My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1112: Summit

Seeing that Long Ying's life and death crisis had been resolved, Chen Ze said leisurely at this moment: "Long San'er, remember your words, that is my daughter-in-law."

"Huh, that **** kid is cheap." Long Binao did not deny it.

The fourth grandson of Feng laughed loudly after hearing this: "Long Binao, the bloodline of the Tianlong clan is not passed down as an ancestral motto, how dare you break it?"

Chen Ze suddenly showed a fierce look: "You really annoy me, I want to shoot you to death."

Chen Ze said so, and really wanted to do so. He raised his big hand, and his face changed greatly in fright.

"Chen Ze, the people behind have arrived. Your kid is not really angry now, and he can't deal with so many people. Go, go up!"

The purpose of Long Binao's trip is to save his daughter's life and tolerate other things.

Chen Ze then glanced at the fourth grandson of Feng: "I will kill you when I come down!"

After that, he quickly rushed up.

At this time, the tallest person on the stone steps is the young man in the red clothes of the Tianfeng tribe. He is only three miles away from the summit, but it is not easy for him to go up these three miles, at least for a short time. Can't catch up.

The main reason why the people below were able to participate in the battle was that Chen Chen and the others kept moving downwards during the fierce battle, which gave these people a chance.

It was originally a two-on-two, and Long Ying was injured and Chen Chen was behind her. But now there are two more people joining, no matter how strong he is, he can only fight hard with the three without his true energy, and the seriously injured Long Ying is still in great danger.

The two fathers who care about their children rushed to the stone steps, and the closer they got, the more they felt something was wrong, "Chen Ze, do you feel it?"

"En. There are formations here that deprive us of our true qi, and the loss is very fast. My true qi is only half left."

"Me too." Long Binao responded.

"I can't take care of so much, save the people first." Chen Ze thought for a while, and said: "The people below are eyeing, we can't both go up. You go back, I go up!"

After that, he sent Long Binao back with a palm, and by the way, half of his true energy was injected into his body to make up for his loss.

Long Bin Ao is also not hypocritical. Originally, he wanted to go up by himself and leave Chen Ze as the emperor as shelter, so that even if he had no real energy, he would be safe.

But Chen Ze was determined, so he could only accept it.

Chen Ze soon reached the stone steps after sending out his true energy, and at this time his true energy was also completely exhausted.

Absolute Spirit City, as expected, it was not that the expert left this stone step, and even the strong without phase could not escape the end of the dryness of true energy. The method was too powerful.

Chen Ze stepped up without hesitation, only to hear the doctor ‘booming’ in his ears like thunder, and at that moment Ren’er’s brain was about to explode.

I don't know that there are multiple forces directly pressing on him, and his blood will freeze at that moment.


Taking a deep breath from his side, he knew that the higher the cultivation level, the greater the resistance that a person would bear on this stone step. He is a man who can fight the emperor, and the pressure he is under is unimaginable.

But he was not worried, and had absolute confidence in his physique. After all, before Zang Zunlin's **** handprint on the stone platform, he had once endured the power of such a strong man once.

Step up two steps at a time. Although he is strong enough, he still needs to move up step by step.

Rear Long Bin frowned after seeing it proudly, and the humane of the Tianyan clan said: "Unexpectedly, it would be so difficult for Chen Ze to walk the stone steps."

"After all, it's the assessment of the strong. Like those juniors, we are all selected inheritors." Feng Sitaisun said.

He has almost recovered from his blood flow, at least he can no longer see the injuries on his body, he has a human appearance.

"Won't he take the opportunity to **** the Taoist tradition?" The elder of the Clan clan with only one head left opened.

Long Bin sneered: "Do you treat him as you? We were ten days earlier than you. If you really have that thought, he is afraid that he has already reached the top."

Here Chen Ze seems to be moving forward step by step, but he can already be noticed by the people inside. Chen Chen is pleasantly surprised when he sees it: "Father, you are back."

"Boy, I haven't seen you in five hundred years, you are so embarrassed, you are still not my Chen Ze's kind." Although he closed his eyes, it did not affect his divine sense to scan the surroundings.

When other people saw Chen Ze coming in, they were all very jealous. "Chen Ze, you are also a senior, a strong man who defeated the emperor. It is really shameless for you to participate in the disputes between us juniors."

"Don't you all pay attention to a protector. I am the protector of my son. He is in danger now. What happened to me trying to save people?" Chen Ze has no face and is used to it. Besides, these people are juniors of big races. , But some people are older than him.

Even, based on his true age, his son is more than 300 years older than him. I'm afraid this is also a miracle, and no one believes it.

"Since you are involved, I will wait until today. Everyone will fight for the orthodoxy, and the battle of life and death will come again later." That day, the Yan clan junior weighed in and said, he knew very well that even though he had lost his true energy, Chen Ze was nothing after all. The physique of the phase level, once shot, they can't beat it.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "Very decisive, a bit of style. It's okay. If you stop here, I won't mix up."

But he didn't stop taking steps. This was a good opportunity to temper his body. Taking one step was one step.

Chen Chen laughed wildly: "Such the best."

Chen Ze gave him a sideways glance: "Laugh a shit, that birdman is about to reach the top, don't you hurry up to chase him."

Chen Chen disagrees: "Father, it's easy for me to surpass him. Let's see if I grab the Taoist tradition and show it to you."

Then he said to Long Ying: "Aying, you will be safe from my father here. I'm going to fight for that orthodoxy this time."

"Well, you have to be careful." Long Ying nodded and said something of concern.

Then Chen Chen walked up quickly, although the speed was not slow, and although he had walked before, he would have to withstand more resistance when he walked again at this time.

Half an hour later, Chen Ze came to the fierce battle of several juniors, but Long Ying did not continue to move up. She was so strong, so she gave up.

"I have seen seniors." She bowed slightly and gave a deep salute.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite, but Long San'er agreed to marry you to my son as a daughter-in-law. From now on, he will be a family."

Long Ying blushed, "Senior, my dragon clan has ancestral training."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "I know that the blood is not passed on. What's the matter? After today's incident, I will prepare a full betrothal gift to go to the Tianlong clan to propose marriage. I have my own way to keep you from violating the ancestral motto."

The more he looked at this daughter-in-law, the more he liked it. Xindao, this kid is really lucky. One daughter-in-law is the Holy Spirit, and the other is a real dragon, who is more capable than his old man.

The two were waiting here, seeing Chen Chen catching up again step by step.

However, this kid's condition is not good, his body even staggered. Chen Ze didn't know what was going on. Long Ying clenched his fists tightly, and was very worried: "Senior, I tried. Once I get down, I will go up again and bear it. The resistance has increased by at least half."

"It's okay, there is a mere tradition, what you can get if you can get it, what can you do if you don't. My son is the prince of the Chen clan, and his ancestors dared to go to the sky in the past, his blood is the greatest tradition!"

Moreover, Chen Ze also knew that Chen Chen's bloodline contained a seal, which could continue the cultivation realm after Tianzun.

He would naturally have the confidence to fight for respecting the Dao, but the road afterwards I am afraid that his son will go easier than him.

Two days later, Chen Chen was one mile away from the young man in red, but it was only two miles away from the man reaching the summit.

The other juniors did not continue to move up. The reason why they started with Long Ying was to get Chen Chen down. Now that the goal is achieved, it only depends on whether the young man in red can reach Chen Chen first.

They didn't want to provide convenience to the red-clothed junior of the Lingfeng tribe, but it was better to get the morality than Chen Chen's hands. Chen clan, but their archenemy.

Everyone below can see it thoroughly, but they are also very worried. Especially for the fourth grandson of Feng, such an opportunity is not available.

Right now, people in the right time and place are standing in front of the juniors of the other race.

Five days later, Chen Chen was again in the nearest mile, and the two had almost reached the same level. But only the last ten steps are left to reach the top.

But these ten steps are too difficult for Chen Chen. Step by step, he walked up and came here again, with more than twice the resistance he had before.

Soon, the red-clothed young man of the Feng clan took a step forward, making the fourth grandson of Feng excited. But after more than 30 breaths, Chen Chen also took a step.

The two were still standing side by side, and he suddenly said, "Fenghe, or if we two fight a battle, who wins and who goes up?"

Fenghe was close to success at this time. He also knew that Chen Chen was suffering much more resistance than himself. Of course he disagreed: "This is an assessment of talent, not fighting and killing. If you have the ability, you are better than me. quick!"

"How difficult is this!" Chen Chen laughed suddenly, and then took another step.


He gritted his teeth, feeling that the pressure was about to crush him.

Not to be outdone, Fenghe went one step further. Although he is also struggling, he still doesn't forget to attack Chen Chen: "You are under a lot of pressure, I see how you fight with me."

He then took another step.

The difference between the three steps before and after him is less than a hundred breaths, which is equivalent to a continuous step. At this time, his body is almost reaching its limit.

But the stone steps were still seventh, and he felt that he couldn't survive it.

"Why, this won't work?" He didn't forget to mock Chen Chen.

The latter sneered: "Excite me? Although I bear greater resistance than you, why not be afraid!"

Chen Chen seemed to be arrogant, and he even took five steps in a row to reach the third stage.

There are two more steps to reach the top!


Chen Chen spit out blood, cracks appeared on his body, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

"This kid, why are you so impulsive?" Chen Ze sighed.

Long Ying covered her mouth, very worried: "Senior, can he succeed?"

"I don't know if he can succeed, but the Feng clan kid doesn't dare to chase him like this, otherwise he will definitely fail."

Chen Ze's was confirmed, Feng Hemo said that he was tying Chen Chen, and even the courage to take another step was useless. He needs to adapt here, otherwise he will only be detonated by this powerful pressure.

The two were just one after the other, no one dared to move rashly.

After waiting five days, Feng He took another two steps, leaving Chen Ze only two steps away.

"It's going to catch up." Feng Sitai Sun clenched his fist tightly, Tao Tong was close at hand.

In ten days, he took two more steps to catch up with Chen Chen.

The stone steps on which Chen Chen was stepping had already been covered by his blood, and his body was even more cracked.

"Catch up? Sorry, I'm going to the top!"

After standing still for fifteen days, he finally took another step.


The blood that was about to dry up was gushing, and it was shocking to see.

"He is looking for death!" Feng Sitaisun suddenly laughed, "He can't bear it! Haha..."

At this time, Chen Chen was determined and raised his leg to take another step.


At this time, the entire suspended fairy city bloomed with a thousand colors, and a ten-color divine light shot out from it, shining on him.

At this time, a vague voice oscillated in the entire space: "People who are destined to set foot on my dojo, should inherit my orthodoxy!"

Then Chen Chen's figure disappeared in place.

Feng He, who was actually close at hand, seemed to be drained of strength at this time, the support thought collapsed, the whole person vomited a mouthful of blood, and then rolled directly from above.

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