My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1127: Horror Marriage


The sky suddenly thundered out of thin air, and countless colorful clouds surged. Chen Ze walked out of the room in shock and watched the celestial phenomena being colorful.

The Dao around him is even more turbulent and treacherous, showing the state of cloud waves.

This is……

Chen Ze frowned and condensed, as if he had already guessed something.

Long Shu came to him and said: "How could this be?"

"The sixth contender appeared." Chen Ze said.

Long Shu looked at him in shock, when Long Bin flew over and said loudly, "Chen Ze, have you seen it?"

"En, the direction of the Tianyan clan."

The implication is that Emperor Yan actually took that step first and entered the ranks of contenders.

"How could this be?" Long Bin said proudly: "That old guy is one step ahead of my grandfather."

Chen Ze said: "This is not surprising. Emperor Yan is also the oldest emperor in the immortal world. Years of precipitation and recent experience may have allowed him to break through the obstacles in his heart."

Now Chen Ze is only worried that if Emperor Yan becomes a contender, will he break the contract set by the five contenders. If so, it would be extremely detrimental to him.

After all, he killed the former ghost emperor. Others may not know, but he knows that the two are actually brothers.

"Fortunately, there are three contenders on our side, but they are not afraid of him." Long Binao said.

Chen Ze nodded: "Among the great emperors, I have never met the fifth contender. I don't know what his cultivation level is. But his father-in-law's combat power is impressive, and the cultivation level of Fairy Nine is the most terrifying."

Long Bin was full of curiosity, "Chen Ze, is Fairy Nine really so strong? What is her origin?"

Xiao Jiu's life experience became a mystery, she followed Chen Ze as soon as she appeared, and even during the five hundred years when Chen Ze disappeared, she sheltered the Chen clan by herself, allowing the Chen clan to be preserved in the first broken years of the mortal world.

"She..." Chen Ze hesitated and said, "It's the ominous one in Jiuyou Nest."


The Long Family brothers and sisters were particularly shocked, "The ominous thing that has shocked everyone for hundreds of thousands of years is actually the Nine Fairies!"

"Very unexpected, I was also taken aback at the beginning. If she turns into a man with a beard and full face, I can accept it, but she turns out to be a tall, big, and curled beauty. Tsk... "

Chen Ze's gaze changed, and Long Shu grabbed his ears: "The surname is Chen, no wonder Sister Lu loves to scold you, you are too lustful. Even Fairy Nine dares to covet, are you tired of living? "

"I just think about it, it's not okay." Chen Ze muttered.

Long Bin smiled proudly: "You deserve it."

At this time, Chen Chen and Long Ying came and saluted the three of them. Then Chen Chen said: "Father, everything is ready, you can inform mother to let the house run."

"Well, be careful about everything. Your aunt and I will go back and make arrangements first."

The big wedding, which has been delayed for five years, is still to be held. Long Binao said: "This time you can rest assured, the emperor said that this time he will personally take shelter in secret."

Long Zixing, the warrior protects, unless a few warriors join forces, otherwise you can't even hurt Chen Chen and Long Ying.

"Then there is father-in-law Lao. Long San'er, thank you father-in-law for me, I will leave first."

Chen Ze and Long Shu did not hesitate, and set off directly back. Nothing unusual happened along the way, after all, Emperor Yan had just become a contender, and he needed to stabilize his cultivation.

When he got home, Lu Qingluan was still busy with his son's marriage, so he had no time to be honest with Chen Ze. In the past five years, Chen Ze returned home several times, and the relationship between the two was always noisy, and there was no major change.

"Are all the invitations sent out?" Chen Ze asked.

Lu Qingluan smiled and said, "Why, do you still care about this? I sent it out early."

"Who did you invite?" Chen Ze asked again.

"Do you care about which woman you missed? Don't worry, all the ones that should have come are here."

At this time, a figure slowly walked out from behind the main hall and smiled at Chen Zeyan: "Long time no see."

Chen Ze was surprised to see Luo Xian'er: "It's really been a long time since I saw you, your cultivation level has been impacted very quickly."

I haven't seen it for a long time, Luo Xian'er is already in a phaseless cultivation base. In this regard, she is faster than Chen Chen, and Luo Xian'er, who has become a strong person without phase, is really immortal.

"Chen Ze, there is still me."

Ao Qing stepped out, letting Chen Ze out even more. In the days when the Chen clan had a catastrophe, Ao Qingjian's whereabouts were unknown. Unexpectedly, Lu Qingluan had even found her.

This girl's talent is relatively poor, but after all, it has refined a drop of the blood of the old ghost of Han Hong, which has helped some, and now she also has the cultivation base of Qianyuan Realm.

Chen Ze knew that this was not an illusion. Although Wuxiangjie masters were not rare in the Great Immortal Realm, it seemed that the overall cultivation level of the monks was improving.

After all, there were even six contenders. Among the emperors, including him, the ghost emperor, the witch emperor, Lu Qingluan, and the spirit emperor were all new emperors.

"Where have you died all these years?" Chen Ze was less restrained when meeting old friends.

"It happened that I was not in the Chen clan during the First World War, so I went out to experience. I didn't get the information in a secret realm. Ten years have passed since I came out. The dust had already settled by then, and you also left." Ao Qing said.

"Fortunately, to know that in that battle, too many friends of us passed away." Chen Ze regretted.

Just when he was depressed, another figure walked out from behind, with a hearty laugh: "Junior Brother Chen, don't come here unharmed!"

"There is also Lao Tzu. Letian Shu, you have to grab me and come out for nothing." Xi Shuai also jumped out.

"Hehe, you are not dead yet." Chen Ze joked.

"Fuck you uncle, it's hard for the thief to want to accept me." Xi Shuai said, covering the past with a palm, and Chen Ze was shocked.

He waved away Xishuai's offensive, "The King!"

"Haha... I didn't expect it. Don't think that you are the emperor, I am not bad. Of course, Lotte Shu is also."

Lotte Shu still smiles, but it doesn't show up or leak.

"It seems that in these five hundred years, you all have a certain opportunity." Chen Ze said.

"That's natural." Xi Shuai said: "Our duo can't be taken apart, you are the emperor, and I have to keep up."

After being thrown away by Chen Ze at the beginning, they are all chasing after him.

Suddenly added the two emperors to their own camp, which is a good thing for Chen Ze.

Next, Bai Xi, Qiao Yiqiao and others also came out. Qiao Yiqiao and Chen Ze returned to the earth. They separated after returning, but they have not seen each other for several years.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of old friends, Chen Ze was very pleased.




The welcome bell outside suddenly rang, and then someone announced loudly: "The ghost of the ghost clan, the emperor, come to congratulate the emperor Chen and the prince's beloved son on their wedding."

"It's Garu here." Chen Ze smiled, "Let's go, let's go to meet him."

Not only Garu came outside, but Qianjia. He is another old friend who has not seen each other for hundreds of years, and Chen Ze is very moved.

Qian Jia had lost the thoughts of the past, "Long time no see."

These four words are what Chen Ze has heard the most today, and they are also what he said the most.

"Long time no see, please inside."

Garu gave a ring: "Wedding gift, my ghost family has a small business, don't dislike it."

"What nonsense, let's go."

The welcome bell rang again before they were seated in the hall.

"Ling emperor of the spirit race, come to congratulate the emperor Chen and the prince's beloved son on the wedding!"

Spirit emperor?

Chen Ze was startled, Lu Qingluan smiled and said, "I just sent an invitation casually, but I didn't expect him to actually come."

Calculating carefully, although Lingyue is the Holy Spirit, she is also a person of the Spirit Race. Chen Ze and his wife went out again to greet them. The Linghuang face was a middle-aged person, wearing a blue and white robe, and the natal crystal on the eyebrows was even purple.

"Emperor Chen, Prince Chen, congratulations." The Emperor Ling clasped his fists.

"Linghuang is polite, please take a seat at the entrance."

Chen Ze spoke.

Then the welcome bell will ring every once in a while, one after another. The three people who were beaten by Chen Zepang, Huang Huang, Shi Huang, and Feng Huang, came here in person.

This caused a trace of worry under Chen Ze's smile, and the spirit emperor had the least grievances with him, which could barely be regarded as a face-to-face exchange. But these three people had a great feud with Chen Ze, and they also came, and they must have some idea.

Then the bell rang five times, which was surprising.

Lu Qingluan stood up and said, "The contenders are here."


Chen Ze was surprised that there were still contenders coming?

When I went out to see, it was Bo Ya who came over on behalf of Emperor Dan and gave Chen Ze a lot of face.

Then five more bells rang, and Lingxia came in black.

It's really lively today. Among the five old contenders, two are present, and one Nine Fairy is already practicing in the Chen clan. Dragon Emperor and Long Zixing were protecting Chen Chen and the others on their way back.

At this moment, the mysterious fifth contender never showed up.

This time the big wedding, almost all the peaks of cultivation in the great immortal realm were present, and people couldn't help but sigh.

The people of the Chen clan are all curious as to what kind of face their prince has in order to allow so many big names to be there.

The people in a large hall are either emperors or contenders. Such scenes are really rare.

Everyone was talking to the snake, Shi Huang smiled at this moment: "Prince Chen, today is so grand, I don't know when the newcomers will arrive?"

"Is Shi Huang drunk in a hurry?" Chen Ze said perfunctorily: "Don't worry, my Chen family's fine wine does not need your Shi family's difference. Keep it for you to enjoy drinking."

Xi Shuai whispered at this moment: "Chen Ze, these old boys have enemies with you, and those who came are not kind."

"What are you afraid of? With so many contenders sitting in town today, can it be possible that some of them can cause trouble." Chen Ze said.

Then the welcome bell rang again, five times again.

This made Chen Ze very surprised, wondering if it was the fifth contender who appeared?

He looked at Lu Qingluan, who shook his head, indicating that he didn't know. The fifth contender is so mysterious that she can't get in touch at all.

The couple confessed their crimes and went out to greet them, but they saw the emperor Yan's breath above the colorful clouds, and said in the air: "Chen Ze, the old man is here to congratulate, won't you not be welcome."

How is he.

Chen Ze frowned secretly. This old guy had just broken into the realm of the contenders, and he couldn't wait to come here to show off his prestige. He really shouldn't.

No wonder the three old ghosts of Shi Huang dare to come over brazenly, they must know that Emperor Yan is coming.

"How come, today is a big wedding for children. Those who came are all guests, and Emperor Yan is here personally. It is Chen's honour, please come inside!"

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