My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1113: Want to kill Chen Ze

"Let's go, Chen Chen's kid has got the tradition and inheritance, and it doesn't make sense for us to stay here anymore."

Chen Ze glanced at the fairy city where colorful clouds dazzled the golden light, turned and stepped down.

"Unfortunately, it has been nearly 500,000 years since Absolute Spirit City was discovered. Everyone thought that there was a powerful Taoism hidden here, but they didn't expect it to be obtained by Chen Ze's son." said the man from the Tianyan clan.

The fourth grandson of Feng was particularly sorry. Their Tianfeng tribe's junior was just one step or two away, and they missed the Dao lineage. Feng and the child's Dao heart might collapse, and it would be very difficult to find it again.

"Everyone, don't forget our plan." At this time, the elder of the Clan clan with only the head left whispered: "Although Chen Ze and the others came here directly beyond our expectation, they came back from Long Bin proudly. It can be seen from the state that Chen Ze’s zhenqi should be gone."

"Don't worry, your Excellency paid a physical price for this, forcing me and Yanyi's true energy, we naturally won't miss this opportunity in vain. Chen Ze, must die!" Feng Sitaisun's eyes flashed with cold light.

He didn't even fight back such a humiliating beating by Long Binao, his purpose was to wait for this moment.

Beheading Chen Ze is to eliminate one of their major problems.

This servant has the power of the emperor, and he doesn't need to bear the burden of race, and he does whatever he wants. Moreover, the news they received from the old places of the Mortal Realm over the years, Chen Ze's bad deeds, must be their confidant.

Killing him is the common goal of all races, including the Tianlong tribe.

"I'm only worried about Long Bin Ao Nasi, whether he will stop him." Yan Yi frowned.

"The opportunity is great, but it shouldn't be a worry." Feng Sitai Sun said: "I have the same combat power as him. After all, the strong spirit passed down by his old man gave his eldest brother and can hold him back. I only worry about it. You can't help Chen Ze, after all, he smashed an arm of the emperor."

"Don't worry, even if I am a contender, I have the confidence to be seriously injured without my true qi, let alone the emperor." Yan smiled and said, "Don't forget, my Tianyan clan can rank above your Tianfeng clan. , Because of our Yantian Taoist Art!"

Although the fourth grandson of Feng heard this uncomfortable, it is hard to say anything now. In fact, apart from the Tianlong clan, there is no definitive conclusion about the racial strength of their two Tianzi names. It is only because the Fenghuang was defeated by the Yanhuang, they have been suppressed until now.

Long Binao disdain to be with this group of people, they are far away, and he didn't listen to their conversation. I don't know that these people even shattered their bodies when facing murder, and they were still thinking about hunting Chen Ze.

The way down was not difficult. Chen Ze took Long Ying out. The little girl was very excited when she saw her father. She ran over and threw herself in her arms: "Father, I want to kill you."

Long Bin arrogantly scratched her nose, "You want me to die. You even ran with Chen Ze's **** son. Do you know how worried Grandma Huang is?"

Chen Ze was unhappy, "Long San'er, can't you be a little tensed in front of the younger generation? Now this is my daughter-in-law, how can you allow you to scold me."

"The surname Chen, now you have no real qi, Lao Tzu still has most of the qi. Then he will scream with me, I will hammer you first." Long Bin scolded.

Long Ying was speechless, her father was still very serious on weekdays, how could he see Chen Chen's father become so rude. However, she could hear that the relationship between the two was very good. Although she was devoted to Chen Chen, she had never thought of marrying him. She only hoped that the two could travel through the fairy world together and leave no memories.

But now her mind is alive. Although there is the ancestral training of the Tianlong clan, it seems that this matter can really be discussed, after all, the relationship between the two elders is so good.

The information that Chen Ze and Long Bin arrogantly exposed inadvertently made Feng Sitai Sun and others secretly pleased, and Chen Ze really lost his anger.


The fourth grandson of Feng and Yanyi looked at each other, and the fourth grandson of Feng took the lead. Now he doesn't shy away from anger. His purpose was to hold Long Binao from giving him a chance to help Chen Ze, but also to report the grievance that he had just humiliated himself by helping this guy.

"you dare!"

Long Bin was furious and rushed to face him.

Chen Ze thought of the intentions of these two people in an instant, and he pushed Long Ying: "Daughter-in-law, you quickly retreat to the distance, their target is me."

"But senior, you are not really angry, they obviously made reservations." Long Ying was clever, and thought of something with Chen Ze.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "It's okay, your father-in-law I like to challenge all my life. Don't fight if you don't have true Qi? Don't you fight against a master of the same realm with your true Qi exhausted in the end? Don't worry, it depends on me. Hammer him."

Long Ying also knew that if she stayed, it would only add to the chaos. Which of these masters of the heavenly realm was not a man of the world, especially Chen Ze, who was a super strong like the emperor, and there was no opponent under the contender.

Now that the individual's mind is clear, the elder of the clan with only one head left laughs: "Chen Ze, I don't think you have today. Without true qi, let me see how you can compete with Yanyi!"

Yan Yi's killing intent was overwhelming at this time, and he rushed towards Chen Ze. Unexpectedly, Chen Ze didn't worry, and the controlled Dao instantly dissipated. This thing came from the enlightenment of divine consciousness, and it doesn't require zhenqi to activate.

Moreover, Chen Ze is based on the law of gravity race as his source, so there is no need to worry.

"Dao Ze?" Yan Yi sneered, "Unfortunately, you ran into me."

His Tiantian Dao Secret Art was launched in an instant, and it directly disintegrated Chen Ze's Dao Ze offensive, and the whole person also directly cut in.


The powerful infuriating energy hit Chen Ze, who was shocked to fly more than three meters high, and his face was not very good after landing.

"I look down on you. I have never really fought against the strong of the Tianyan clan. Today I am very surprised." Chen Ze wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and he was injured.

Yanyi saw his confidence doubled like this, "Unfortunately, you are too enchanting. I admit that you are indeed inferior to you based on your cultivation base. But today, God is on my side. If Long Binao enters the stone steps, our plan can only be Give up. But now, you have only a dead end."

The fourth grandson of Feng Feng cursed with anger over there: "Yan Yi, can you stop talking about tuberculosis? I don't have much anger, but I can't get rid of it for long."

Here, the innocent energy is used up, even though everyone tried to keep him and Yan Yi from using the innocent energy, it still consumes a lot after all. Long Bin's arrogance was almost filled with Chen Ze. If it takes too long, he will face the same situation as Chen Ze.

At this opportunity, he didn't think Long Binao would show mercy to his men.

"What's the hurry, he's almost done with another blow."

Yan laughed, and the Yantian Dao Jue was launched again, and an unrivaled offensive was crushed. Chen Ze faced such an attack at this time as if a small boat was facing a violent wind and a huge wave.

Long Bin's eyes were fierce, trying to break free from the delay of the fourth grandson of Feng, and rushed over to block the blow for Chen Ze. But the fourth grandson of Feng was willing to have a chance with him, and Yun Ji's little innocent energy left him entangled in Long Binao, making him unable to help.

"Senior, be careful!" Long Ying shouted worriedly in the distance, worried and anxious in her heart.

Seeing that it was inevitable to avoid, Chen Ze suddenly opened his eyes. The blood red in his eyes was noticed by Yan, and his mind was turbulent for an instant.

The blood color was like an abyss, making his consciousness almost sinking into it and unable to extricate himself from it.

He quickly closed his eyes and forcibly stabilized, and the attack had already been shot. How can Chen Ze stop his blow when he is not really angry now.


The brilliant and colorful Yantian Dao Jue concealed Chen Ze and made it impossible for everyone to see. Long Ying covered her mouth, her expression almost stagnant.

She was afraid of seeing the scene she didn't want to see, but now it seemed that there was no other result.

Yu Wei scattered Shenhua and ended, and Chen Ze was standing there maintaining a punching posture, but the ground was dragged out of a nearly two-foot-long gully by the impact, and a mound of soil swelled behind Chen Ze.

Yan Yi's eyes were a little fuzzy, and he even wanted to cry dryly, but after all, he didn't look too deeply like the emperor, and the consequences were not serious.

"You are really surprising. In this case, you can still block my blow!" Yan said.

Chen Ze stood up slowly, moving slowly but very casually. He raised his left hand, and then used his right hand to untie the magic towel wrapped around it calmly. "In fact, if you do nothing, you will be fine today. I left. I was very timid, and I was afraid of being settled by someone after the autumn. Therefore, I usually have grievances and I slaughtered them on the spot."

The magic towel was untied, and his blood-red left hand was exposed. Some ghost claws are generally shocking.

But without the cover of the magic towel, the powerful murderous intent instantly spread, making Yan Yi frowned.

Chen Ze's eyes were very strange, and his consciousness was turbulent when he glanced at it. And the breath that this hand exudes seems to have the same effect as the eyes, making him uneasy.

"Your hand..." Long Binao looked at him distractedly at this time, feeling surprised.

Chen Ze said, "This is Lao Tzu's trump card. For so many years in the immortal world, people give the nickname Astro Boy, how do you think the emperor is defeated? I can't beat him even by ten."

Now everyone else feels bad, especially a few people from the Clan. They were all on the scene that day in the First World War, and they all knew that Chen Ze, holding the Zhuxian Sword, was just battling the Emperor Xu. But when he abandoned the Zhuxian Sword and used his left hand, it was indeed the beginning of Yuhuang's defeat, and even one arm was directly shattered.

"The news, he is not scaring you, that arm is indeed a weapon to defeat our clan emperor." The clan elder who has only one head yelled: "But you are really angry, but you are not afraid of him. Don't get close. Fight against you, kill with the immortal formula!"

Yan Yi was also unambiguous, and Yunji's Yantian Dao Jue fought Chen Ze far away, and the latter also moved. Even if there is no real energy, he can still avoid the offensive with his control of the law of space.

Even if it can't be done, it can be forcibly shattered with a fist.

Long-range melee combat has advantages, but once it is touched by melee combat, the result will be reversed.

Although Chen Ze had an unmatched blood fist as a guarantee, the other parts of his body were not strong after all.

"I see how long your body can last!" Yan Yi's eyes were red. He was bullish and coaxed not to put Chen Ze in his eyes, but now he can only yell.

Chen Ze also shouted, "I want to see how long your true qi can last!"

And the two situations are different.

Chen Ze can fight close before Yanyi's true energy is exhausted, and Yanyi can only use his true energy to launch the immortal formula to attack Chen Ze.

If you are not careful, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Boom boom boom...

Here Long Binao also has a strong heart, "His grandmother, Feng Lao Si, let's have a break today."

The fourth grandson of Feng kept complaining at this time. After all, his true qi was not much left, and now it is difficult to sustain it after suffering for so long. Within twenty breaths, he will also fall into the same situation as Chen Ze.

However, he doesn't have that **** fist, how can he resist Long Binao's offensive!

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