My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1126: Five years

"It's too cheap, I won't help you if you are here."

Laisha couldn't help but say.

Chen Ze hummed: "You help me? You said you were helping me?"

"Brother-in-law, you have to make it clear that I am helping you. It doesn't matter if I can't help it. Anyway, I can settle this account myself. But at this time, I risk the world to find fault with you. What will other contenders think? "Chen Ze said: "Although most of you have some friendship with me, I have never met the fifth one."

"Besides, my Sister Shui can forgive you, but it depends on whether you can relieve her of her anger in this matter. Don't forget, she didn't just think of those four old guys who wanted to hurt you. Witch people who are their families, and your daughters!"

Chen Ze flicked, even though Lai Xia knew that this guy was making excuses for venting his anger, he still had to hold onto it whenever there was such a glimmer of hope. If he can't win the forgiveness of his wife and daughter, and this cause and effect are destroyed, he shouldn't try to seize the opportunity to see the heavenly place.

"You are really annoying. When I finish this cause and effect, I must kill you!"

Lingxia's tone was compromised.

After that, the two came to call their names one by one. In addition to the old man Que Yanhuang who was really not in the clan's land, Xuhuang also suffered from being beaten and given away resources. However, the end of the Tianyan clan was not much better. The emperor of his own family was not at home. When he entered it, the wolf entered the flock. He ransacked the treasure house of the immortal country all his life, and the harvest was not small.

The power of Chen Ze following Lingxia not only relieved his anger, but also made a lot of money. But this servant didn't even have a bit of consciousness, and didn't intend to give it to Laoxia.

"Brother-in-law, you don't need to look at me like that. You are a contender, and you still have a good look at this resource?" Chen Ze directly gagged his mouth.

Lai Xia is speechless, I am a contender, but I just have strength and no resources.

The Demon Race, that is a divided race, and the Demon Race is just a general concept, just like the Ordinary race at the time, it actually includes the Human Race, the Demon Race, and many other blood races.

The same is true within the demon clan. The various types of demon clan are not a single iron bucket. Except for the demon emperor to suppress other races and become the common master of all demons, all races have their own forces.

Although he is the young master of the middle clan, the current demon master, but he can't rob him everywhere. Naturally, he doesn't have too many resources in his hands.

"Furthermore, the Witch clan's background makes up for it, and I will hand it over to Sister Shui for you." Chen Ze said.

Masha couldn't stand it anymore, "Isn't it okay for me to hand it over to her personally?"

"Do you think Sister Shui can see you now? Even if you do, she can either do what you give? She vowed to say that she doesn't intend to forgive you." Chen Ze said.

"If so, I can do it now. Although it is not suitable for killing you, I can get those resources." Lai Xia said.

Chen Ze gave out the ring directly, "Take it, take it, take it all! As if I was scarce of this kind of resource. I think you are not venting sister Shui at all, but for your own welfare."


Laisha was embarrassed, he was just talking. Although the resources made him jealous, they were not as good as the causal demons brought by his wife and daughters who did not forgive him.

"From now on, you don't want me to speak for you. Sister Shui won't leave the Chen clan for thousands of years. If you want to enter the Nine Fairies, you won't agree, and I won't worry about how you want to repair the relationship. "

Chen Ze looked impatient and gave up, but every sentence was poking Laixia's heart.

"I can't stand it anymore, I can't help but shoot you to death if I don't leave! Get out! Get out!"

It turned out that he left first.

Chen Ze then took the ring back with a smile, "Small, I still want to miss my things, I can't die you."

In the end, he didn't care if Laoxia heard: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely take your matter to heart and speak for you."

This is what Chen Ze really wanted to tell him. After all, after repairing the relationship between the two, Laixia was tantamount to being tied to death by his wife and daughter, and he didn't obediently be his thug.

All the way back to the Chen clan with a small song, the two queens here couldn't help but ridicule him when they saw him like this, "I'm in a good mood. How about it, I've been upset this time."

"Turn over a few times." Chen Ze said triumphantly: "After the old ghost escaped from Emperor Yanhuang, the three old guys were all beaten by me.

Shui Rousong stretched out her hand at this moment: "You don't get these things alone, you have a share. Take half!"

"Sister Shui, do you want to be so cruel? It's me who contributes!"

"Do you think you can do without Lingxia?" Shui Rou said, "Don't be long-winded, or I will go to Lingxia now and let him come to you for it."

Chen Ze drooped his head: "Okay, half is half. Your Wu Clan is just a few people, now you can make a lot of money."

Shui Rousong smiled and nodded: "Well. You can give me a quarter."

Chen Ze's eyes lit up after hearing this: "My sister still loves me."

"Don't be too happy, you have to refine the remaining quarter of me into finished medicines and magical implements for me."


Chen Ze was depressed, "Daughter-in-law, she bullied me."

"Well, it's the right thing to bully you. Also, take out the rest too. The Chen family's background is insufficient, so I can just add it."

have to.

Chen Ze wanted to vomit blood very much. He and Lai Xia worked for a while, but the benefits were swallowed by the two women.

The violent beating of the three emperors by Chen Ze quickly spread. Although Emperor Yan was saved from the murderous hand, Chen Ze pierced through his clan land. He acted aggressively in it to steal so many training resources and lost a lot of face. .

Although the four races will not laugh at each other, there are other races. People from the Spirit Race, Chen Race, Tianlong Race, and Ghost Race were happily discussing this matter, and they were very happy one by one.

And all the major events in the fairy world have come to an end, returning to peace. Each family was silent, waiting for the emperor of their family to attack the Struggler sequence.

Chen Ze was rushed by Lu Qingluan to the Tianlong clan to protect his son's law within a few days after he was in the Chen clan. After all, she still didn't worry that the people of the Tianlong tribe secretly tried to let Chen Ze watch.

It was five years in a flash. In the past five years, Chen Ze has been in the Tianlong tribe. Because he is the real body of the ancestor dragon, he can let the tribe of the Tianlong tribe feel the pressure from the ancient blood.

Long Binao often used Chen Ze's coercion to temper himself, and he actually inspired the ancient Ancestral Dragon bloodline on him, showing signs of returning to his ancestors.


With silver scales gleaming, Long Binao gathered his body into a human body, his expression was extremely excited.

"Is Grandpa Long regretting his death now? He knew that your kid could return to his ancestors, so why did he take me as a granddaughter?" Chen Ze smiled.

"It's dead, how do you know you earned it?" Long Shubai gave him a glance.

"Just kidding, don't I make money for such a beautiful daughter-in-law like this? And Long Ying also wants to enter my house." Chen Ze said.

Long Bin shook his fist proudly: "Unfortunately, my blood is only one-third, which is far behind you."

"Actually, it's not necessarily." Chen Ze said: "Look for an opportunity to refine an ambergris pill. Maybe you can also become an ancestor dragon."

Long Bin Ao shook his head, "Impossible! There can only be one ancestral dragon body in the same era. Since you have achieved it, I will only achieve the golden dragon body at best. Compared with your five-clawed ancestral dragon body, it is still inferior. too much."

"It's better than it is now." Chen Ze smiled.

At this time, Long Ying ran over in a panic, "Father, Chen Chen seems to be waking up."

The two people here were surprised when they heard this. After five years, Chen Chen fell asleep in the soul-raising formation, and finally was about to wake up.

When several people ran over, Chen Chen in the formation had already opened his eyes. When he saw several people, he was surprised. He looked down and said, "Father, am I dead? Is this the state of soul cultivation?"

"What are you talking nonsense, you got well, nothing happened." Long Ying went up and hugged him, tears rolled down.

"But I..." His memory is still at the stage of being attacked by the old ghost emperor, and he doesn't know anything about the following things after the soul is shattered.

Chen Ze said: "There are indeed people calculating you, but the problem is not big. Now that you feel yourself, is there anything wrong with Shenhun?"

Even though he took the tenth-tier divine product soul-cultivating golden pill, the divine soul was shattered, and there was no possibility that there would be no problems.

Chen Chen felt it carefully, and said: "The Soul is indeed somewhat damaged, but there seems to be something wrong with my bloodline."


Chen Ze frowned, "What's the problem?"

"It seems that the seal inside has been pryed, and I feel a trace of ancient aura." He said.

How could this...

Long Ying worried: "This won't cause any problems, right?"

Chen Ze sighed and said, "Unexpectedly, you will finally embark on this road. Whether you can completely break through is up to you. If you can't completely unlock the seal, your destiny will not escape the fate of those Chen clan ancestors. ."

Chen Chen was born in order to inherit the blood seal that fell into Chen Ze's body. Now that he is completely smashed, Chen Chen can only go all the way, and it is impossible to look back.

"Father rest assured, I have the confidence to catch up with Chen Zu's footsteps and renew the path of respecting the queen." Chen Chen clenched his fists.

Long Binao was curious at this time and said, "Chen Ze, shouldn't you be talking about the path of cultivation stolen by Chen Zu."

"Do you know this too?" Chen Ze was surprised.

"Naturally is clear. The road to practice was broken after the First World War. Although three ancestors of my Heavenly Dragon Clan have reached the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, they all said that the follow-up path is still there, but the most important step is missing. It is very likely, The first battle with God was a game. Chen Zu didn't even think about defeating God, but took away the key to that road." Long Binao said.

Chen Ze frowned. If so, things would have been too twists and turns. The sudden betrayal of the Wu clan, and Chen Zu's insistence on going his own way, what kind of secrets are there?

And that terrible God, why should there be a catastrophe in millions of years?

On the earth, the lifespan of creatures is so short, but dinosaurs can dominate for 100 million years, and there has been no so-called catastrophe of heaven and the destruction of the earth.

"Leave aside this matter for the time being. Should this five-year postponed wedding be held? I can't wait to hold my grandson." Chen Ze suddenly changed the subject.

Long Binao despised: "Yes, it's been five years, why haven't my little girl's stomach moved a little bit? Are you not okay?"

"Fuck!" Chen Ze cursed: "I can't, I can't, where did such a vivacious son come from?"

"Who knows." Long Bin spread his hands proudly.

"Chen Ze, beat him!"

Before Chen Ze had an attack, Long Shu colded his face first, and the latter raised his fist without hesitation...

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