My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1115: Go to the door to raise a kiss

Chen Ze suddenly came to give way to Lu Qingluan without expecting that this guy really wanted to come out.

Think of the Tianlong clan as their biggest opponent on the Chen Clan's Zhengtian Road back then. Although nearly a million years have passed, this grievance is impossible to resolve.

Moreover, the ancestral training of the Tianlong clan is that the blood cannot be ignored. He even wished to let his son take the little princess.

"Why, still think that I am fantastic?" Chen Ze and Lu Qingluan stood side by side in the front section of the huge immortal boat.

To propose a marriage, naturally, it must be done in the most solemn way. The immortal ships of the Chen clan were all built by him, and the most different way from the immortal ships inherent in the immortal world is that they are not in the style of space battleships in science fiction movies.

There is a viewing platform at the bow of the ship, and the two of them are standing here at this time, looking at the scenery of the past.

"Aren't you whimsical?" Lu Qingluan gave him a white look. "This is a rush out of the nest. If the people of the Tianlong clan leave us a family of three there, the whole Chen clan will have no leader."

"Do you really think Xiao Jiu is doing rice?" Chen Ze smiled.

Lu Qingluan was shocked, "Nine Fairy is here too? Why didn't I see her, or even feel the slightest fluctuation in her aura?"

"Playing games in the cabin." Chen Ze stubbornly grasped the safety.

The Tianlong clan is not something anyone can enter. Even if there is no Xiao Jiu, he does not think that the Tianlong clan will attack him. What he was worried about was the road. After all, there was still a sly man in the dark, and this guy was a ruthless character.

"Father, mother." Chen Chen walked out with a look of expectation and even more nervousness.

"It's not like you, when you pushed and shoved when you were pleased with the spirit, you have to pull me as a back cushion. What about now?" Chen Ze smiled.

Lu Qingluan was unhappy, "If you refuse, he can threaten you? It's not that you have love for that fox, don't push on your son."

"Yes. Daddy, do you know how many times my mother scolded me for this? You still don't appreciate it." Chen Chen said.

"I'm in love with a fart. Although my defense is not solid, it's okay to guard it again. If you really see one and love one, now your mother's harem will be full." Chen Ze was not angry.

"You are lustful, so don't make excuses." Lu Qingluan was a little angry: "And there is an old lover who wants to see you this time. You haven't shown up for 500 years. I don't know how many people from the Tianlong clan come to propose relatives, but they do it for you. Pushed."

Chen Ze didn't calm down immediately, "It's my shit."

Three strangely shaped immortal ships suddenly appeared, which made the people of the Tianlong tribe very alert. Someone on the border directly stopped them: "Stop, you have entered the land of my Tianlong tribe, and report your names."

Chen Ze glanced at Chen Chen at this time, "Go and send my letter of marriage proposal, and let him send it. His grandmother, Long Binao, the old boy is not authentic, and he doesn't say come here to pick me up."

"I'm afraid that one is not feeling well now, who makes him have such a mother in his family." Lu Qingluan smiled.

Chen Chen used to reveal his identity and scared the Tianlong people who were blocking the way. The emperor Chen and the prince came personally, which was a big deal.

Two imperial-level powerhouses come to the door, even if their Tianlong clan is the top ten races, they must be careful to receive them.

The news soon reached the Dragon Palace, and Long Zi asked the regent and supervising country. Although his eldest brother had passed the imperial spirit to Long Binshun, the position of the Dragon Emperor could not be moved for the time being. And his elder brother is no longer suitable for publicity as a contender.

"Sister-in-law, take a look." He handed the transmission jade talisman up.

The former prince, the current queen, dragon mother Lan Baiyi, smashed the jade talisman with a'click' after seeing it: "This **** is really bold, he even dared to come to my heavenly dragon clan. I have not yet reported the second child's hatred. Woolen cloth."

Longzi asked helplessly, "Sister-in-law, everyone knows the facts of this matter. Chen Ze must have his confidence in coming. I hope you don’t be impulsive. Even if you want to do it, you will never choose this time. But I can follow You promise, we will never agree to this marriage. This is an ancestral motto, and no one can change it."

"The third child is going to **** me off. I am entangled with the enemy who killed his second brother, and the girl Long Shu, don't let me worry. Go and inform your eldest brother to let him go out. Just become a contender. He wants to play missing with my old mother, he is delusional!"

Long Zi asked very helplessly, their family was even squeezed to death. Especially he was also afraid of this sister-in-law.

But he was afraid of going back, but now as a regency prison, he would not completely obey a woman's orders.

Go out and adjust the generals, and directly lead a group of elders out of the clan land.

Chen Ze and the others hovered on the sideline and didn't go deep, but he had already received the message. The regent personally led the elders of the Tianlong clan to come over, very much to face.

In only half a day, the two met.

"Chen Ze has seen seniors." Chen Ze is a junior, and this time he is here to beg for a kiss. Of course he has to look respectful.

"Chen Ze, no need to be polite. The Emperor Chen and you personally visited the land of my Tianlong clan. This is a precedent in history." Long Zi asked with a smile: "Two people, this is not a place to talk. "

The immortal boats on both sides started to move, but Long Ziwen looked at Chen Ze's warship a few more times, "Your immortal boat has a weird style, but it looks very imposing."

"I know that the seniors will like it. The next two ships are the betrothal gifts for my trip. They are all made of high-quality refining materials. I personally made them. Every component is a fairy-level high-grade artifact." Chen Ze introduced.

"Don't talk about the dowry in advance, I can't violate the ancestral motto of the Tianlong tribe. I don't know why you still come here. Isn't it boring to ask yourself." Long Zi asked directly.

"Don't worry, I will naturally give the Tianlong tribe a convincing statement about the ancestral training, and will never embarrass the Tianlong tribe." Chen Ze was very sure.

Long Zi asked, of course, curious about his confidence, but he was also strained, but still sighed, "Chen Ze, you should know that there is still one of the greatest resistance in our clan. You may not be able to pass that level."

"I'll talk about this at that time. Compared with Zu Xun, this resistance is much smaller." Chen Ze said.

The two were chatting apart, and when they arrived near the Tianlong clan, the people of Chen Ze took the immortal boat and had to walk in.

Long Binao took Long Ying and stood on the square, and Chen Ze accused him from a distance: "Long San'er, you are impolite, you didn't even pick me up."

Long Bin raised his eyebrows proudly: "I'm already under a lot of pressure here. Chen Ze, my mother's empress is sitting in person. At this time, I am on the fire. Are you sure you want to touch her mold?"

"Who made the two children see the right eye? I have to go and break through. And this matter must be resolved, otherwise we will only meet each other in the end," Chen Ze smiled.

A group of people walked inward. It was not the first time for him to come to the Tianlong clan, but it was the first time for the Dragon Palace.

Chen Ze stepped forward, looking at peace and kindness, but secretly everyone was nervous. I'm afraid that someone who doesn't pay attention to any conflict will fight, after all, the two races are long-cherished hostility.

On the Dragon Emperor Hall, Long Ziwen did not sit on the throne, but made a huge table below, and people from the two clans sat opposite each other.

Chen Ze looked around, "How do I feel like I'm negotiating?"

"That's not bad." Long Binao was impatient, "You think who wants to talk to you."

"Long San'er, didn't you say that when you were in Absolute Spirit City, you want to make a mistake?" Chen Ze smiled.

"Which Absolute Spirit City, you can find out and let me see." Long Binao was very shabby.

Absolute Spirit City disappeared after Chen Chen obtained the orthodoxy, how could Chen Ze find it.

"You can do it." Chen Ze nodded him.

The original serious atmosphere was broken by the visitors. Long Zi didn't stay much when he asked, saying: "Although I am the regent, I can't do this. Chen Ze, you still have to face what you should face."

At this time, he turned and left, and soon a murderous intent rushed forward, wishing to tear Chen Ze to pieces before seeing anyone.

Lan Baiyi walked in, his eyes erupting with anger.

Chen Ze got up at this moment, "I have seen seniors."

"No need." Lan Baiyi walked and said: "Chen Ze, you have died of this heart. Regardless of the ancestral precepts of my Tianlong clan, I will never agree with this marriage."

Chen Ze shook his fingers, "Senior, this is a grudge between you and me, why bother with the children. They love each other, you can't beat the mandarin ducks."

"Chen Ze, you can't be smart. We are a family, so why don't you get involved. You want to talk to me about marriage, you can. You will pay my son's life!" she said.

This situation was very embarrassing, and the overbearing man in front of him was enough and unreasonable at all.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Senior, I didn't take the initiative to kill Long Binxuan. To say something bad, he took the blame for it."


The other members of the two races all took a breath. They didn't expect Chen Ze to be so stubborn and directly poke Lan Baiyi's heart.

"Long Binao, you have heard it all. Where did he come to propose a marriage, he clearly came to **** me off. You still want to keep your promise, it's okay." She scolded her son for no reason, making Long Binao very depressed. .

"Chen Ze, you have a problem with your attitude, do you want to talk about it?" Long Bin gave him an arrogant look, "Hurry up and apologize to my mother."

"Is it useful?" Chen Ze still had that attitude: "Isn't Long Binxuan taking the blame? Just because he is the second prince of Long, I have to pay for my life?"

"That's natural, it's the law of heaven to kill people and pay the debts and pay the debts!" ​​Lan Baiyi said.

Chen Ze suddenly laughed, "Senior admitted that this is the law of heaven? Is there anyone who died because of you because you did not act? Whatever you are doing, do you have to pay for one's life?"

"Don't change the subject, now talk about my son." Lan Baiyi's face was blue with anger.

Chen Ze condensed his consciousness and stared at her, "Am I talking about other things? Your son's life is his life, and other people's lives are not his life? I saved your daughter, saved your granddaughter, even you. My husband owes me a life. You want Chen Ze to pay for my life. You can. First pay the debts they owed me, and then talk to me about your son."

Lan Baiyi was speechless for a while, this is a fact that cannot be denied.

"Senior, I'm here to propose a marriage, because the two families are in harmony. You have to turn the old bills, nothing more than the trouble in your heart. I, Chen Ze, are not the one who threatens with grace. If you want revenge, I will give you one. Explain! I heard that the Tianlong clan has a rule that as long as anyone can get the scales of the ancestral dragon, all crimes can be avoided. Is it true?" He laughed.

"Naturally is true." Lan Baiyi said: "But the scales of Ancestral Dragon are at the bottom of the trapped dragon well, and there are ten layers of murderous desperation inside. Do you dare to go in?"

"Senior will just admit it, I will get Ancestral Dragon scales to resolve the grievances between you and me."

The implication is that Chen Ze is going to trap in Longjing!

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