My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1255: Dog bites dog

"Chen Ze, this is where we are, Wollongong! This jade talisman bears the imprint of my spiritual sense. When you see Xizhe and Luozhen give them to them, you will know your identity." Leng Su said.

Chen Ze took it and squeezed it in his palm, "What are you going to do?"

"There is no way, the physical body is ruined. I have to find one, after all, there are too many restrictions on soul cultivation." She said.

Chen Ze squinted his eyes enviously: "You Meizu are really powerful. If you can replace your body so endlessly, wouldn't it be possible to live forever."

Leng Su laughed after hearing this. "What dream do you have. Even the immortal world has an end and re-evolves through Lin Jiluo. How can we Meizu live forever. We Meizu mainly cultivate spirits, but the strength of the physical body cannot differ too much, otherwise the spiritual platform will not be able to Withstand the power of the soul.

As we get stronger, the available physical bodies become harder to find. So there was a strong man in our Meizu ancestor who kept digging graves and looking for a strong body to replace it. "

"Well, my curiosity is satisfied." Chen Ze smiled.

Bai Su left, but Chen Ze did not rush to Wollongong.

He was kind to this name, but it was a pity that Zhuge Wolong lived here, but a group of practitioners.

He swallowed Feng Taichu's emperor's way this time, and the improvement was too great, as if he wanted to break through the eighth star ring.

He must refining his power to reach the control level.

Moreover, Chen Ze swallowed a complete gravitational stone on the empty Daojieshi Mountain. The black hole seems to have undergone some changes, and some mysterious pattern symbols have appeared. He needs to study it carefully, and may be able to go further. Improve his control of gravity.

Chen Ze searched for a retreat and practiced.

In the second heaven, the three figures have descended.

After so many years, they flew here from Sanzhongtian alone, the purpose is to find out what happened in the second heaven.

Even if the news brought back by doing so is lagging, it is better than losing control of Erzhongtian completely.

"Brother Xia, I can't believe it now. How come there are monks who can kill the powerful like the Nine Dao Saints in this inferior place." A gray-haired old man said.

"We must not underestimate anyone, any monk. Even in the barren land, there may still be flowers blooming." Xia Dong said.

"Let's do things separately," said Wu Qin, who was unsmiling on one side.

"Alright, we will meet here in three days." Xia Dong then chose a direction.

The gray-haired old man looked at Wu Qin, "I heard that this time you Wu Clan suffered a heavy loss, otherwise you wouldn't have to grab this place to send people."

Wu Qin is one of the few Wu people who knows the truth. Wu Daolin, the powerhouse of the Seven Daoists, who sits to maintain the clan's heritage, may have died. This matter is too relevant for the Wu Clan, and he must be clear about his life and death.

If the misfortune is true, it is even more important to figure out how he died.

After all, being able to kill Wu Daolin would be able to threaten their entire Wu clan.

"I also heard that the emperor of your Su Clan has been lying in the coffin, isn't it true?" Wu Qin retorted.

"Ha ha..." Su Anran smiled speechlessly, turned around and left.

The words of the two of them both pierced the pain point of the opposing place.

Because the Nine Clan is the Nine Clan, it is precisely because of the presence of powerful people. Once a fault occurs in a strong man, it is afraid that it will be squeezed out or even obliterated.

Wu Daolin is dead, and the emperor of the Su clan has already been alive, life and death are unpredictable.

Within the second day, the three of them only walked for a day and then inquired clearly about the matter.

The four people they sent died, and the most unacceptable thing was that Wu Daolin was also dead.

See you again, Chu Anran smiled presumptuously. The emperor of their Su clan may indeed die, but this is not on the surface after all. But Wu Daolin is dead, this matter has been confirmed. If the news goes back, the Wu clan will have a much smaller right to speak among the nine clans in the future, and even abandon resources to make good relations with a certain clan in order to hold a fist race.

Wu Qin was dissatisfied with the attitude of the two of them, and said, "Is it time to laugh at me?"

Xia Dong nodded and said, "Yes. Chen Ze has already gone to the Third Heaven, and the time should have come. We should hurry back and tell them the news."

Wu Qin rolled his eyes at this time and said, "Since Chen Ze has reached the Third Heaven, then the three of us will only send an outdated message when we go back. What's the point?"

"Then what do you want?" Su Anran asked.

Wu Qin said: "You have also inquired that Chen Ze is very fond of his disciples. If we can bring this iron tenderness back, it will definitely be the best way to restrain Chen Ze."

"Well, it is indeed a good suggestion." Xia Dong looked at Su Anran: "I agree. How about you?"

Su Anran frowned, he stared at Wu Qin for a long time, and said: "Okay, then let's get this iron tenderness. Remember, whoever catches it belongs to whom."

This shows the selfishness of the Nine Clans. Chen Ze was able to kill Wu Daolin, his combat power was bound to be superb, and he had even reached the top monk in the Triple Heaven.

If he could threaten him to do something for himself, it would be equivalent to finding a powerful thug for the clan.


Wu Qin nodded readily, and Xia Dong naturally had no objection. Previously, the area where he inquired about the news was where Chen Ze and Wu Daolin fought last. After that, Chen Ze left Erzhongtian soon, so Tie Tenderness must still be nearby.

The three separated again, Xia Dong went straight to the area he had visited before, and Su Anran also flew to the area he was responsible for.

But soon he stopped in the air and turned his head to look to one side: "The body of your Wu Clan is a Scarlet Beast, with great speed. Now it seems to be well-deserved, wait a long time, Wu Qin!"

As soon as his voice fell, ripples appeared in the void in front of him, and then a figure was transformed from Dao Yun, "Chuan Anran, knowing that I was murderous against you, you really dare to come."

"If I don't come, can you let me go." Jian Anran's expression was calm, "Once the news of Wu Daolin's death goes back to Sanchong Heaven, the status of your Wu Clan will be embarrassing."

"So you two know too much, there is no need to go back to the Triple Heaven." Wu Qin said.

"Do you really think you can kill the two of us on your own?"

This is Xia Dong's voice suddenly sounded, coming from one side.

Wu Qin frowned upon seeing this: "You are actually there."

"I really thought I couldn't see your thoughts? I'm not that stupid yet, and I will give you every opportunity to break through." Xia Dong said.

Su Anran spoke very annoyingly: "I thought I had killed him by himself. But now it seems impossible."

Xia Dong said: "Kill him quickly so that we can find Tierouqing on the road. The longer time delays, the more likely it is that the Triple Heaven will be chaotic."

The two then raised their hands and attacked Wu Qin.

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