My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1394: Uekihara

Good guy, kill the palace owner when he came up, and the people in Chaoyunxian Mansion knew that they weren't joking.

"My lord, we don't know Mount Tai in Yunxian Mansion, and please forgive us. It's just that... the blood blue fruit has been taken away and refined by an elder of our Immortal Mansion. We don't know where it is. "

After hearing this, Chen Ze frowned, "A group of people who are looking for death are trying to lie to me? It seems that I am destined to be a butcher today."

He slowly stood up, and everyone who was suppressed by the powerful aura shivered. Within three breaths, someone knelt on the ground. After feeling his horror, his face changed drastically: "My lord, we know it is wrong. Let's go and inform Tai. Upper elder!"

Chen Ze coldly snorted: "Dare to lie to me, die!"

His consciousness was shocked, and all this group of people overturned and vomited blood.

Soon someone took him to a stone cave, Chen Ze couldn't help but said that his palm was poured out, and the stone gate immediately collapsed.

"Who? Dare to disturb the old man's cultivation!"

An angry voice came from inside.

Chen Ze stood still and didn't move at all, the powerful divine consciousness crushed in, and the vitality inside immediately collapsed.

He then waved, and a fruit flew out of it.

In just a few days, although the refining has caused some losses to the blood blue fruit, it is not too much.

He took the blood blue fruit and stepped into the air, without saying a word at all.

Seeing him leave, the talents of Chaoyun Immortal Mansion slumped on the ground one by one, looking like they had survived the catastrophe.

After a long time, someone said, "We have to report this matter to Lord Yuanshen."

"You must go! Killing my palace lord and the elders is a great evil."

Chen Ze didn't care about their complaints, he was originally just to get things done.

When he returned to the fairy city, Xueyuan was already able to walk down the ground.

After seeing Chen Ze, she bowed and saluted: "I have seen the son."

"I got the blood blue fruit, Miss Xueyuan should quickly find a place to refine it." Chen Ze said.

"Thank you son!"

Xueyuan also knew that there was no delay, and began refining after getting the blood blue fruit.

Xiao Qing threw the jade bottle to Chen Ze at this time: "What you want, don't say I am not enough."

Chen Ze opened his eyes and smiled.

This little snake girl was very generous this time, vomiting 30 drops of venom. If he can fully fuse, the chances of him being able to poison his opponent will be even greater.


He was curious, why are there other liquids mixed in these thirty drops of venom?

"What are these?" he asked.

Xiaoqing Liu's eyebrows trembled, "There is no venom that breeds differentiation."

"When I can't guess? This is clearly your saliva." Chen Ze suddenly showed a fierce look, "You actually disgust me so much."

"The venom came out of my mouth. It's normal to get a bit of saliva." Xiaoqing defended, "What do you care about so much? You are used to poison people, and you are not taking it yourself."


Chen Ze was speechless, he really took it by himself.

It's a bit disgusting to think about it.

Forget it, keep it for now.

Chen Ze was helpless.

"Hey, if you help my sister in this way, wouldn't it be waiting for her to refine the bloodline?" Xiao Qing asked suddenly.

Chen Ze sneered: "Your sister's blood can be used as a sacred pill at best. Am I short of it?"

Well, there is no shortage of this guy.

Xiaoqing has seen Chen Ze's elixir, which is so outrageous.

Sacred, sacred, and immortal.

The days passed quickly, and it took half a year for Xue Yuan to finish refining the blood blue fruit, and his body began to slowly recover.

Chen Ze did not leave because he was waiting.

Waiting for stronger people to find fault.

On Zuo Qingshan, a group of people bowed on the altar, offering countless treasures.

When the treasures above reached a certain amount, the formation on the altar was activated autonomously, and then an illusory face appeared on the formation: "If you have any demands, come quickly."

"Master Yuanshen!" The people from Chao Yunxian Mansion said immediately, "I have wicked people invaded towards Yunxian Mansion, and my cultivation base is unfathomable. Kill my palace lord and supreme elder, and ask the adults to be the master."

"Well, I know. Are there others?"

Generally, the people who prayed for Baolai would not be a trivial matter. Some asked for the gift of pill, and some asked for the gift of exercises.

Most of the people's demands were met on the spot, but the demands from Yunxian Mansion took time to complete.

"I send my servants with you to behead the wicked."

It is naturally impossible for a strong person in the original realm to take action in person, but his followers can't be cultivated, and he turned out to be a fifth-level emperor.

The people in Yunxian Mansion were naturally happy to see that Lord Yuanshen had sent such a strong person. They have no idea about Chen Ze's cultivation base, but think that the fifth-level emperor is enough to kill.

When they returned, some secret agents had long since found out where Chen Ze was staying. They thought they were keeping it secret, but they didn't know that Chen Ze had discovered their existence a long time ago, and even deliberately leaked their breath to them. These people knew where they were.

On this day, the sisters accompany Chen Ze to chat, after all, this is a powerful monk. The two of them have fought hard over the years, and of course they want to find a backer.

Chen Ze didn't refuse, although Xiaoqing was yin and yang strange to him, but Xue Yuan almost satisfied all the illusions he had with the other half before.

Although it doesn't make you feel crooked by your side, it feels good to be served by someone.

"And, that's why you are still an original god." Xiaoqing was very disdainful when she heard Chen Ze's words. "Do you know how difficult it is to enter the original realm in this world? There is only one original realm strong in our area. In a few days, I also took action to kill the blood that came out of the blood lake!"

"So what? I said I am, I am!"

Chen Ze said: "In your eyes it is a god, in my eyes it is nothing more than a evenly matched monk. I did not kill less in the past, and I will kill a lot in the future."

"I do not believe!"

The little snake girl opened her mouth and said loudly one by one.

"Xiao Qing, you shouldn't question the son like that. Since you and I have decided to follow, we must treat him as the master." Xue Yuan said.

"I know." Xiaoqing said impatiently.

"Well, then come over and beat my leg." Chen Ze teased her deliberately.

The little snake girl bulged her cheeks, very reluctant. But eventually he came over and squatted down.

Chen Ze thought she was compromising, but she didn't expect that this girl suddenly smiled slyly and slammed her fist.


Chen Ze was caught off guard and grinned with pain, "You snake girl, your mind is so vicious!"

"You didn't say how much effort you used, of course I did it freely. Son, are you still comfortable?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Ze's face suddenly became cold, and the breath he radiated became scary. Little Snake thought she really made Chen Ze angry, and she was so scared that she hurriedly hid behind Xue Yuan: "What are you doing, I'm joking, why are you still angry."

Chen Ze did not answer, but suddenly raised his hand and grabbed a person from the air. It was the follower of the original monk, the fifth-level emperor!

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