be cheaper for Chen Ze.

"Don't go too far. I gave it all to you. How should we explain to the elders." One person said.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "Explain? From then on, you have been 30,000 miles forward, and there is a sea of ​​blood. Your elders are making floating corpses inside."

"You mean the elders..." This person was shocked.

Chen Ze said: "They are all dead. If I am not mistaken, none of your fellow clan remains. I just took a look from a distance, and then lost an arm. I was buried dead in Zunling, what weird hidden inside is unknown. "

He secretly estimated that if there is an ominous existence, at least it must be at Xiao Jiu's level. Even, I am afraid that it is more terrifying than the contenders.

Maybe only when the real Tianzun arrives can we find out.

Chen Ze felt happy when he got the treasure again.

"Everyone, there is a long way to go, we will say goodbye forever."

He had no intention of running away with such a group of people. Then he waved the Zhuxian Sword to open the space, and dived into it.

Compared with the horror of death, he faces the danger of the void farther.

Chen Ze was physically shuttled in the void, and didn't know how far he had driven before he broke open with a sword and rushed out.


But a powerful breath for no apparent reason suppressed him and vomited blood directly, and the whole person almost knelt to the ground.

here it is……

Looking around, he suddenly saw a sea of ​​blood surging behind him, and his scalp was numb: "Nima's, why did I get here!"

He almost hurried away to the distance, but his body was too heavy to fly, so he could only walk away step by step.

But this seems to be windy, and the **** blood that is pervading the sea of ​​blood is rolling, seeming to be rolling towards Chen Ze.

He was so frightened that he ran hurriedly, his legs were cracked and blood was spilled because of excessive force.

But Chen Ze did not dare to hesitate and still fled.

Seeing that there seemed to be a stone platform in front of him, he rushed forward without hesitation, but he knelt there with a puff before he got closer.


Legs crumbled and bloody. Chen Ze vigorously climbed more than ten meters with both hands before approaching the stone platform.


At this time, the violent wind swept through, and the scary **** breath finally arrived, and Chen Ze was almost desperate.

However, the danger did not come as expected.

Those blood energy were suppressed by invisible force and went backwards.

Chen Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at his legs. They had burst. He gritted his teeth and cut them off and started to recover after taking the pill.

After a few months, he recovered, slowly stood up, and finally had the opportunity to look at the stone platform that saved his life.

He kept a look, his eyes were jerky and then plunged into darkness. But at the moment when he lost his eyesight, he also saw clearly what was on the stone platform.

Well, there is only one **** handprint!

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