My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1130: The biggest scourge

There is no decent fairy city in the Mozu, after all, they are not law-abiding people. Except for the clan lands of various races, it is difficult to have large-scale buildings.

Chen Ze didn't rush into the Great Desolate Meteorite Realm, he stopped near a barren ridge. There are traces of Mozu activities nearby. He wants to inquire about the Great Desolate Falling Realm.


Two days after Chen Ze landed, there was a voice quickly approaching.

He didn't expect that he would be able to meet people if he sits and waits. He leaned against the tree trunk and hung a blade of grass, waiting for the hapless Demon rabbit.


A figure rushed out, and Chen Ze was startled by the two big ears that pierced up, and then both smiled.

He planned to stay here and wait for the rabbit, but he didn't expect to actually get a rabbit.

It’s just that the rabbit’s ears are a bit weird.

The big rabbit that sprang out saw Chen Ze where his body suddenly stopped, and looked at him vigilantly.

"Hello, rabbit." Chen Ze waved.

The transformation of this monster race hasn't been completed yet, but the aura it exudes is good. It seems not that she can't, but that she doesn't want to.

"You came to catch me too?" said the woman with rabbit ears.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "You are right, but there is no reward."

The woman pursed her mouth, staring at Chen Ze with red eyes, suddenly turned around and ran away.

Chen Ze was not in a hurry, his figure slowly disappeared in place, and he switched to the rabbit girl and continued to wait.


When the woman saw Chen Ze, she stopped again, "Why are you still?"

"Are you surprised?" Chen Ze spit out the blade of grass in his mouth, "I am faster than you."

The woman turned around this time and had to run, but found that her body was suddenly imprisoned by some force, and she couldn't exert any force at all.

"Don't struggle, you'd better catch it with your hands in front of me, or I will eat roast rabbit tonight."

Molan has always had a precedent for eating each other, and Mo Lan doesn't doubt Chen Ze's words.

"Give you!"

She stopped resisting, and Chen Ze let go of her restraint. Unexpectedly, this woman directly threw a blue bead over, "This qi-raising bead is yours, let me go."

Chen Ze glanced at the bead and let it float in front of him. He wanted to refine this thing at any time, and the preciousness of the Qi Nourishing Pearl was not itself, but the spiritual energy bred in it.

When Chen Ze cultivated in Yanchenlu, his aura had surpassed the true aura of ordinary monks, and it was also many times higher than the aura cultivated by Qi Qizhu.

"What do I want this shit? What I want is you." Chen Ze smiled.

Mo Lan's face changed drastically when she heard it. She thought that the other party had intercepted herself because of this qi bead, but she didn't expect it to be a womanizer.

"I'm the Demon Rabbit Clan, do you have such a heavy taste?" she said.

"It's fun and more delicious, isn't it." Chen Ze intends to tease her.


Mo Lan was desperate. She had escaped for so long, but she couldn't imagine that she would eventually fall into the hands of this old monster. It was really miserable. With this guy's cultivation base, I'm afraid it will be difficult to die.

There are many old monsters in the Mozu, and I am afraid it is one of them that I have encountered today.


This is the shaking of the leaves, and more than 20 powerful auras fly in the air, all of them are in the companion Dao realm.

When Chen Zeyang looked around, the group of people had already arrived close. One by one weird shapes, saying that a demon is not a demon, and that a demon is not a demon.

"Molan, see where you go. Dare to steal my clan's nourishing beads, really looking for death." The headed man was full of golden scales, but he had a pair of rat eyes, which looked very funny.

"Chaotong, now the beads are not in my hand, they were snatched by him. You have to raise the Qi beads, and you should find him." Mo Lan shook his hand and pointed.

Chen Ze raised his eyebrows and said that the people of the Heart Dao Demon Race were really good enough, so he threw the pot to him.

The man named Chaotong glanced at Chen Ze and snorted coldly: "He is not in a hurry, you steal my clan's Qi Ball and you should die!"

This guy beckoned, and two people behind him immediately rushed out and rushed towards Mo Lan.

"Old guy, don't you want to play with me? I promise to cooperate with you fully and never let me be killed by them." Mo Lan said suddenly.

Chen Ze laughed blankly, and it seemed that his image had been finalized in the eyes of this female rabbit.

He didn't have a killer. After all, it wasn't necessarily Mo Lan that was the real rabbit waiting for him. What he wanted was someone who could provide information about the Great Desolate Falling Realm.

The two people who rushed out were directly frozen in the air, unable to move.

This scene was naturally shocked in the eyes of Chaotong and others. They are all people who accompany Dao realm cultivation, and they are also deacons and elders in the clan, and they are masters on one side. But people with such a cultivation level were directly imprisoned in front of this person, and they didn't even see the other party doing it.

There is only one possibility for such a person!

Not Qianyuan, but Wuxiangjing!

They didn't guess wrong. Strictly speaking, Chen Ze was still Wuxiangjing, just the emperor of Wuxiangjing.

"Senior, I have no intention of offending." Chao Tong quickly asked for mercy.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "I'm here to ask you, who knows the message of the Great Desolate Falling Realm?"

Chao Tong was startled, they were just small clan within the demon clan, and they had not even gone out of the demon clan territory, so how could they know such information.

"Does any of you know?" Chao Tong still turned his head to ask, but everyone around him looked at each other and didn't know.

After he was sure, he clasped his fists and responded, "Senior, no one knows."

Chen Ze nodded, "Then what's the use of keeping you?"


The two people who were frozen in the air directly turned into blood mist, scared that Chao Tong and the others did not have a trace of blood on their faces, and they knelt down and begged for mercy: "Senior for your life, I really don't know."

Mo Lan was also shocked, gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, I know. I know how to get to the Great Desolate Meteorite Realm."


Chen Ze smiled, "That's good."

He then waved his hand and shook Chao Tong and the others directly. Although he didn't need to keep his hands when treating such cruel demons, Chen Ze wouldn't embarrass them yet.

More than two dozen people dared to hesitate wherever they escaped from the dead. It is important to save their lives if they raise the air bead but not the air bead.

Hulala, a group of people retreated, and Chen Ze looked at the rabbit at this moment: "Let's talk about it."

Where did Mo Lan know what Great Desolate Meteorite Realm, her red eyeballs rolled around a few times, and said: "Senior, Great Desolate Meteorite Realm is not in the Devil Realm. It takes a long way to get there."

"You only care about the road. If you let me know that you lied to me, I don't have to say about the end." He threatened.

The air was still filled with the **** smell of the two dead, and Mo Lan certainly knew what Chen Ze was referring to.

"Senior, let me take you there. It's hard to tell the truth if I say that. If you really don't believe me, would I be dead for nothing?" Mo Lan said.

Chen Ze nodded: "Alright, if you keep fooling around, wouldn't I be too shameless."

After saying that, he rolled his hand, grabbed the rabbit directly, and took it into the air, saying: "Direction."

Ink blue eyes rolled again, pointing to one of them, and said, "There is a Dagu Mountain over three million miles away. The road to the Great Desolate Meteor World is just behind Dagu Mountain."

Three million li, not far from the beginning of Chen Ze, he instigated Zhen Qi to cover the dark blue, and directly tore the space into the void.

Entering the void, Molan is not very scared, after all, she also has a companionship cultivation base. But looking back at the cracks that had healed, he said, "Senior, you haven't got the Qi Cultivation Ball."

"I don't care about that shit."

Mo Lan was so wronged, she desperately tried to steal things from the tide boy race, but was thrown away as rubbish.

Not long after, Chen Ze tore the void again and jumped out of it with the ink blue. After a few steps, the scenery around his body turned into a ghost and retreated, and the fast ink blue was unbelievable.

Soon, a huge mountain crossed in front of them and plunged into the sky.


The Dahuang Mountain, three million miles away, arrived in the blink of an eye, and the cultivation of this old monster was abnormal.

"How do I feel that there is something in this mountain, the aura is very strong." Chen Zeruo felt a strong aura inside, at least threatening his existence.

Mo Lan was shocked, Dagu Mountain was indeed weird recently, and when several masters entered or passed through, all of them mysteriously disappeared. She brought Chen Ze over, the purpose is to fool him in, so as to get away.

"You are not lying to me, are there any masters here?" Chen Ze asked.

Mo Lan hurriedly broke: "Why, the Great Desolate Fallen Realm is actually a world outside of the Demon Race. After passing the Dagu Mountain, it is the entrance. Experts like the seniors want to enter. It is not surprising that there are people here. Bar."

Chen Ze thinks about it, "Little girl film, come in with me."

He said that as he moved his figure, he entered Dagu Mountain with the ink blue. The latter was miserable. She originally wanted Chen Ze to go in alone, but she didn't expect this old pervert to bring her in directly.

As soon as the two of them reached halfway up the mountain, they felt a terrifying force come out of it, and it was obvious that they wanted Chen Ze's life.


Chen Ze waved his hand to block the attack, and his figure was shaken back Xu Yuan.

But his cold sweat broke out.


These words flashed out of his heart, full of alertness. At this time, the killing intent was diffused, and the dark blue had been enveloped: "Are you pitting me?"

Mo Lan knew he was going to die, and said with a grin: "Old pervert, I just let you die, how? I can't run now. Tsk tsk, deserve it! Who will let you provoke my old lady, cheat you!"

Chen Ze slammed his hand and threw her directly.

Seeing the power above attacked the volume again, it rolled the ink blue into the mountain. Chen Zegang wanted to take the opportunity to turn around and leave, but heard a voice from inside: "Chen Ze, it's me."


The owner of this voice, Chen Zeman, was surprised, and he stopped fleeing, "Brother-in-law?"

He stepped forward, saw a stone cave, and plunged into it without hesitation.

At the bottom of the cave, Lai Xia sat there with a weak face, and beside her was a confined rabbit, staring at Chen Ze with gritted teeth: "Old pervert, why don't you just kill me directly."

Chen Ze smiled, "Little Rabbit, you want to cheat Laozi, but I didn't expect to know the master here, right."

This makes Mo Lan very depressed.

Lai Xia glanced at her dark blue eyes, not interested at all, "The blood veins are mixed, it's useless."

Chen Ze was curious, "I'm going, what's your situation? Is this dying?"

"Almost." Lai Xia's face was pale, "Grandma's, he was attacked by the old man of Emperor Yan Huang when he came out of your house and almost died."

"It's because you don't care about it." Chen Ze smiled.

"You got the benefits, but I was injured, and you can still laugh. Believe it or not, I will take your blood to heal the injury?" Lao Xia said.

This guy can really do such a thing.

Chen Ze said: "It seems that I am going to the Great Desolate Meteorite Realm to be released later."

"Where are you going? Tired of work?" Lingxia asked.

"If I want to break into the contenders, I must continue to fight and hone the Dao realm. There, naturally, is the best place to go. Just relying on the old guys from the emperor, I can't put pressure on me." Chen Ze smiled.

"Very, to break through with war, this is indeed a method." Lai Xia said: "I need you to find all three bloodlines for me to heal my injuries."

"All right, for the sake of sister Shui's face, I will run errands." Chen Ze said.

Lai Xia threw a map jade talisman to Chen Ze: "I marked it on it, and the blood of a person with a stateless cultivation in these three races will do."

"Come on, I'll just come."

Chen Ze didn't hesitate at all, Lai Xia laughed and scolded, "This is a life-killing thing, do you have any burden?"

"The burden of a fart is the scourge of the demons, and one death is one less." Chen Ze said.

"I think you are the worst evil!"

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