My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1105: Tiandao Taboo

Chen Ze's eyes were plunged into darkness. Although his divine sense could allow him to'see' everything around him, the things on the stone platform were not close to his divine sense at all.

Buried Zun Ling was really scary enough.

This stone platform seems to have been deliberately arranged here to brand the **** handprints. Could it be that something is to be sealed?

Chen Ze felt that he had touched a secret of Zun Zun Ling, not far from Lenovo's sea of ​​blood surging.

But it doesn't matter, his biggest expectation now is to leave here quickly. At first he came for that sword intent, although he got it, he kept himself behind bars, and Chen Ze regretted it very much.

Turning his hand to take out the Zhuxian Sword, he planned to split the space and try again, but the space here was extremely stable. Although the law of space of the Great Immortal Realm was covered after the mortal realm was broken, the space became more stable several times. But with Chen Ze's current cultivation base, he can still split it with bare hands.

But now he used the Zhuxian Sword, but still couldn't shatter the space, it was obvious that this place was sealed by some powerful force.

All Chen Ze could think of was the **** handprint.

He has stayed here long enough, and the pressure he feels has gradually adapted to it, as if his physique has become stronger again.

Chen Ze walked around the stone platform and realized when he reached out and touched it, that this thing was very unusual. It seemed that the stone was just the appearance, but it was actually cast with some extremely precious material for refining.

If so, Chen Zedao has an idea. No matter how powerful the sealing method is, it is difficult to completely confine the space. The teleportation pattern should be able to help him leave.

Chen Ze then drove the fire in the center of the earth to grill the surface of the stone platform, and then carved a transmission pattern on it. He doesn't need any precise deductions, as long as the space is broken open to let him enter the void.

Soon the four sides of the stone platform were engraved with dense transmission lines, and Chen Ze fumbled for it to climb onto the stone platform.

Although his body has adapted to the pressure here, he still can't be as light as a swallow, so he can only climb up in the most clumsy way.

But there was a **** handprint on the front of the stone platform, his spiritual sense could not be touched, and his eyes were blind again, so he could only feel for it with his hands, trying to avoid the **** handprint.



Chen Ze still made a mistake, and a burning sensation came from his index finger. He hurriedly retracted his hand, fearing that the blood he touched would be harmful to his body, and wanted to lift the sword to cut off the fingers.


This force was stronger, but the Zhuxian Sword in his hand was almost knocked off. And he is the index finger, which seems to be wrapped in some kind of power, extremely hard.

What a powerful blood!

Chen Ze was shocked, only touched a little, even Zhu Xianjian could not cut off the incomplete world weapon beyond Dao.

He felt it for a while, and it seemed nothing unusual.

It seems, not bad.

Chen Ze gritted his teeth and pressed his whole hand on it.

The pain made him almost hard to fight, and the fire of his soul would shatter. He held his wrist and leaned on the stone platform for a long time, and the pain gradually disappeared.

He wanted to investigate the situation with his divine consciousness, but was directly shocked back by the powerful force, and he was almost injured.

Grandma's, my hands are still not my own?

Chen Ze muttered in his heart, now that he had confidence, he climbed onto the stone platform without thinking about anything, poured in his true energy to start this reformed suggestion teleportation formation.

But it seemed that there was nothing unusual, and the formation could not be activated.

It's over.

Chen Ze is speechless, is he really going to be trapped here to die?

Chen Ze was a little anxious and waved his left hand inadvertently.


The space was torn apart directly, and Chen Ze was overjoyed. This was something he hadn't expected, but after thinking about it, he would understand. His hand was stained with the blood of that **** handprint, and even Zhu Xian's sword could not cut it away.

This space was sealed by the **** hand seal, and his hand could naturally be torn apart at this time.

Surprisingly happy, Chen Ze hurriedly withdrew from Shitai Xu Yuan, raised his left hand with a violent wave, withdrew from a crack in the room, and jumped in without hesitation.

On the stone platform, the **** handprints he couldn't see were also dimmed a lot. The blood sea in the distance was even more turbulent, and there seemed to be something to break free.


Entering the void, Chen Ze is equivalent to fleeing the predicament. He estimated the direction and flew quickly.

This time he learned how to behave and stayed in it for a long time. But he still didn't dare to go out easily. At this time, a voice rang in his ears: "Chen Ze, why are you here?"

"Senior Bamboo World?" Chen Ze was pleasantly surprised when he heard that, "Thank God, I'm saved."

The Bamboo Realm is also curious, "Why is your kid dangling in the void? Huh? You have no phase!"

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Senior, it's a long story. I just escaped from Zun Zun Mountain and I almost confessed."

After hearing this, Bamboo World was speechless, "You are really bold. It is a blessing to be able to escape from the inside once, and you dare to go in."

"Greedy, the sword intent that I learned in it back then didn't reach the limit, I want to try again." Chen Ze said.

Zhujie looked at him, "Why are you closing your eyes?"

"Blind." Chen Ze said: "In the Burial Zunling..."


He was just about to mention that he expected the turbulent Lei Ze's voice to be heard in the distant void. Zhujie quickly stopped him after seeing it: "Don't say it! Otherwise, you will be out of the way of heaven!"

Chen Ze broke out in a cold sweat, "Do you know Senior?"

"I don't know, Burial Zun Mountain is too secretive, I don't dare to enter. But you must have seen some kind of taboo of heaven, remember to not mention a word to outsiders, otherwise you will be ruthlessly obliterated." Zhujie said.

Chen Ze nodded, he thought for a while, and raised his left hand: "Senior, what happened to my hand?"

Bamboo Jie took a look and said, "The blood red is related to the taboo that day?"

Chen Ze did not deny, he dared not mention it. Bamboo World also guessed it, and then spoke again: "It has a very powerful breath covering it, and it seems to suppress everything."

Without saying a word, Chen Ze slashed at the sword of Zhu Xian.

With a bang, the bamboo world was stunned, "Sure enough. Chen Ze, this hand is afraid that you will be a big killer in the future. Don't show it lightly."

"I understand. Senior, I don't dare to go out of the void now, I am afraid that I will still be in the Burial Mountain." Chen Ze said.

"It's okay, I'll send you out. Where are you going to show up?" he asked.

"Beside the Hunhe River, there are people waiting for me to go out there," he said.

Zhujie nodded, and with a wave of his hand, Chen Ze and his figure disappeared suddenly, and quickly moved to another place in the void, "break from here and enter the Hun River."

"Thank you, senior." Chen Ze clasped his fists, then lifted his left hand and punched it out, blasting through the hole and flying out.

When he got outside, he scattered his senses and found that it was in the Great Desolate Xianzhou, not far from the Human Race Alliance.

The human alliance on the inside is now completely under the control of Wu Xiao and the others, while the one on the outside has already been destroyed.

So although the geniuses they send here regularly have no place to stay, they are also more free.

Chen Ze was not in a hurry to go back, he planned to heal his eye injury first, and then go back.

Chen Ze began to practice after the formation, but the sun and the moon cycled, and his eyes did not improve even after three full years of light. Some power seemed to be invaded in his eyes, hindering his treatment, and every time the zhenqi moved here, it would be forcibly dispelled.

It seems that there is no cure in a short time, unless his strength can crush the invading power in his eyes.

At this time, he took out the equipment, refined a magic towel, wrapped his left hand, and finally let go of the gods to distinguish the terrain, and flew to the headquarters of the Human Alliance.

"How do I reply to this news?" Wu Xiao looked at the inquiry message sent by the Chen clan, and he was very entangled.

"It's been almost five years, and Chen Ze's hope of surviving is slim. There is also news that the four major races are not dead. It is also reported that all the people who entered the Burial Zunling have died, and no one lives." Jiang Zuxing sighed.

Chen Ze is his grandson-in-law, and Chen Ze is the biggest backing of the Jiang Clan in the Human League. If it falls, his position in the alliance will probably depend on his strength rather than his prestige.

"I'll post it." Jun Caixie was also a little frustrated, and finally hugged the big tree Chen Ze. Unexpectedly, he wanted to die by himself and had to go to the burial mountain to learn the sword intent.

He got up and planned to walk towards the communication formation, but suddenly felt a powerful sense of consciousness swept past, making them tremble.

After a while, Chen Ze appeared above the hall, everyone was startled, and then all became excited.

"You kid, really make me worry about it." Only Jiang Zuxing dared to talk to Chen Ze like this.

"Grandpa, am I back?" He smiled.

At this time, Jun Caixiu was even more determined to take a step, "I will go to the Chen Clan to send a message, and Chen Zean will return."

He walked out quickly, but Chen Ze sighed, "Where am I going home, I'm blind."

Jiang Zuxing was surprised, "How can this be?"

"Grandpa, don't ask. Heaven is taboo, who knows who will die." Chen Ze said, and everyone here changed their faces with fright.

Tiandao taboos are very clear to them. Generally speaking, this kind of situation is a monk who is powerful enough to threaten Tiandao. None of their names can be mentioned, otherwise they will be ruthlessly obliterated.

"It's good to come back, the eyes of our monks are not too important, the real battle of the strong originally relies on divine consciousness." Wu Xiao comforted him.

Chen Ze nodded and said, "I don't plan to stay anymore, I want to go back as soon as possible."

"Fortunately, Ji Chubai has also crossed the river." Jiang Zuxing said: "If you are faster, maybe you can meet her again."

Chen Ze was very happy when he heard that, "I didn't see Wang last time during the war. I hurried for more than five hundred years. I really missed her very much."

Ji Chubai was the first person Chen Ze met when he arrived in the immortal world. Although Chen Ze had to make trouble later, she was one of the most important people in Chen Ze's heart from beginning to end.

After so many years, I don't know how she is now, whether she is as unreliable as before.

Chen Ze smiled as he thought about it, turned around and left, very quickly.

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