My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1125: Slut Chen Ze

Chen Ze had to choose, and the first one was the old man of Shi Huang. After all, the interception was carried out on his site, and he was also the one who first discovered that Chen Ze and Garu were going to the Devil City.

Now that Chen Ze protects Laisha coming to ask for trouble, it is natural to start with him.

At this time, before Chen Ze came to the Shizu clan, he stood arrogantly in front of the mountain guarding formation just like he had been to the Xian clan.

Finding the weakness, the so-called guarding mountain formation was also fragile, and it only made this formation break and tremble, and shocked everyone in the stone clan.

"What happened?"

"Did someone hit the clan?"

"How come there is a war? Is it the Chen family?"

Some people knew about the Four Emperors' interception and killing of Chen Ze. Now if someone came to the door, it was Chen Ze.

Not long after, someone flew in in a hurry and reported in a panic: "Elder, Chen Ze has hit the door."

The stone elder looked pale when he heard the news. After all, Chen Ze was an imperial master. There was no doubt that he could not be killed in that battle. Naturally, there would be such a result.

It is impossible for him to defeat the four emperors, but if there is only one of them, then the result will be different. After all, Emperor Xu had also been defeated by Chen Ze. He was able to retreat from the hands of the four emperors and his combat power should not be underestimated.

"Quickly, mobilize the Dao Master in the clan formation to defend with all his strength, and he can't let him break through the mountain protection formation. I'm going to ask the clan emperor!"

The great elder looked away in a panic and walked to the inner hall where Shi Huang was deeply repaired. Shi Huang opened his eyes, he knew very well that he was only fully comprehending the realm of the contenders, and if it weren't for the critical elders, he wouldn't come to disturb him.

"Why, Chen Ze is here?" Shi Huangdao.

"Yes, clan emperor. Please go out and deal with it. I am not an opponent."


The violent shock at this time made the Great Elder almost unsteady, and Shi Huang slowly got up: "I am not surprised that he came to the door. This son will report it to you. The method is fierce. The last time I let him escape, I expected that he would come to the next house. Seek revenge, and our stone clan is the place to intercept him, so we are his biggest goal."

Shi Huang was very calm, and he was not afraid of Chen Ze. After all, he is already the emperor of a clan, and his methods are endless, no matter how much he can enter the emperor, he can retreat like an emperor.

He then dispatched, but before he rushed outside the clan, the mountain protection formation that had protected the stone clan for hundreds of thousands of years collapsed.

"Chen Ze, you are finally here." Shi Huangyun gathered his true energy, sound like thunder blasted in the space.

Chen Ze grinned: "Old Stone, it's so-called not to be indecent. If you find someone to calculate Laozi, how could I just swallow my breath."

"It's a pity that you let this little thief escape." Shi Huangdao.

Chen Ze's face suddenly became cold, "Old ghost, it doesn't matter if you kill me, but you are still cruelly attacking the Wu Clan. This is the most **** thing about you."

Chen Ze had to buckle the pot firmly, otherwise it would be troublesome if Laixia kept flicking. He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find a place one by one and clean up these four old things.

"Hmph, everyone who committed the remnants of the heavens and sins back then will be punishable. If there is a chance, I will destroy your Chen clan." Shi Huang didn't know that there was a more terrifying existence in the secret, and he spoke very hard.

Chen Ze sneered: "Just admit it. You intercepted me and the Wu Clan really made Xiaoye angry, but today it is not that I am coming to trouble you."

"What's the meaning?"

"it means……"

Chen Ze slapped out his eyes, and the hidden mansion in the dark space was shot out with a palm, and the powerful momentum directly suppressed Shi Huang.


Can't resist at all!


Shi Huang was shocked, even a little bit self-deprecating.

When the four joined forces that day, they promised to fight against each other with confidence. But today he really felt the strength of the contenders, and he realized that the so-called emperor was nothing but ants in front of the contenders.

No wonder only the contenders are qualified to compete for the opportunity of the heavenly demonstration, today he finally feels it.


Shi Huang spit out blood, unwilling to say: "Chen Ze, there are rules for those who fight for the front. You have broken the rules for letting the fight for the front of the clan strike me."

"No, no, no!" Chen Ze smiled and shook his head: "It wasn't Nine Fairy who first appeared to attack you, but you provoked someone who shouldn't be offended. Brother-in-law, are you really planning to show up?"

Lai Xia didn't respond, and she didn't know if she was dissatisfied with Chen Ze's name, or she didn't bother to show up.

"All right, then I will do it." Chen Ze smiled, "Old Stone, now give you a choice. Let me beat my breath, and you can live. Or let my brother-in-law do it and you die."

Shi Huang's face is as ugly as pig liver, how do you choose this?

Stand to die?

Live on your stomach?

This makes it extremely difficult for him as the emperor to choose. If it were past, he would choose to live on his stomach without hesitation. After all, life is the most important thing, and any grievances will be reported later.

But now he is the emperor, and his every move has been noticed by the world and his people. The Emperor Xuan was embarrassed in the past, and now he is their laughing stock.

"I don't believe you dare to let the contenders kill me!" gritted his teeth and said cruelly.


Laosha, who had never appeared in the void, hit another blow, directly smashing the stone emperor.

Chen Ze smiled: "Old guy, my brother-in-law has chosen to take action. Do you think he will still be afraid of the consequences of killing you? Besides, the genocide will destroy the contender's contract. You die, the stone clan only But it's just an emperor."

"You..." Shi Huang's steel teeth were about to be crushed, and the atmosphere was Chen Ze's smirk. He was absolutely not afraid of Chen Ze, but this fellow brought a mysterious contender.

"Shi Huang, you are a senior, and I respect you. In order to show my sincerity, I will give you another chance to choose."


Shi Huang is about to swear, do you respect me?

Lie to the ghost.


He was still hesitating, but Chen Ze rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward, "Well, since the senior chooses to be beaten by his hands, then I will reluctantly do it."

Shi Huang was about to speak, but Chen Ze's fist had already greeted him. He wanted to resist, but his body was suppressed by the contender in the dark, and he was struck by Chen Ze's punch.

The people of the stone clan behind did not know what was going on. They only saw Chen Ze chatting and laughing and crushed their clan emperor, beating them so hard to fight back.

Chen Ze's "respect" is really heavy, and Shi Huang was beaten in the blink of an eye.

An old monk who has lived for tens of thousands of years, he has been the emperor alone for 10,000 years. At the end of his life, he thought that the opportunity to prove the way would be his chance to fight for another life, but he did not expect to encounter such a thing.

Chen Ze's moves all greeted Shi Huang's face, not very lethal and extremely insulting.

Anyway, this time they couldn't kill this old thing, and that would simply give him the biggest insult.

Chen Zexi laughed and played happily, and did not stop for two hours.

Finally stepped aside, shook his blood-stained hand, laughed and said, "Senior, accept it."

Always let you uncle!

Shi Huang's eyes were swollen into a slit, and his teeth were almost lost.

"Senior, I hope you don't confide in the news. I have to visit the three of them. If one is not at home, I can only come back to visit the stone clan."

This bitch!

Shi Huang felt that his lungs were about to explode, but even if he was not reconciled in his heart, he could only endure it.

But if he thinks about it, if he loses face, he won't have the face to go out in the future. But if all four of them were beaten up like this, no one would have to laugh at anyone.

"You are too cheap."

On the way to leave, Lingxia couldn't help but speak. He felt that this Demon Race could only be cruel at best, but he was insidious compared to Chen Ze, and it was nothing short of a witch.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm here to help you out. Your status is inconvenient to do it yourself, so I don't have much effort as a thug, so you are satisfied?"

Poor Laixia, a generation of demons, was so fooled by Chen Ze to become a follower.

Who is venting?

Naturally it is Chen Ze.

The two were rampant all the way, rushing directly to the Tianfeng clan. Still Chen Ze came forward to swagger, attracting hatred.

With his title of little expert in dismantling the formation, even though the Emperor Feng played the first time, Chen Ze still smashed the mountain guard formation of the Feng clan.

This kind of guardian formation requires powerful true qi as its operating energy, and it is impossible to rely on underground qi veins alone to support it for such a long time. It needs to artificially create qi veins. The cost of such consumption is by no means small.

Chen Ze smashed this large formation, and it was not easy to rebuild it. Not to mention the terrifying consumption of earth treasures, the key is whether there is a Daoist who can control and complete the formation is the key.

"Chen Ze, you are so arrogant. But you were wrong when you came to me. On that day, I also got the message from Shi Huang to intercept you, otherwise who would conflict with you. If you want to find it, you should also find the first one. Shi Huang is right." Feng Huang planned to pull a back.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "You are really right. I did find Shi Huang. Not only did I find it, but I also beat up the old ghost. Originally, I only wanted to trouble his family, but this old ghost didn't I was willing to lose face and confessed you.

Said that if it weren't for your suggestion that day, the four of you would never have joined forces. It is said that the clan emperor of your Heavenly Dao clan is very arrogant and looks down upon the emperor of their ordinary clan. If it weren't for you, Emperor Yan would never show up! "

Lai Xia smiled happily in the dark, and at the same time admired Chen Ze's ability to tell the truth.

"He's talking nonsense, I didn't!" Feng Huang was vomiting blood from the palm of her hand at this time, and was suppressed by his body, unable to move, so he could only shout weakly.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "But I think Senior Shi Huang's words are true. After all, I respect his character, even if I embarrass him so much, I am still willing to resolve my hatred with me."

"This old man, he is worried that he will lose face." Feng Huang said.

"The truth doesn't matter anymore. I have come to the door. I can't do nothing." He said, pointing to the man in the dark. "That one is not a good talker. If he takes action, your life will be lost. It's gone."

"Well, I am willing to use resources in exchange."

Fenghuang immediately gave out a storage ring, which was almost all of his personal wealth. At this time, he couldn't help but make opportunistic tricks, so that the other party had no reason to shoot himself.

Chen Ze glanced at the storage ring. There were countless treasures in it. After all, he was the emperor of a clan who had been for so long, and he would randomly search for treasures that no one else could get for a lifetime.

Chen Ze nodded: "Well, your stuff is good, my brother-in-law promised to keep you forever."

As he rolled up his sleeves and started again, Fenghuang shouted: "Chen Ze, you don't speak credit!"

"What are you talking about!" Chen Ze was so angry that he punched directly: "Who doesn't speak credit? I, Chen Ze speak credit the most."

Feng Huang was imprisoned and couldn't fight back, and Chen Ze threw a violent hammer. Feng Huang was similar to Shi Huang's miserable situation, and his words leaked: "Libugang is used, I will save Lijiyuan."

"The resource you gave is to let my brother-in-law spare your life. The matter of you intercepting and killing me is not over yet. How about I give me the same resource again and I will stand still and let you fight?"

Chen Ze said quietly.

How dare Fenghuang do it at this time, he could only swallow this secret loss by himself.

Compared with Shi Huang, he not only suffered a beating, but also lost his personal wealth and was even more aggrieved.

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