My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1393: Chaoyunxianfu

"do not Cry!"

Chen Ze looked fierce and vicious: "If you cry again, your sister will really die."

Xiaoqing stopped immediately, but her big brown eyes were still with tears, "Can you save my sister."

"Blood blue fruit, I'll get it back for you." Chen Ze touched her head: "That's it, I'll get it back. You have to give me a few more drops of venom."

"Well, as long as I can save my sister, I can sell it to you." She said.

Chen Ze was very disgusted: "Who wants you to be a child who has not grown up is too cumbersome. Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"My sister and I were planning to find a place to wait for her to refine the blood blue fruit, who knew that an elder of the Chaoyun Immortal Mansion noticed the blood blue fruit. He not only snatched the blood blue fruit, but also took it. The last five drops of my sister's blood. Now she is very weak, I'm afraid she won't last long."

Chen Ze frowned. If this were the case, he really couldn't go directly to the Chaoyun Immortal Mansion. After all, Xueyuan's situation is too dangerous now, and she needs to stabilize her situation first.

"Let's go, go see your sister first."

Chen Ze asked her to lead the way, and Xiao Qing did not hesitate at this time. Although she hated Human Race, Chen Ze didn't seem to do anything evil except to bully her.

The two went to another courtyard, which was very remote. Entering the house, I found Xueyuan lying on the bed, still asleep. There is no trace of blood on her face, thanks to her being a monk. Otherwise, people who don't have blood will probably die if they can't last a few minutes.

The movement of them entering the room awakened her, and slowly opened her eyes. She turned her head with difficulty, and was startled when she saw Chen Ze, "My son, I didn't expect that we will meet again. Please forgive the little girl for being rude and unable to get up to meet her."

"I guess you used to be a pretty lady." Chen Ze smiled.

"My elder sister was indeed born in a world famous family, and she is still a princess, isn't she amazing?" Xiao Qing said proudly.

Chen Ze was speechless, the dragon princess, the Chen queen, and the spiritual saint had all been mistreated by him. Which status is not more powerful than that of the mortal princess, is he proud?

"It's just mortal cause and effect, which has already disappeared with the death of relatives. Now that I think about it, I really miss that time." Xue Yuan smiled bitterly.

"You are a good person, you shouldn't have such an ending." Chen Ze stepped closer at this time, planning to feel her pulse, very weak. After searching with spiritual sense, it was discovered that Xueyuan had withered all the blood vessels and meridians due to the long-term lack of blood.

"Your body is very bad now." Chen Ze said.

"Does this still need you to say?" Xiaoqing said: "Can you save my sister? She is so awake that consumes a lot of interest. Now that there is no blood, the cost of interest will be less."

At this moment, Chen Ze walked to the table aside and took out all the pills in his storage ring. The piles were like hills. Pick them up and take a look, no.

Pick it up and look again, it's not yet.

"What are you looking for?" Xiaoqing walked over and picked up a jade bottle to open it. The fragrance inside immediately floated out, and her little nose moved, "It's a holy-level spirit-returning pill."

"This should have an effect on your sister. Go and give her some pills first." Chen Ze said.


Xiao Qing shuddered after hearing it, "Holy-rank pill, how many more pills?"

"Don't you think your sister was dying when you were puzzled." Chen Ze glanced at her.

Xiaoqing hurriedly turned around and ran over, poured out three or four pills of the medicine inside, and stuffed everything into Xueyuan's mouth, "It's not that I don't eat it for nothing."

Hui Ling Pill is mainly used to restore true qi, but it also has some nourishing effects. Especially this is still a holy pill, which is of great help to Xue Yuan now.

She felt her body begin to recover quickly after the pill was taken, but it was a pity that the blood source had dried up for a long time, and she still couldn't make blood in a short period of time.

Chen Ze spent a long time in the pill pile and finally found a bottle of pill. "Well, I found it. Although this pill is not of a holy order, it can temporarily replenish your sister's vitality and restore her."

Chen Ze didn't remember the name of the pill, but he could tell it by smell.

After taking Xueyi, the blood qi in the body is indeed increasing rapidly, and even a lot of blood is condensed.

"Okay, my sister's face is bloody." Xiaoqing called.

"Don't be happy too early. This can only be temporarily supplemented. Your sister is a monk. If she can't restore her blood-forming function, she will soon run out."

Chen Ze ruthlessly broke the pot of cold water, causing the little girl's mood to drop instantly.

But this pill can keep Xueyuan from dying for the time being.

The next step is to retrieve the blood blue fruit and complete the refining before the pill is exhausted, so that Xueyuan can live another life, the body is equivalent to resetting, and the hematopoietic function can be restored.

Chen Ze packed his pills, stood up and said, "I'll go to Yunxian Mansion now. Little girl, you can figure out what to do next."

He put out a jade bottle, and then stepped away.

Xiao Qing pressed her small mouth, walked over to pick up the jade bottle, and opened her mouth to the mouth of the bottle: "Bah, baah..."


Although Xue Yuan knew that she was vomiting toxin, she was so disgusting. If this goes on, I don't know how much Xiaoqing's saliva will be left in this toxin.

Without knowing it, Chen Ze stepped to the Chaoyun Immortal Mansion. It is not difficult to find this place. Just ask a monk to find out.

Those who dare to call Xianfu should be much better than Xianzong.

Chen Ze flew in the air, the mountain gate here was guarded by disciples, and the defense formation was always in operation. If you want to get in, you can only go from here.

"Who, stop!"

The disciple in front was still shouting, but Chen Ze didn't stop at all, and flew directly over the mountain gate.

"Hurry up and send a message to Xianfu!" One person shouted.

"Fart, he didn't even enter the enchantment."



Hearing the sound, this person's face changed drastically, and he saw their Immortal Mansion Mountain Protector Formation directly collapsed, and the person entered calmly.


These people looked at each other, only shock left in their hearts, and they even forgot about the police training inside the Xianfu.

"Who dares to offend me Chaoyunxian Mansion!"

Some people drink up.

Chen Ze ignored them, stepped into their fairy palace hall, and directly sat on the palace lord's golden seat.


Soon there were thirty or forty figures rushed in from the door, their cultivation bases were not bad, at least they were all above the realm of companions.

"Bold thief, that's me facing the palace lord of Yunxian Mansion's golden seat, hurry down!" shouted an elder-like person.

Chen Ze flicked his finger lightly, and the person immediately turned into flying ashes and died in front of them.


Everyone was scared.

Chen Ze looked at them calmly: "One thing! Who robbed the blood blue fruit and handed it over. If it is wasted, then I am embarrassed. There is no need for Chaoyun Immortal Mansion to exist."

At this time, the palace lord was late, and after entering the door, he saw that his position was occupied by Chen Ze, and he was very angry: "Who are you? Do you know where you are sitting?"

Chen Ze grabbed his fingers and flicked again.

This hapless palace lord died immediately, completely shocking everyone in Chaoyunxian Mansion.

"I don't want to repeat the nonsense, I will give you a hundred breaths of time. If you can't see the blood blue fruit, I will blood wash towards Yunxian Mansion."

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