My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1311: Upper Ten Halls

Although Mo Yi arrived five days early, she was not the first to reach Hongliang Mountain.

The initiator of this discussion is the Jie Luo Sect, one of the three major powers of the Five Heavens, who is as famous as the Sages, and Donghuaxian, the third-ranked master of the Young Sages, came here early to prepare.

He led people to build the palace fairy group here, which looks particularly magnificent.

Chen Ze arrived with Mo Yi, and Dong Huaxian came out to greet him personally, and from a distance he clasped his fists to Mo Yi: "Fairy Mo Yi is able to come and give me a lot of face. Please enter the Upper Ten Hall to rest."

Chen Ze did not speak, and followed a few people to the fairy hall that was built in the deepest and highest part of the valley. Dong Huaxian said, "I made preparations before. This time I built the upper ten halls, middle ten halls, The ten halls correspond to the top 30 monks on the Young Sage Ranking. There are also 20 sanctuaries, where the capable people live, and only those in the fifty halls are qualified to participate in the discussion."

Mo Yi nodded: "Young Master Donghua is troubled."

"Where, Fairy Mo Yi please enter the hall to rest. I have to entertain other people here. Please forgive me." Dong Huaxian said.

At this time, Chen Ze wanted to follow in, but Aunt Hong stopped him: "Hey, Baishan. It's all here, if you have the ability to compete for the twenty fairy palaces of casual cultivators, don't try to fish in troubled water and live in my house. Miss's fairy palace."

Dong Huaxian realized that Chen Ze and the two weren't the same, which made him very annoyed, "You didn't come with Mo Yi's suspicion, who are you?"

Chen Ze said: "I am a white shirt."

"Baishan? Never heard of it. Since you are no longer on the Young Sage List, this is the place you should come." Donghua said, "If you want to get the qualifications to discuss the Tao, go and grab those 20 fairy halls."

"Just kidding, how can people like me live under the feet of your trash?" Chen Ze said nonchalantly, and even Mo Yi was shocked when he heard it.

This guy, I don't know the depth.

Jie Luo Sect is also good and evil, especially Donghua Immortal. For the sake of cultivation, you can sacrifice a fairy city, and it can also fight life and death with alien beasts, save people and water and fire for an unrelated fairy city.

This person's position in the top three of the young saints' list is not in vain, at least Mo Yi knows that her cultivation is not as good as this guy.

Rumor has it that Donghuaxian has successfully broken through and entered the ranks of the three-level emperor, and the deacons who are already in the Jieluo Sect have the same cultivation level.

"Interesting, there was a troublemaker." Dong Huaxian was not angry, but still a gentle posture: "You are now kneeling and kowtow, I might be able to spare you not to die."

However, Chen Ze opened the folding fan of ‘I’m very handsome’ and turned his eyes on Aunt Hong’s body: "What do you look at? I live next door, so who wants to be like your lady in the same house."

Mo Yi:...

What's wrong with me?

Aunt Hong snorted coldly: "White shirt, you really don't know how high the sky is, wait for your death."

Dong Huaxian's calmness was already angered, and it felt bad to be ignored by Chen Ze. He had never suffered such a big humiliation.

"You, die!"

He stepped forward, and the figure flashed to the depth of Chen Ze.


With a punch, he was blocked by the folding fan of ‘I’m very handsome’. Then Chen Ze shook his wrist and forced him away: "I want to live here, do you have an opinion?"

"I built this place!" Dong Huaxian was not reconciled, his shot was suppressed, he didn't think it was his poor cultivation level, after all, he didn't use his full strength just now.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "What about who built it? I'm going to live here. It's not easy for anyone to come here."

"The Upper Ten Halls are for the top ten of the Young Sages. You are not qualified!" Dong Huaxian came to attack again, but Chen Ze used a fan to turn his play around. After several duels, he completely looked silly Hong Gu. .

To be able to play with people in applause like this, the cultivation base has to be crushed by at least one level. Donghuaxian is a third-level emperor, doesn't it mean that this white shirt has reached the fourth-level emperor?


Dong Huaxian also felt that he had encountered a tough stubble at this time. Although this guy was not in the list of the young saints, his cultivation base was stronger than him.


He was shocked by Chen Ze from Xu Yuan and said: "I will live in this room, what do you like."

He jumped into the fairy hall and waved his hand to close the door of the hall.

Dong Huaxian's face was uncertain, and the followers around him said: "My son, what are we going to do now?"

"Do you want to build another fairy hall?" someone asked.

Dong Huaxian shook his head: "No! Anyway, there are only ten upper ten halls. If anyone can endure the inferior situation, then bear it."

Originally, the Ten Halls were built according to the Young Saints' List. Everyone had their own position, and no one would grab anyone. But now the fifth place is robbed by Chen Ze, so the fifth person on the young sacred list will naturally have no place.

He Donghuaxian also has his own rhetoric. He did so naturally to cause Chen Ze to conflict with the fifth-ranked man. Or, it was for Chen Ze to offend all the people in the Shaosheng Bang.

"Miss, this white shirt seems to be very strong?" Hong Gu closed the door of the palace and whispered.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have treated him like that at the time." Mo Yi said, "Be careful, don't provoke him. I feel that this person looks like a hippie smiling face, but he is moody. If he is really angry, he will attack you. , I’m afraid I can’t stop him either."

Aunt Hong is just a servant of Mo Yi, and she was Mo Yi's bodyguard in her early years. However, the Holy Spirit tribe has poured a lot of resources on Mo Yi, and his own talent is also high enough, now it has surpassed Hong Gu's combat power.

"Miss, don't worry, I have my own measures. But this time the discussion is interesting, maybe the ranking of the young saints will be greatly changed."

The third-ranked Donghuaxian was played by Chen Ze between the palms of his hands. So this time, I am afraid that only the first two are eligible to fight Chen Ze.

"Donghuaxian may not be the opponent of the white shirt. This person has never valued reputation, perhaps deliberately hiding himself." Mo Yi said: "At least before the real start of the discussion, I am afraid that there will be a big battle here."

In fact, the difference in combat power among the top ten of the young saints is not too big, even if some people are one level higher.

Mo Yi currently only has the cultivation base of the second-level emperor, but if she uses all the means, even the fourth-level emperor will have to weigh whether she will be killed.

Ji Fu arrived at Hongliang Mountain. As the fifth master of the Young Holy List, he naturally wanted to enter the fifth hall of the top ten halls to rest.

However, Dong Huaxian sighed after bringing him here: "Brother Ji, in fact, I also have difficulties and have not been able to tell."

"Brother Donghua, why did you say this?" Ji Fu asked.

"There are already people in this fifth fairy hall," he said.

After hearing this, Ji Fu was very surprised: "There are people in my fairy palace? Who is it? Is it because someone from the back of the list forced to move in?"

There was a trace of sullen expression on his face.

Dong Huaxian said: "Forcibly staying in is not fake, but it's not a person from the Shaoshengbang, but a casual cultivator."

"Running? You are also eligible to live here? Brother Donghua, this is hitting you in the face." Ji Fu smiled.

Dong Huaxian disagreed, and said: "You also know that I am the initiator, so it is not good to deal with him. But the Ten Palace is indeed for the ten of us. Now that Brother Ji’s Immortal Palace is occupied, I will take my own Let it be with you, everyone regards harmony as the most important thing."

Dong Huaxian is ranked third. His Immortal Palace is not so easy to live in, especially Ji Fu is only ranked fifth. There is one person ahead of him, and he is never allowed to appear in the third-ranked Immortal Palace.

"Since he is moving in, he doesn't need to talk about the value of peace." Ji Fu said: "Since Donghua brother is inconvenient to make a move, I will expel him personally."

After Ji Fu said, he walked towards the fairy palace.

Dong Huaxian smiled, and his plan came true!

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