My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1114: Master of Orthodoxy

Really compared to real, the stronger Long Binao's offensive was, the faster Feng Sitaisun's true energy would be consumed.

In a blink of an eye, his true energy was completely exhausted, and he wanted to retreat, but Long Binao didn't intend to let him go at this time, and chased him all the way.

"Long Binao, I didn't intend to kill you before, so do you really want to kill you all? If we are all dead, wouldn't your Tianlong clan be afraid of being suppressed by our team?" he shouted.

Long Bin laughed proudly: "My father is a contender, I am afraid of your revenge? Besides, there is also a Nine Fairy in the Chen clan. Two of the five contenders in the world are on our side. Do you think I will be afraid? "

He didn't actually have any murderous intentions, but his sinister intentions made him very annoyed. Even if you don't kill, a mad beating is still possible.

The fourth grandson of Feng hadn't lost his true energy and had a big difference with Chen Ze and Yanyi. Long Binao's fist was so heavy that he smashed his body in the blink of an eye, and blood stained the ground.

Being beaten up before can still be shunned for patience, in order to kill Chen Ze. But now, the fourth grandson of Feng felt extremely humiliated. He was beaten so painful that he wanted to die.

But Long Binao, who is well versed in the methods of destroying people's minds, beat the fourth grandson of Feng to be so uncomfortable, but instead took his hand away, with a smirk on his face: "Feng Lao Si, you also have today? Cool!"

Long Binao played very well here, and Chen Ze's side also made achievements. Even though he had withstood a great impact, he was still close to Yan Yi's body after all. The blood-red fist was even more terrifying than Zhu Xianjian, and the punch out of it felt that the space was shaken.

Boom boom boom!

Yan fought and withdrew, but failed to get rid of Chen Ze. Both his arms are numb, and his heart is even more terrified.

"Chen Ze, are you really going to kill you?" he shouted loudly.

It's surprising that a person with real qi is forced to be like this by a person with exhausted qi.

Chen Ze sneered coldly: "What are you dreaming of? You are going to kill Laozi one by one, don't even want to run today."


He punched it again, and Yan's arm or two was able to resist the invigorating force, but he was shattered by Chen Ze's punch, and then fell on his chest with a heavy punch, passing through with a click.

"You...can't kill me! I'm Emperor Yan, you..."

Chen Ze's arm shook, and Yan Yi's body shattered directly. Chen Ze then punched his head to smash. The blood-stained body was stained with enemy blood again: "Emperor Yan? Let him come to me. That's it!"

Others were shocked when they saw this scene, and the plan was so careful that they didn't expect it to fall short. It was a sigh that they had miscalculated that Long Binao still had true energy, and dragged down the fourth grandson of Feng, otherwise they would surely be able to kill Chen Ze by joining forces with him.

After all, although Chen Ze forcefully beheaded Yan Yi, he was also seriously injured.


Chen Ze finally didn't need to suppress the blood bath in his body, he spouted out, his face turned pale.

Long Binao came over at this time, "Are you okay."

Chen Ze wiped the blood off the corners of his mouth at random, "I can't die! But things are not over yet."

The former was surprised, "You still want to kill?"

Chen Ze glanced at him, "They calculated me like this, do I need to be merciful?"

"If you really do this, you will be truly immortal with these races," he said.

Chen Ze laughed: "I, Chen Ze, as the prince of the Chen clan and the husband of the emperor, was not long ago stabbed in the eyes of these people. Long San'er, you are a counselor who dare not kill people, but I am not afraid. What Tianfeng Tianyan , It was placed in the hands of our Chen family ancestors, how can I be jealous of them today!"

Chen Ze stepped forward, and the fourth grandson of Feng was ashamed, "Chen Ze, we know that we are wrong, can't you raise your hand high?"

"But if I lose the wind today, can you give me a chance?" Chen Ze said: "Die!"

He smashed his blood fist, smashed Feng Si Taisun into fleshy flesh in just one shot, and died immediately.

The two clans of Tianyan and Tianfeng were more than the two of them, and Chen Ze was not used to them either.

Some people still have real anger, and shouted: "Join hands, kill him!"

At this time, there is no end to death. Either Chen Ze will die or they will die.

After all, these people have reached the state of infinity, and their physical bodies are extremely powerful.

A group of people faced off against Chen Ze regardless of life and death. Some people struggled with their own deaths and also wanted to create opportunities for others.


Chen Ze blasted the person in front of him with a fist, but he also received a blow in his body.

Long Ying was worried and shouted at this moment: "Father, are you just looking at it like this?"

Long Binao hesitated and said, "Fuck his grandmother, I am the third prince of the Tianlong clan, and my father is a contender. I'm afraid of a bird! Do it!"

He came to join the battle, and the situation was overwhelmed in an instant, but there was still a lot of his true energy left, and his shot was like a slaughter.

In a blink of an eye, this group of more than a dozen strong men who came to save people were all beheaded, without leaving one.


Chen Ze spat out blood and saliva, "Long San'er, you're a bully. Do you think I've hurt so badly?"

Long Binao suddenly coldly said, "Believe me, believe it or not, I even shoot you to death now."

After all, Chen Ze has a vengeance for killing his brother.

Chen Ze chuckled: "I'm really not afraid of death. If you really have that thought, I'm really fine."

He went straight to the ground, gasping for breath: "But you have to promise me that the marriage of the two little guys can't be denied."

"Virtue." Long Bin said proudly: "My daughter is watching. Besides, Long Binao really wants to kill you, so I must be upright."

"Want to kill me upright, unless you do it yourself."

Chen Ze is still at ease about the character of this servant. At the beginning, he was a little monk of the Qianyuan realm, and he was fighting and drinking with the third grandson of the dragon. It was obvious that Long Binao was not the kind of person who scorned his identity and despised others.

The Tianlong clan has ancestral training, and the bloodline cannot be passed down.

He was forced to agree to Chen Ze's proposal. He could have stood by and even helped to kill Chen Ze. When his son came out and killed him, no one knew about the marriage, and he could fulfill his mother's long-cherished wish for many years.

But Long Binao still chose to shoot, indicating that this person is still loyal.

The juniors who came out of all races over there witnessed this duel, and their parents were cleanly killed, and they all looked at their hearts from a distance and were full of resentment.

Long Binao looked at them and said, "Don't worry, we won't be able to attack you and other juniors. I will complain about you today. If you really have that ability in the future, I will come to ask for my life."

Long Ying said at this moment: "Father, why should you leave this scourge? Wouldn't it be good to just kill them?"

"I've already spoken my father's words, are you the kind of people who are rebellious?" Long Bin stared at him proudly, "How about you kill them?"

Chen Ze smiled and said: "My daughter-in-law is not bad. The monk should not be merciful to the enemy. Child, but remember, you can only face your opponent, and we will not interfere."

Long Ying nodded: "Senior, I took it down."

"Little girl's film, I just talked about it just to make sense. If you talk about this bastard, you just accept it humbly. Who is your father?" Long Bin was so arrogant.

Chen Ze had injuries on his body at this time, but even if he didn’t have real energy, he couldn’t heal the wounds even if he took pills, but he still endured a laugh: “It won’t be long before she will be able to call me dad openly. Long San’er, let’s do it here. In-laws are set."

Long Bin smiled arrogantly and sighed: "Although I promised you, I can even ignore my father's orders and ancestral instructions. But you have to know that there is still a queen dragon mother in our family, and she went crazy to my grandfather. Nothing."

"It's a big deal, I've been here at your mother's level. For my son and daughter-in-law, I, Chen Ze, gave it up." He smiled.

The two waited here for a full half a year, and the color of the fairy city over there gradually dissipated, and then the bells rang and the vision continued.

After a long time, all the dust settled, and I saw that the fairy city actually began to collapse, but a figure rushed out from it and fell in front of the three of Chen Ze.

"Father, how could you hurt so badly?" Chen Chen's aura became deeper. Although he was still in the Qianyuan realm, his combat power had been greatly improved.

Chen Ze smiled indifferently: "Thinking that I can kill me if I don't have real anger. I really think too much. What, have you waited until that is the ethics of the senior?"

"Yes." Chen Chen said: "My master's name is Li and Li and I am called Laozi. I am a powerful master before the Four Tribulations."

"Dao is Tao, very Tao?" Chen Ze opened his mouth in surprise.

Now it was Chen Chen's turn to be confused, "Father, how did you know Daozang?"

Chen Ze smiled bitterly: "If I say that I'm a fellow with him, you might not believe me."

"You mean, he also came from..." Chen Chen almost exposed his hometown, and then shook his head: "No, don't you say that our hometown has only five thousand years of civilization. My master, it was three million years ago. Strong!"

"This may have something to do with the time twist." Chen Ze pondered slightly, and said: "Perhaps our hometown was so different from the time twist of the immortal world more than 5,000 years ago, but it is shrinking. I'm afraid, too. It has something to do with Ji Luo."

At this moment, he finally got in touch with what the Wu Clan said.

When the earth time and the immortal world time reached the point of one-to-one, it was time for Ji Luo to begin.

Long Bin frowned at hearing: "What is Ji Luo?"

"I don't know, but this is a major event related to the survival and destruction of the immortal world. I am afraid your family elders will know some information." Chen Zedao.

"It seems that I have to ask about it when I go back," he said.

Chen Ze chuckled softly, "Do you think you can get the result? Now that the world of struggle is open, but before all the secrets are revealed, they won't tell you even if they know it."

Chen Ze calculated it to himself, Lao Tzu was a figure more than 2,600 years ago, but he was the immortal world that arrived before the Three Tribulations, that is, more than three million years ago.

Both are taken as integers, and the time distortion reduction speed of the two spaces of the fairy world and the earth can be calculated, and after calculation, it will be about a thousand years before the beginning of the period.

In a thousand years, the entry point for him to return to the immortal world was fatal, and he lost five hundred years of time in vain.

It seems that we can't go blind in the future, there is only such a little time, it is too nervous.

The orthodoxy of Absolute Spirit City was passed down, and it disappeared here.

Therefore, the surrounding spiritual energy re-emerged, and Chen Ze began to cultivate his body. This is no longer a dead place, and they did not embarrass the juniors of those races and let them leave.

It took Chen Ze more than a month of self-cultivation to suppress his physical injury, and he could not see the clue.

Then he took Chen Chen back to the Chen clan and immediately retreated.

This time, it took nearly a year before he fully recovered.

Lu Qingluan saw that his eyes still didn't improve, and couldn't help but worry: "When will your body recover?"

Chen Ze smiled and said, "It won't get in the way. These eyes are of great help to me. If they can, I would like to die like this."

Lu Qingluan gave him a white look and said, "You have left the customs, what are your plans next?"

"Go to Tianlong Clan and propose marriage!"

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