My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1260: Knife of iron tenderness

"This news..."

In a fairy city, Wu Xuan frowned when she heard the news.

"It was a walk in Xizhe." Chen Ze lowered his head and ate the noodles. Practitioners ate very little or no food at all to prevent food impurities from depositing in the body.

But he never cared about it, he always should eat and drink.

"Aren't you angry?" Wu Xuan asked: "He leaked the news of your arrival in the third heaven. You killed my father, it is equivalent to having the ability to threaten a clan, they will not let you continue to grow. If it is those towns A combination of clan-level masters, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to hold it."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "If I were an emperor, would they have a chance to kill me together?"

Wu Xuan was stunned when asked, and then shook her head: "It's impossible! There is no emperor in this world. It has long been deduced by great power. Although Jiuzhongtian is as strong as a forest, it is not in the way of heaven after all. The repairs are all broken avenues, even if someone is lucky enough to condense the emperor’s road locks, they will never be able to prove it."

"Actually, you didn't answer my question at all. I was asking, will they have a chance to defeat the emperor together?"

"Perhaps. After all, there are rumors that there are emperors in the three clans. And they have lived for too long, and some have even experienced the three generations of reincarnation, and the practice experience is unfathomable. If it is not for the nine heavens, they will be exhausted. You will be able to prove Dao as the emperor." Wu Xuan said.

Chen Ze twisted his fingers. From Wu Xuan's tone, he knew that there must be an emperor in the third heaven, and the cultivation base is likely to be higher than that of Feng Taichu.

Wu Xuan's father is Wu Daolin, and Wu Daolin is the only strong person in the Wu clan, and he barely enters the ranks of the strong in the town clan. So the news he knows must not be false, it's just whether these people are still alive.

If one specializes in the reincarnation of the three worlds, even if the talents are mediocre, such a person is enough to make him accumulate and become a top power.

It seems that his current cultivation base is not very safe. Even though he swallowed Feng Taichu, the divine brilliance of his Proving Dao Lock has reached the eighth star ring, but only when he is really attacked can he truly be invincible under the emperor.

Unfortunately, there are too few people like Feng Taichu.

Chen Ze lowered his head to eat the food, and suddenly a person appeared abruptly and sat next to him.

"You are……"

Wu Xuan recognized him and was so frightened to stand up, only to find that her body was out of control and was kept in place.

Chen Ze glanced over, and Wu Xuan barely recovered and began to gasp. Suppressed by the strong, although she is the Five Dao Sovereign, she still can't bear it.

"Wu Daolin really made you very well, but unfortunately you refused to marry my Su clan. In fact, no matter what the final situation between us and the Wu clan, you will have no worries, why bother. Now, it is even more complicated with killing your father and your enemies. If it spreads out, your father's fame is probably ruined." Someone said.

Wu Xuan once had a father sheltering her with such a personality, even if her cultivation was not as good as her counterpart, she would never be afraid.

"He is dead. As a child, he naturally aims for revenge. If you want to kill him, you must know his weakness. If you want to know his weakness, you must follow him. Fame, life and enjoyment are good, and there is no need to watch behind him. That's too heavy." Wu Xuan is very direct.

At this time, the visitor is even more curious about the relationship between the two, "Chen Ze, aren't you worried?"

"Don't worry." Chen Ze was very direct: "You are all too wasteful. It is fun to cultivate an opponent for yourself."

This is straightforward, and even more contemptuous.

The visitor squinted slightly and suddenly laughed: "Yes, no wonder the strong man who can kill Wu Daolin is admired by the old man."

"You can find me, as can other clans. If you don't say anything as soon as possible, maybe you won't have the chance." Chen Ze said.

The visitor nodded, "Ambition is something that is born with it. Chen Ze, you should recognize this thing."

A slap-sized knife was placed on the table. Chen Ze looked calm after seeing it, but the waves in his heart were already raging.

"You are looking for death." Chen Ze said quietly.

The visitor smiled and said: "Didn't we have started to die since we sent someone to trouble you. There is no choice but to go down this road. Either you die or we die."

"This is my weakness, but it won't give you a chance to kill me." Chen Ze was very direct.

Tie Rouqing is his disciple, and he loves it very much. But he can't die, and there are more people waiting for him to go back.

"I didn't expect it." The visitor raised his index finger and said: "The first thing is to destroy the Wu Clan."

Wu Xuan's eyes widened after hearing this. Even if she was expelled from the Wu Clan, it would still be her home, and her best brothers and sisters were still there.

"Test my bottom?" Chen Ze said.

The incoming person nodded: "It also makes you attract hatred. Chen Ze, you can only die in a collision with the strong men of the Nine Clans. Unless, you refuse now and kill me."

"I promised."

Chen Ze replied, Wu Xuan was even more anxious. But she knew that in this negotiation, she had no chance to intervene. Even the Wu Clan, one of the dignified nine clans, is just the target of destruction.

"You can go away." Chen Ze said.

The visitor was very proud, and looked like he was sure of Chen Ze: "You really shouldn't have a weakness, otherwise you should have a place in these three heavens. The establishment of a clan and a clan is equal to us."

"Don't give me a chance to comeback, otherwise you won't even have the qualifications to kneel in front of me."

Chen Ze then got up and disappeared in place.

Wu Xuan wanted to chase after, but the person who came said: "What are you going to do with you? Watching your people die in front of you one by one?"

"We Wu Clan seems to have no good end. But what about you Su Clan? You will regret it sooner or later if you provoked such a person." Wu Xuan had savage eyes and didn't care that what he saw was a Nine Dao Sovereign.

Turned around and chased it.

It is impossible for Wu Xuan to chase Chen Ze, but she knows Chen Ze's purpose. He is going to destroy the Wu Clan.

Flying all the way, Wu Xuan quickly rushed to the Hui people's realm. The clansman who guarded the gate saw her respectfully on weekdays, but now they directly lit up the magic weapon: "Wu Xuan! You colluded with outsiders to murder the people, and you have been expelled from the Wu clan. Now it's more. There is a clan order, it doesn’t matter if you see you!"

Wu Xuan was so angry that she cursed: "When are you still thinking about killing me. I die or the Wu clan is destroyed, which is more important!"

"What do you mean? Do you still want to collude with outsiders to destroy the Wu Clan?" the man said.

Wu Xuan snorted coldly: "If I had that thought, I promised to marry into the Suzu clan at the beginning. Wouldn't it be able to achieve my goal? How come I am ruined now."

After all he was a member of the family, this man calmed down and said, "What happened?"

"It's too late, take me to see the uncle right away."

Although Wu Xuan is a female generation, but she is Wu Daolin's daughter. She is scary in seniority, only a generation younger than the generation in power of the Wu clan.

This gatekeeper disciple is not pedantic, but after a few breaths of thought, he agreed, and flew to the main hall with Wu Xuan.

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