My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1116: Laozi is Zulong

After hearing what Chen Ze said, everyone was shocked.

At this time, Chen Chen immediately shouted: "No!"

"Father, I can't put you in danger because of my business. Long Ying, I don't like you anymore, I won't mention this kiss." Chen Chen shouted.

Of course Long Ying was uncomfortable. She knew that Chen Chen didn't think this way. But now she can only accept that she has a very good impression of Chen Ze, and she does not want such a senior to be in danger for them.

Lu Qingluan was very calm and didn't seem to be worried.

"Stupid boy, you always save your life first in everything you do. If I don't have this confidence, I would never mention this condition." He laughed.

"Mother, persuade father." He quickly took his mother's hand.

Lu Qingluan is still calm, "No one can persuade the decision your father made. Also, have faith in your father."

After speaking, she looked at Chen Ze with a sly smile. After all, they have been a husband and wife for so many years. Of course she knew that Chen Ze was fooling people.

Lan Baiyi snorted coldly: "Have confidence? Only one person in my Tianlong clan has come out of it since ancient times. Chen Ze, if you really have the courage to go in and come out, my son's hatred can be given up."

"Okay!" Chen Ze said: "I hope seniors will keep their promises by then. I got the Ancestral Dragon scales, so I won't mention the grievances between us anymore, at least not as a reason for our refusal to propose marriage this time!"

Long Zi asked, frowning slightly outside, how did this matter come to this point. He is very optimistic about Chen Ze. Although they are opposed, the relationship between them is complicated and it is likely that there will never be a real conflict.

But if he died in the trapped dragon well, I'm afraid things will be very troublesome. Because the most troublesome Chen Clan is not the Emperor Chen, but the Nine Fairy. No one knows what the relationship between this woman and Chen Ze is, but at least Chen Ze died because of this incident, I'm afraid she will be the first to find trouble with the Tianlong clan.

"Sister-in-law, this thing can't be impulsive." He hurried in from outside, intending to stop it.

"This is our family's business, so the regent shouldn't interfere." Lan Baiyi said: "Besides, this is his voluntary. If you die, you can't blame others."

Long Binao looked at Chen Ze, "You always make people surprised, you dare to do this kind of thing. It's not a joke in it, I have been in the experience, only scared to the third floor and almost died."

"I'm an imperial master." Chen Ze smiled.

"Unless you are Tianzun!" Long Binao emphasized.

Lan Baiyi reprimanded at this time: "You shut up, this is his own decision. If you dare to stop me to avenge your second brother, I will throw you in."

Now the scene is extremely serious, and the elders of the Chen family certainly don't want Chen Ze to go down. It was a life of nine deaths.

There aren't many masters of no phase realm in their clan, and they all rely on two imperial masters to support them. Especially Chen Ze, even the veteran emperor Xu Huang can defeat, this is a member of their town clan.

Chen Chen, an old man, was almost crying, and Lan Baiyi looked like a treacherous trick: "The regent, you go and prepare to let people open the trapped dragon well."

"No need." Chen Ze said suddenly.

Lan Baiyi frowned, and then sneered: "Why, are you scared? Just now, I was swearing, and I was shocked in a blink of an eye."

Chen Ze shook his head, "Senior, I have already got the scales of Ancestral Dragon."

Then he was seen pulling open the collar, exposing the skin on his chest. Then the dragon gas revolved, and golden scales emerged one after another.

Chen Ze withdrew directly, pulled out the golden dragon scale and put it on the table: "Isn't the ancestral dragon scale here?"


Lu Qingluan smiled suddenly and gave him a blank look: "I know you are sinister."

Except for her, everyone here is dumbfounded, including Chen Chen.

Lan Baiyi opened his mouth and said, "Chen Ze, are you our three-year-old child? Who doesn't know that you have part of the Celestial lineage, and you think you want to perfunctory by pulling a piece of mixed-veined dragon clan scales from your body? "

Long Zi asked at this time but walked forward, took the scale that had not dried up, and looked at it, "There really is an ancestral dragon breath!"


Everyone in the Tianlong tribe was shocked. At this moment, two of the three people who watched the excitement in the dark laughed.

Master Zipao turned his head to look at the old dragon emperor: "This kid is a bit interesting."

"I'm actually quite curious, how can his scales have the breath of ancestor dragon?"

As a contemporary dragon emperor, Long Zixing seemed to have thought of something: "That's it. Father, I went to Jiuyou Nest for this five hundred years ago. It turns out that there is no Ancestral Dragon Soul card at all."

"Haha..." The old dragon emperor then laughed loudly: "This kid, fooled your daughter-in-law."

Long Zixing is also very speechless. He knows the temper of his wife. I am afraid that their family will be making trouble for a while after today's incident.

Master Zipao said: "But the birth of the Ancestral Dragon is even more of a top priority for my Tianlong clan. Your emperor has always claimed to have an Ancestral Dragon bloodline, but everyone knows that it is just fooling people. In contrast, Chen Ze seems more qualified to be this imperial line."

"Master, you are picking things up." Old Dragon Sovereign smiled and said, "We naturally have Ancestral Dragon bloodline, but it's a little weaker."

"It's as if other Tianlong clan doesn't have it." The purple robe master murmured.

In the Dragon Emperor Hall, the atmosphere was about to freeze.

Lan Baiyi's nose was almost crooked, and he asked Longzi: "What's the matter with you, why is he an ancestral dragon? There are so many dragons in our Tianlong clan, why is he an ancestral dragon."


This posture, why suddenly turned on the vixen mode.

Long Ziqian faced his sister-in-law's indiscriminate bombing and went straight back: "Sister-in-law, we can tolerate other things on weekdays, but this is the only thing. This is indeed an ancestral dragon scale, which cannot be denied."

"I just don't admit it, what I want is the one at the bottom of the trapped dragon well." Lan Baiyi shouted.

Chen Ze spread his hands together: "You promised yourself. I never said that I wanted to take the one at the bottom of the Dragon Well. I didn't even say the word for Dragon Well."

This guy pushes two and does five. When you think about it carefully, this guy really didn't say anything about it.

"Chen Ze, dare you lie to me!" Lan Baiyi shouted.

The others were speechless and even felt embarrassed. At any rate, you are also the wife of the contemporary Dragon Emperor, the dignified dragon mother of the Tianlong clan.

"Okay, enough is enough, don't embarrass me!"

Long Zixing in the dark really couldn't stand it anymore, and directly shouted a curse.

He appeared, and the scene immediately became serious. Even Lan Baiyi was stunned by the roar, and then scolded: "Long Zixing, you dare to yell at me!"

"I am the Dragon King, and I have the right to deal with matters large and small in the Tianlong clan. If you are like this, don't blame me turning your face." Long Zixing waved his hand later, and Lan Baiyi disappeared directly from the place, not knowing where he was sent. go.

This is the means of the contenders.

"Huh..." Long Zi asked with a sigh of relief: "Brother, if you don't show up again, I can't stand it anymore."


Long Zixing was very helpless, but there were still bigger things to face at this time. He looked at Chen Ze: "So, in Jiuyou Nest back then, what they saw was not the Ancestral Dragon Soul card, but you. Real body?"

Chen Ze nodded slightly: "Senior, isn't it an accident?"

"Then you dare to come here. You are not afraid that I will kill you for refining blood? Faced with the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, the contender's contract won't work for me." Long Zixing said.

"Everyone is a dragon, I knew you weren't that kind of dragon." Chen Ze chuckled, "And my Ancestral Dragon bloodline is not half adulterated!"

Then he jumped up, his body suddenly appeared golden, and a thousand-foot-long ancestral dragon appeared. Rao is that the Dragon Emperor Palace is big enough and almost filled up.

"The five-clawed golden dragon is indeed the face of the ancestor dragon." Grandmaster Zipao was excited when he saw it.

"This breath, there is a kind of suppression in the majesty, I actually have the urge to worship." The old dragon emperor actually said so.

Chen Ze's real body was just a surprise, and then he turned back into a human form, "Senior, how?"

"You should join the Tianlong clan." Long Zixing said straightforwardly.

"That's impossible, he is my husband." Lu Qingluan refused directly.

As soon as Chen Ze Zulong's identity was exposed, all the Tianlong clan elders present were all shocked.

At this time, Chen Ze gestured to the somewhat sluggish Long Bin proudly with scissors hands: "Oye! Long San'er, now the problem is solved."

"Go to your uncle, you are a sinister dog thing." Long Binao cursed directly: "How come there are people like you in this world!"

"It's a dragon!" Chen Ze emphasized deliberately.

Chen Ze didn't matter, "Whatever you say, any obstacles are no longer valid. You can't object to this marriage anymore."

"That's not necessarily true." At this time, a majestic voice came up again, and the elders of the Tianlong clan who were present stood upright, and saw an old man with more aura than Long Zixing walking out of the void, with a dazzling golden robe.

"I have seen Taihuang!" A group of people hurriedly saluted, even Long Zixing had to bow.

Upon seeing this, Chen Ze brought everyone from the Chen clan in a salute, "I have met seniors."

The old dragon emperor smiled and said, "You kid, I'm here to sing the opposite. What are you going to do to me?"

"If the Lunchen clan and the Tianlong clan's grievances, of course, I will not salute. But today we are going to be married. From then on, the enemy will be in-laws. Naturally, the courtesy cannot be abandoned." Chen Ze said.

"Don't play word games with me, my daughter-in-law just suffered a loss, I am not fooled." The old dragon emperor motioned everyone to sit down.

"Senior, among the betrothal gifts I brought this time, there are three drops of my blood! Ancestral Dragon blood is not bad for the Tianlong Clan."

Chen Ze throws out his own assassin.

The old dragon emperor nodded: "Well, this bride price is indeed heavy, and I don't seem to have a reason to refuse."

"Then you agreed." Chen Ze didn't speak seriously.

"But the three drops of essence and blood are no match for such a living Ancestral Dragon like you." The old dragon emperor suddenly said.

"Father, do you agree that I use him to refine blood?" The unsmiling Long Zixing took it seriously.

"I'm going. Senior, you owe me a life, don't take such kindness and revenge." Chen Ze quickly turned over the old account.

Longzi walked: "For the sake of racial justice, my personal kindness will naturally be let go. I just happen to be able to avenge my second son, so why not do it."

"Okay, look at your rigid look. People take it seriously." Old Longhuang said at this time: "Chen Ze, I accept your betrothal gift. But it's not enough, I will add the same."

"Senior, what do you want to add?" Chen Ze asked.


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