My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1312: Another energy life

The people in the fairy hall were roughly kicked away, and Chen Ze sat quietly in the hall. He knew that someone was coming outside, he didn't take the initiative to attack, because it didn't fit the character of the white shirt now.

He didn't open his eyes, which made Ji Fu very annoyed.

"Boy, do you know what mistakes you made," he said.

Chen Ze said: "Boy, do you know what you made wrong."

Ji Fu smiled when he heard it: "You are very funny, it's useless to know it."

"I only know that you are an idiot. You have been Donghuaxian's gun for nothing." Chen Ze said.

"How can I know his tricks, but I have to solve this by myself," he said.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "This is also his brilliance. The so-called snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gains."

"It's a pity that this fisherman, he has no chance to profit. Between you and me, you are destined to die!"

He rushed out in one step, but before reaching Chen Ze's face, he knelt on the ground with a slammed ‘puff,’ and even the stone slab was shattered.

"How is this possible!" Ji Fu's body was gradually suppressed by Chen Ze's might. Finally, both hands had to be supported on the ground, but they still trembled constantly, faintly feeling that his body was as heavy as a small world.

"What's impossible." Chen Ze was arrogant and arrogant, showing his domineering character vividly and vividly: "You should know that since I dare to sit in this fairy hall, I have the capital to sit in. You think Donghua is the immortal. Will he let me in so hard? It's not that he can't help me."

Click... Click...

The fragmentation of the ground continued, his two arms had been bent, and eventually his whole person was crawling, as if the pious junior was bowing his head to the elder.

At this time, Chen Ze swept his sleeves and Ji Fu flew out from the door. At the same time, Chen Ze's voice came out: "You are not as good as Donghuaxian. Talk to me about the snipe and clam. , You are not qualified."

Ji Fu was thrown out after only such a short period of time. Dong Huaxian could foresee it at this time, and of course it was also the last thing he wanted to see.

This can only prove one thing, the cultivation base of this person named Baishan has reached the realm of the fourth-level emperor.

Such powerhouses are already among the top ranks in their generation, and they are even qualified to compete with their elders.

"Brother Ji, are you okay." He stepped up and cared falsely.

"It's okay." Although Ji Fu was extremely unwilling, he knew that this incident was humiliated by the people inside, as well as Donghuaxian's methods.

He had already had plans in this regard since he divided these immortal temples into three, six, nine, etc., when he started construction. Perhaps the people in the Ten Halls will not have big disputes, but the twenty young saints behind will definitely have big disputes over the order of the fairy halls.

In the discussion this time, everyone also had the intention of re-ranking the young saints. Otherwise, people like Mo Yi who rarely experience walking outside would not show up so easily.

There are not too many rules and no authoritative forces to organize the Young Saints List. It is all organized and completed by the young people themselves.

Dong Huaxian has such thoughts, naturally because he has the strength to compete for the top spot in the young saints list.

"It seems that I don't have the ability to confront this person today, and I have asked Donghua brother to come out." Ji Fu said.

He is not a bully, anyway, he has been thrown out and lost face, it doesn't matter if he loses more or less.

Moreover, he is ranked fifth in the Young Sage Ranking, two lower than Donghuaxian. Dong Huaxian is the one who saves the game again, so he has to look like his master.

The fight in the upper ten halls has long attracted the attention of other people, and everyone is staring here. The previous confrontation between Donghuaxian and Chen Ze was only a short while ago and failed to attract many people's attention.

After all, the people in the upper ten halls are the top ten masters of the young saints list. There may be a gap between their cultivation bases, but they will never be so big that they will be defeated and thrown out in such a short time.

Now that Ji Fu said so, I am looking forward to Dong Huaxian's shot.

But who expected Dong Huaxian to be even more shameless, "Brother Ji knows something, and I am not his opponent. This time, we are afraid that there will be a heresy."


Ji Fu was speechless, he didn't expect Dong Huaxian to admit it so simply. No wonder the people who are called by the population are both righteous and evil, for the sake of the ranking of the young saints, they really don't care about anything.

"Oh? What kind of character is it that makes you two bow your heads at the same time."

At this time, another voice sounded, and then a figure appeared beside the two of them. This person is entirely made of water, and he can see the constant flow of water. There are only two points of clarity in the eyes, just like a bright pearl.

Another kind of energy life.

This person is not among the three major sects, but belongs to a powerful family alone.

"It turns out that Brother Taiyi is here. I'm sorry that something has happened here, but I can't welcome it far," Dong Huaxian said.

Tai Yisheng said: "It's okay, compared to these, I'm even more curious about who is in this fifth hall."

"A man who calls himself a white shirt has a very advanced level of cultivation. I was defeated in the previous fight with him, and Brother Ji was also overturned to the ground."

Dong Huaxian's words made Ji Fu very annoyed, and he was also defeated. He was downwind, but he was overthrown to the ground. How come your Donghuaxian's cultivation base is much higher than mine?

Really fighting, Ji Fu didn't think he would lose to Donghuaxian. This time, he was aiming for the third place in Donghuaxian's Young Sage Ranking.

"Is it so interesting?" Tai Yisheng laughed: "I am only ranked seventh. Neither of you are opponents. It seems that I don't have the need to shoot."

Yes, this is quite shameless, I don't even want to hit it.

Dong Huaxian said: "Brother Taiyi, don't be presumptuous. Who doesn't know that you play the world. Last time you only took one shot and left, you will fall into the seventh position. If you really want to take a shot, you must be in the top three at least. Bit, there is nothing wrong with me."

"You are all the geniuses of our generation, no one is worse than anyone. Brother Donghua is killing me." Tai Yisheng quickly refused.

The three people outside were chattering. Inside, Chen Ze couldn't help but wonder: "What the **** is that Tai's life?"

"He is an energy being, and his body is Taiyi Immortal Water. He has the ability to replicate the cultivation of others." Wen Xin said.

Chen Zemeng said, "Isn't this the attribute of Mengjing."

"Almost, but the Taiyixian Shui Clan is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak. A confrontation with him is equivalent to a confrontation with himself. Ordinary people really can't beat themselves for a while, but they can use the ability to reenact. Your own cultivation base comes to kill your opponents. It’s just that this kind of re-enactment can only appear briefly, at most not more than ten breaths."

Wen Xin said: "Moreover, the damage to itself is not small when it is re-engraved, so it is not a last resort. People of the Taiyixian Shui Clan will not choose to re-engrave others' cultivation base to confront the enemy."

"Doesn't that mean that when he fights with someone once, he can get a clear picture of the other person. If so, I still hide a fart." Chen Ze said.

"It's not so exaggerated. They can only use your means, but they can't really understand it."

Chen Ze mumbled: "That's exaggerated. It seems that killing this guy will have to be a fatal blow, and he won't give him a chance to understand me."

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