My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1259: Reject Chen Ze

Wollongong, a gathering place for the fallen.

When Chen Ze reached the gate of the mountain, someone immediately stopped him. The people of these small sects are the most inferior. They used to be bullied before, but now they have backers and dare to bark their teeth when they see those they don't know.

"Stop! This is a deserted palace, and people are not allowed to enter. If you want to join, go to the side mountain for evaluation. But let me remind you that the minimum requirement for our income here is more than ten spiritual locks!"

Chen Ze said, "I'm looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for?" Seeing that Chen Ze was looking for someone, the doglegs immediately felt guilty. It would be troublesome if they really knew someone in their palace that he couldn't afford to get acquainted with.

"Xizhe! Or Luozhen!"

When Bai Sa said the names of these two people, the janitor at the door laughed, "Do you know who they are?"

Chen Ze nodded.

"Since you know, don't tease me here. How can you see the two palace masters if you say you see them? Get out of here, or I will kill you alive!"

This fellow is alive and well from the virtues of a bandit and robber.

When we first met, Chen Ze couldn't hurt this person. Besides, if he really joined the Fallen Palace, this person would be considered his own. It is not a capital crime to look down on people, you have to give people a chance to correct them.

"This is Leng Su's jade medal. If you don't know it, take it in and show it to them both."

Chen Ze handed out the jade talisman in his hand and sent it to him.

The janitor didn't know whether it was true or not, so he glanced at Chen Ze: "Wait a minute. Just stay here, I remind you, if you dare to step forward, you will die!"

Then he flew quickly to the mountain.

Not long afterwards, I saw a horrible aura surging on the mountain, which immediately turned into an attack and struck Chen Ze.

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, his whole person was enveloped, and he saw the janitor and San Xiu who followed behind and muttered: "It really is a fake. Offending the palace lord, a capital crime! But the cultivation of the palace lord is really strong and impossible."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw the smoke and dust drifting over there. Chen Ze stood there intact, with a calm expression: "This is your way of hospitality?"

"Ha ha……"

Xizhe fell from the air with a big laugh, looked at Chen Ze, and said, "I have been looking up at the style for a long time, but unfortunately I have never seen the true face. Being able to work with Leng Su to kill four of the Nine Dao Sovereigns is just a momentary itch to learn from each other. "


Chen Ze blasted out with a punch, and Xi Zhe was smashed and flew out. After stepping on more than a dozen slabs in succession to stabilize his figure, his face became difficult to look.

Chen Ze is indeed the target they want to recruit, but only as a subordinate or a follower. He had never thought that Chen Ze's cultivation was so strong, and he almost vomited blood with a punch. It can threaten his status, which Xizhe does not allow.

"If you want to learn from each other, I will fulfill your wish, how about?" Chen Ze said lightly.

Xi Zhe quickly recalled, and said: "I have the strength, but I still need to confirm my identity. That jade symbol is not from Leng Su's hand. Who on earth is your Excellency from the Nine Clans?"

Hearing what he said, Chen Ze smiled, and instantly guessed Xizhe's thoughts, "Which clan do you think I am from?"

Xizhe noticed Wu Xuan at this time, and immediately had an idea in his mind: "It turned out to be a descendant of Wu Daolin, a female genius of the Wu clan. It seems that you are from the Wu clan."

This fellow complimented Wu Xuan, and then said such a sentence.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Ze laughed, "In that case, take goodbye."

With a wave of his big sleeve, he turned and left. Wu Xuan was puzzled and followed up and asked: "Why refuses you after he has clearly determined your identity. If so, Yinhe will send Leng Su to the Second Heaven to recruit you."

"Because I am too strong and exceeded his expectations. An ambitious person does not allow anyone around him to be stronger than him, which is a threat to him." Chen Ze said.

Because Wu Xuan has the protection of Wu Daolin, these twists and turns in the dark can't be seen at all, "Human, isn't it good to be direct?"

"The direct people are all dead, and the rest are conspiracy and trickery." Chen Ze said.

Wu Xuan shook her head, "No, at least you are a direct person. You tell me your identity very bluntly, so that I will not be deceived by the murderer and the enemy."

Chen Ze said, "I disdain to deceive you. You are just an ant in your eyes. It doesn't matter whether you know the truth or not. Besides, you are still a bereaved dog, expelled from the clan, and chased down."

"As for hitting people like this, are you really worried that I will kill you someday?" she said.

Chen Ze smiled evilly, and looked up and down her body: "Can you do it someday, kill me? Impossible!"


Wu Xuan was uncomfortable being stared at by Chen Ze, and she understood what he said better. Suddenly, the woman's anger was suppressed, and she smiled: "Perhaps in the process, I really have a chance."

Chen Ze nodded: "Then it depends on your skills."

Left in the palace.

Luozhen knew that the situation was true only when he saw Xizhe return. He had verified the authenticity of Leng Su's jade charm.

"Not suitable?" he asked.

"It's too strong. If we keep him, we will be replaced." Xizhe's eyes flashed brightly, and she gradually smiled: "But this is fine. With him, maybe we will have more time. He is with Wu Xuan, and Wu Xuan seems to have been expelled from the Wu clan. This seems to have confirmed one thing, Wu Daolin is really dead."

"Do you want to use this to make a fuss?" Luo Zhen asked.

Xizhe nodded, "Following with murderous father and enemy, this reputation even if she is expelled from the Wu clan, I am afraid that those good-looking old guys will not be able to bear it. Besides, this guy offends four clans at the same time. Even if he has defeated him. Wu Daolin's skills, but what about the masters of other clans?"

Wu Daolin is a strong man in the Seven Ways, but he definitely belongs to the weakest group among the nine or more masters of the town clan.

Chen Ze defeated him, then the people of other clans would not let Chen Ze go.

Leng Su and their three leftovers only had the opportunity to threaten the status of the Nine Clans and were jointly suppressed. Chen Ze is now a complete threat, and the Nine Clans will definitely not be able to keep them.

"Come here!" Xizhe called in at this time and said: "Spread out, it is said that the Lord of the Second Palace is back in meditation, and her friend has traveled to the Third Heaven."

There is naturally the eyeliner of the Nine Clans in Wollongong. The news only needs to spread among them, and the Nine Clans will get the news.


At this moment, the Nine Clans not only knew that Chen Ze had reached the Nine Heavens, but also confirmed one thing: Wu Daolin was really dead!


Suan was so angry that he fisted his palms: "The news was leaked so quickly. Now it would be very difficult for the Wu Clan to accept our terms."

"It's not that they don't want to accept it, but that people who are persecuted by other clans do not dare to accept it. Perhaps, this is an opportunity." A Nine Dao Sovereign of the Su clan said, "Didn't you bring back Chen Ze's disciple? This is us. Natural thugs. As long as this woman is there, is Chen Ze not obedient?"

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