My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1254: Into the Triple Heaven

Lost in one punch?

Even Chen Ze himself was surprised. It's also to blame that he just broke through the seventh star ring, and his power control was not accurate.

Leng Su in the distance was also stunned when he saw this scene.

What kind of **** emperor Taoist is forty heavy, and he is knocked down with a punch.

Say yes, this Feng Tai was bragging at first?

But it shouldn't be, she has personally felt this guy's palm strength. Even if she had only half of her combat power left, she could almost kill her if she was casual. Leng Su naturally knew that even if she was in full bloom, she would never be Feng Taichu's opponent.

Now that Feng Taichu was defeated with a single palm, it could only explain one thing.

Chen Ze, too strong!

She even had some reservations when she was beheading Wu Daolin.

In fact, Leng Su didn't know that Chen Ze would devour their years of cultivation energy to strengthen himself after killing.

Feng Taichu glanced at Chen Ze from a distance, then stood up and stood up: "Chen Ze, I can't think that if I become an emperor and still cannot defeat you, then what is the meaning of my life. Come on, I will fight you for the last time!"

As soon as his voice fell, he began to quickly urge his cultivation base, and the Dao around him agitated, like the eye of a storm.

"I want to die with you!"

Feng Taichu roared, but in the center of this turbulent Dao Ze, a figure quietly turned into a ray of Dao Yun and fled into the distance.

Chen Ze smiled when he saw this scene holding his shoulders. He then stepped to catch up with Feng Taichu in an instant and stepped on it.


Feng Taichu, who was forced to make Daoyun's debut, was very unwilling: "How did you know that I was going to leave?"

Chen Ze smiled and said: "At that time, you fled early as soon as the battle between me and the lost was decided. For a person like you, reputation is not important at all. So, do you think I will be fooled by you? "

Feng Taichu knew that he had no chance of escape, and said: "Chen Ze, I know you never feel soft on the enemy. This time, I don't have any hope of survival. I just want to know, what exactly is your cultivation? Why, I condensed the emperor's way, still not an opponent!"

Chen Ze shook his head: "I really don't know. Even I don't know what kind of road I am taking now. Perhaps now I look at the scenery, and no one can predict what I will encounter tomorrow."

Feng Taichu smiled bitterly, "It seems that the spread of the immortal world was right at the time, and Chen Zu was going to force everyone out of a path that would no longer make mistakes. Now it seems that he has done it."

"It's a pity that you just can't figure it out, and you are willing to be the lackeys of the heavens. After Ji Luo, there will be no great world. The best end of our immortal world is to leave a dojo like the nine heavens. But now you or I are both Without that ability, then the fairy world will disappear completely, as if it had never existed before." Chen Ze said.

Feng Taichu said: "I've never been to Jiuzhong Heaven, where... is it really strong like a forest?"

"I killed more than a dozen holy realm gods. As for the spiritual realm gods, I haven't counted them." Chen Ze said.

"Sure enough, I still have to go out and take a look. I have been stuck in the fairy world for a lifetime, so my eyes can only be fixed on the legend of Tianzun. Haha..."

He is sad, but he does not regret it. Even if he died in an instant, he was the farthest one compared to the previous emperors of the Feng clan.

He condensed the Fenghuo Dao of their Lingfeng clan, knowing that their race has a promising future.

"Chen Ze, if one day you can establish your own dojo in Ji Luo, I hope you can leave a blood line for the Lingfeng clan." Renzhi's death is also good, and Feng Taichu's last request turned out to be this.

Chen Ze said, "If I have the ability, I will protect the tens of thousands of people in the immortal world!"


When the words fell, Chen Ze's palm strength also hit Zhongfeng Taichu's eyebrows.

The spirit platform was shattered and the soul was disintegrated, and a generation of powerhouses, the only person in the world who condensed the emperor's way, died in the hands of Chen Ze.

Energy swallowed, Chen Ze's nine sermons locked onto the Shenhua and continued to climb, unexpectedly hitting the eighth star ring all at once.

Although he could not really light up the eighth star ring, Chen Ze knew that the emperor's path of the early Feng Taichu had more energy than the ten sages of the nine paths!

Leng Su returned to Chen Ze in the distance. At this time, she really only had awe of Chen Ze.

"You... are okay." She saw Chen Ze's mood a little depressed.

Chen Ze laughed at himself suddenly, "What the **** is going on with me, the murderous demon will rush to sadness for his opponent."

"People can be called people because of their sensibility." Leng Su said.

"You are right, but I'm too sensitive. I finally met an old acquaintance, or an opponent, and finally had to kill him personally. Forget it, there is no longer such a figure in the world as Feng Taichu, so why bother to be sad. Let's go. !"

Chen Ze said.

Leng Su looked back at Daojie Shishan at this time, and said, "Go? Are you so willing to leave? This is Daojie. Did you know that many people in Sanzhongtian now infer that there must be a piece of Dao hidden in the core of the dojo? Therefore, nine Dao veins have been formed. The Nine Clans are entrenched here, relying on Dao veins to cultivate countless powerful geniuses!"

"If you want to stay, you can stay. Didn't you find that Daojie Shishan's flying speed is very slow, but in fact its ultimate direction is the same as the small worlds we have encountered before. One day it will definitely happen. When I met, I was not ready to face them." Chen Ze said.

Leng Su thought for a while, and felt that what Chen Ze said made sense. And she doesn't have a physical body right now, unless she completely abandons and transforms into pure soul cultivation, if the sentiment here cannot be completely integrated into a great road, she will have to start again when she finds the physical body again.

But when she really wanted to leave, she still had endless reluctance in her eyes.

When the two set off on the road, Chen Ze secretly threw a storage artifact on the stone mountain. When the stone mountain was about to disappear from the horizon, Chen Ze secretly activated the fairy tactic, and the huge space loaded the stone mountain in. Then use the teleport jade talisman to take it back to the hand.

He knows very well that Dao Jie is extremely precious. There are hundreds of Taoist agents on such a rocky mountain. If the news is leaked, I am afraid it will cause endless trouble.

Is there really no emperor in the triple heaven?

He is not sure.

And he also knew that he was definitely not the opponent of Emperor Zun. Leng Su is not yet someone he completely trusts, and is also a forgotten one. She is in a completely different situation from Ethereal Smoke. Anyway, the connection between the latter and Chen Ze is a trustworthy Jie Zhu, as for Leng Su, he is completely a collaborator.

The purpose of these fallen ones is to pursue the ultimate path. They choose to accept the seal and farewell to their loved ones when they are in their prime of life, and they can give up everything when facing their purpose.

In the icy void, the two of them flew for nearly four years before reaching a brilliant and colorful world.

The triple sky is not as big as expected, but it is also not as small as expected.

Leng Su smiled after seeing this: "I'm finally back! Haha..."

Chen Ze looked at the Triple Heaven, and there still remained the aura of Dao Ze that belonged to that Ji Luo. Although Dao Ze had the same origin as the Immortal Realm or the One and Two Heavens, there was a big difference.

No wonder, the more ancient Jiluo Yijie, the more powerful it is.

It seems that it has something to do with the ruining world of this legacy.

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