My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1129: Closer

That drop of blood looked particularly dazzling now. Although Emperor Yan has just entered the ranks of contenders, it is by no means an enemy of the Emperor.

That sword,

Wounded the contender!

The scene was deadly silent, and the silence was terrible.

After a long time, a sigh sounded.

"Oh, I lost."

Lotte Shu calmly spoke.

But this is enough to be proud of.

I thought that the battle that Chen Ze violently beat the emperor pushed him to the top of the emperor, but today he suddenly walked out of an ordinary person, giving everyone a more terrifying cognition.

The emperor can also hurt contenders.

The sword intent of Emperor Yan's fingertips gradually dissipated, but at that moment, he still felt a sense of fear in his heart. Even if he knew that this sword could not pose a fatal threat to him, he still couldn't help thinking like this.

This man is very strong.

Even, he was only one step away from the contender.

"Big brother is still big brother, as always, it is my role model. Haha..." Xi Shuai laughed at this moment, "Chen Ze, have you seen it? You are not qualified to be proud in front of us."

Chen Zexin happily responded: "You are better than me, so that I can have my wife and children hot on the bed. Wouldn't it be nice to be drunk with dreams of death."

One side is happy and the other side is sad, and the camp formed by Emperor Yanhuang and others is embarrassed at this time. Today they came from trouble, and they never expected to be easily resolved by two unknown juniors.

"The world is so big. Your Excellency has shown me the true peak of the emperor. It is gratifying and congratulating." Emperor Yan said at this time: "My realm is new and unstable, so I won't drink this wine and leave."

The old man also found an excuse for himself, turned and ran away. It's no wonder that the myth of the invincibility of contenders was almost broken here, and face has been lost. Now it's an unstable state, and even if it's far-fetched, I can always find remedies.

"What about the three?" Chen Ze started to have trouble at this time. These old folks are coming to stir up his son's wedding, and Chen Ze didn't plan to give any face.

"I just missed my hand and got hurt. I want to go back to train and leave." It doesn't matter if the emperor has been embarrassed over the years, so I don't care about it.


The Phoenix Emperor was even more straightforward, leaving only two characters and slowly disappearing in place.

Shi Huang clasped his fists and left without saying anything.

When a farce is over, the rest is reluctantly regarded as his own.

The Witch Emperor turned his head and saw Laisha standing behind her, and he couldn't help but frown, "Stay away from me, it will be annoying to see you."

"Sister Shui, give face, now Ersha Brother is here to congratulate my son on his marriage."

"Only this day, the next is not an example." Shui Rousong said and flew towards the Chen clan.

At this time, the demons of the first generation of Laixia gave a grateful look to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze raised his eyebrows: "Which one of our brothers are with whom, when will we be able to call her brother-in-law upright in front of her? You have passed this level."

Xi Shuai looked at the situation and asked curiously: "Sister Shui is too sassy, ​​right? The man of the contenders says that you don't want it?"

"Who made him make a mistake. Let's go, go back and drink."

Without the other people, the emperors and contenders returned to the hall and confessed their wine.

It wasn't until the second day that Chen Chen's welcoming team appeared on the horizon. The Chen clan began to set off fireworks under Chen Ze's instruction. He personally designed and refined special fireworks with all kinds of aliens, just like contenders breaking through.

Long Zixing did not show up, nor did Chen Ze force him to leave him. In the custom of the Great Immortal Realm, there can be elders in the party to send relatives, but it is still not suitable for people of grandpa's generation to show up, otherwise it will be difficult for Chen Ze to make arrangements when visiting the hall.

Long Binao heard that his eyes popped up after a big battle yesterday, "Grandma's, I'll hurry up if I knew it. This is a thousand miles away, time has been delayed, and I missed such a good show."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "It's okay, there will be many such scenes in the future. Now the power of the great immortal world is very clear, and the future battles will be very clear."

Long Bin sighed proudly: "I missed my Heavenly Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Dao Clan, but you are the chaotic thief who is in the same way and miscalculates."

"You are all in the same foul play with the chaotic thieves, you are still a dragon, and you can simply change back to the real dragon. This is the prestige left by the ancestors to you, and you can also boost your breath while listening." Chen Ze said.

"I'm not the Dragon Emperor, and I can't do this." Long Binao quickly shook his head.

It has been more than one million years since their Tianlong clan became the Heavenly Dao Clan, and it had been like this before the first battle of God, and they carried too much blessings from the Heavenly Dao. If it is a rebellion at this time, I am afraid that the cause and effect that every tribe will bear in the future will be unimaginable.

Chen Ze also knows that it is unrealistic to completely pull the Tianlong clan into his own camp. What he can do is that when the real battle begins, it is enough for the Tianlong clan to stay out of the matter and not participate.

After all, among the ten major races, the Celestial Dragon clan's combat power is the most sturdy. Even the stalwart people like Chen Zu just overwhelmed them.

A few months after the wedding, a group of friends also left almost the same. Everyone has their own way. Now that the opportunity to prove the Dao has appeared, Chen Ze can't stop them from pursuing his own Dao fruit.

But the power of Letian Shu also made Chen Ze understand that certain things should be done.

Waved in the past, how many masters of the same generation competed, Chen Ze suppressed them too much. To this day, Chen Ze still believes that he has this ability.

"Are you leaving again?" Lu Qingluan looked at him, "I wish we didn't bear this **** fate."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "To say something you don't like to hear, I have never cared about the fate of your Chen family. What I am carrying is my own fate. For you, for my relatives, and for the friends I know well. "

Thousand years of time, seemingly far away, are in fact fleeting.

Chen Ze's practice has always been smooth, and although it is enviable, it is also his drawback. He didn't even know where to break through the contenders. The law of enlightenment was only one of the paths, the most difficult and difficult path.

If there is unlimited time available, Chen Ze can still rely on the accumulation of his background to try, but now he needs the most extreme means to accelerate.

And this method is to fight!

Letian Shu and Xi Shuai brought a message to Chen Ze that the Great Desolate Meteorite Realm, far beyond the Demon Race, is a gathering place for the real strong. There are no fewer than twenty emperors they have ever seen.

And there, there is a legend, a legend about the Nine Heavens.

The Chaos Qinglian that Chen Ze needs to look for is above the sky, but he doesn't know where it is above the sky.

Perhaps if you understand this so-called legend of Nine Heavens, everything can be solved. And now, what he was going to was the Great Desolate Falling Realm, competing with the strong.

Chen Ze bid farewell to his wife and children and flew towards the distant sky.

Mu Fu appeared beside Lu Qingluan at this time, "Are you really not going to tell him that?"

"Hope is slim, I don't want this to become a burden for him. He keeps saying that he doesn't want to shoulder the mission of the Chen family, but he has been carrying it for me." Lu Qingluan said.

"I'm so worried that one day he will blame you."

"This is my fault." Lu Qingluan sighed, looking at Chen Ze's disappeared figure, not taking it back for a long time.

Chen Ze was going to the Great Desolate Meteorite Realm, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he went back to Hunhe, and the treasure that had been in the dust for a long time should be born.

The world weapon that followed the Chen clan in the battle was not only Zhuxianjian, but also the Yan Pagoda.


People in the extremely profound waters only felt the ground under their feet trembling, even torn apart.

Everyone was still shocked, and someone exclaimed: "Mingwang Tower, that is Mingwang Tower!"

An ancient stone tower stood in the sky, and the bottom of the tower suddenly bloomed with colors, including all the people on the island.

Chen Ze knew that if he left the Yan Pagoda, the extremely profound waters would disappear. This small island below the water level of the Hun River would also be completely submerged, and he just sent these people out easily.

After all, they are all poor people who have been trapped here for generations and have never seen the outside world.

Everyone was puzzled and was still yelling, but no one could stop the absorption power of Yan Pagoda.

Chen Ze's cultivation was also crushing the crowd and could not tolerate them to resist.

Then came to the banks of the Hun River, Chen Ze put everyone down and stood on the spire of the tower and said: "From today, you will be completely free from the extreme profound waters, go."

He sounded like thunder, trembling through the sky.

When all the people saw the great world outside, they had mixed feelings. No matter how cruel people were before, they all knelt down and worshipped Chen Ze at this moment: "Thank you, senior!"

For an instant, Chen Ze seemed to feel what power was added to his body, making the flower of his time and space laws bloom.

It's the power of mind!

That is, the imperial spirit that is more important to the emperors of all races. The power of Chen Clan's wish was added to his wife Lu Qingluan, and Chen Ze had never felt it before.

Unexpectedly, today's casual act of kind thoughts won him such a strong thought power.

He stepped on the Yan Pagoda and left. He was already sweating profusely after leaving everyone's sight, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "His grandmother is too tired to pretend to be superior, and I don't know how those old guys are so tense. Ten thousand years."

He is now the emperor's strength, but it is still difficult to control the world weapon as he wants. After all, it is a treasure of a strong man beyond Tianzun, and the sword of death is only incomplete, and it has already helped Chen Ze fight the emperor. If this complete world tool can be driven at will, he is afraid that there will be a contender breaking the wrist.

A complete world artifact cannot be carried by a storage artifact, because the power of the artifact can deter the space, and no storage artifact of any grade can withstand it.

With a thought in his heart, he put the Yan Pagoda into the internal space of his body and hung it by the side of the law and Taohua, and the two corresponded in a distance.

It's time to really hit the road.

Chen Ze immediately flew in the air, drove through the void several times, and quickly reached the Devil City.

Next he is going to enter the territory of the Demon Race, which is actually very dangerous here. Demon Clan Xie Xiu never talked about the righteous rules, and even the cultivation base of Lingxia's servant was derived from the blood. And people like him have a lot of people in the Demon Race.

Although the land of the Demon Race is withered, it is not as desolate as the Devil City. It's just that the vegetation here is very similar to that near the ghost tribe, and it's dark and lifeless.

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