My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1423: The green cow in history

Behind, an endless starlight road, four people flying in the sky, feeling the stalwart power of the void, and their hearts are bursting.

"I seem to feel that there is some mysterious force suppressing my spiritual consciousness and cultivation level." Guo Gan said.

"If this is the case, it would be a simpler test." Chen Ze said: "I have seen too many horror existences along the way. You can phenomenon, I have seen a meteor shower in a small world. , There is a terrifying and powerful creature hidden in almost every small world. Now when I think about it, it seems that they are all immortal creatures."


The divorce was carefully heard, but Zhou Qi didn't respond to it. It was not the first time she heard Chen Ze mention it. It's just that he used to say that those creatures were far beyond the original realm, and when she reached the sixth heaven, she thought it was in the constant state.

It didn't work until Chen Ze corrected his statement now, and even said that those were all immortal beings.

"Are there really so many immortal beings in this world." Guo Gan couldn't believe it.

They are in the sixth heaven, and the constant state is extremely difficult to reach. If they hadn't taken advantage of the convenience of the undead being to be resurrected, they wouldn't have been so close.

"The place of origin is mysterious and unpredictable, plus this great world does not know how many times of reincarnation. The powerful races of creatures that have been bred are countless, and a small part of them have become immortal creatures, and the number is also extremely terrifying."

Chen Ze said: "In the New Immortal Realm, the mere Ling Zun can laugh proudly in the sky, and there is no one for tens of thousands of years, but in the sixth heaven, the seventh-level emperor would have hundreds of people."

"There are hundreds of people in the fifth heaven, and the sixth heaven will be more. It's just that there are strong people in the original realm, and they can't shine in the world on one side, so they will appear nameless." Zhou Qi said.

The four people felt more and more difficult to fly. This kind of suppression could reach the point where they hurt them, and they had to stop.

"It seems that if you want to go to the seventh heaven, you can't go to the constant state." Chen Ze said.

"It's a pity that I don't have a body now, and my ability to bear it is not as good as yours." Guo Gan sighed.

Chen Ze said, "It's not your original intention. You should be able to look back now. If you go on, you may die."

"Guo Gan, let's brother, don't force it." Yili said.

"But I'm not reconciled, I wanted to accompany you to fight the world." Guo Gan said.

Chen Zedao: "Maybe you try to escape from this path of starlight, or maybe there is nothingness outside, then you don't have to know the Sixth Heaven. When we return from the Nineth Heaven, it's not unreasonable to go to the place of origin."

"This is a good suggestion." Guo Gan said, "I will try. If we can get out, we will meet in the future."

He then teleported sideways, and soon disappeared from this starlight path.

Yili sighed: "Unexpectedly, everyone around me has left."

"The difference now is for a better distance." Chen Ze began to pour chicken soup on this guy: "Well, let's try to practice. This time there is no shortcut, we must break through to the constant state."

Chen Ze could actually continue on the road, but Zhou Qi couldn't do it with Yili. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he stopped here, just in time to control the cultivation level.

The three of them kept honing and comprehending on the Starlight Road.

As time passed year after year, Chen Ze was anxious and did not dare to take the road lightly.

Fortunately, there is a gap between the time here and the time in New Immortal Realm. As long as Ji Luo does not arrive, he will still have a chance.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe fifty years or a hundred years.

Chen Ze suddenly opened his eyes, looking forward with excitement.

On the Starlight Road, there is a huge island floating unexpectedly, surrounded by mysterious light.

This should be the Seventh Heaven.

Wake up the other two people, the aura surrounding them, although their cultivation base has been strengthened a lot over the years, they still haven't been able to break through the Perseverance Realm.

That is a special sublimation on the soul, even if the energy they swallowed up has reached the level of battle strength in the constant state. But as long as there is no sublimation this time, it can't be regarded as a real pursuit of the constant state.

"Is this the Seventh Heaven?" Yili said in surprise.

"Probably so. Go, go in and take a look."

Chen Ze stepped out into the island, and the two followed closely behind.

But what surprised them is that this island is still an island, not a world. After entering, it is still so big, even without a small world, you can leave at any time.

Wrong, this is not the seventh heaven!

The three Chen Ze didn't realize their expressions were gloomy.

"what is this?"

Zhou Qi pointed to a place on the top of the distant mountain that was shining brightly and asked.

"The force that exudes horror is still non-attribute." Yili said: "It seems to be some kind of spar treasure!"

The three of them stepped forward, but did not dare to be careless.

They climbed the mountain, and when they reached the top of the mountain, they found that there was a very wide square, a smooth slate floor, and a huge high platform for sacrificial offerings.

There is a ten-color crystal floating on it, revealing endless force.

They saw a figure sitting near the Caijing from a distance, very tall, with extraordinary aura, faintly revealing the majesty of the undead.

"How can there be such a powerful creature here?"

Xie Li called each other by creatures because there were two horns on his head, which were very eye-catching, and he was not human at first glance.

Chen Ze whispered: "Be careful, I'll go over and take a look."

He is now invincible in Zhuheng Realm, infinitely close to the undead. Even if the other party is really immortal, there may be hope of escape.

When Chen Ze approached, the figure remained motionless.

"Why be so careful, I'm not your opponent." The voice came from that figure.

Chen Ze was very surprised. Although the other party spoke like this, he was still careful.

"The little guy is a little alert."

The figure slowly turned his head, that face was clearly a bull face.

"Senior is..."

Those who can appear here must be creatures who have lived for countless years, and they are called predecessors not to lose.

"Lao Niu has no name. He used to follow his master far across the starry sky. When he arrived here, he was transformed into ancient times, leaving only this body and Cannian."


Chen Ze was shocked, but even a dead creature still had the prestige close to the undead, which was really terrifying.

"Senior's master must be a powerful man."

"Yes, my master used to be Taoist in the world, and left a name in history. Now four million years have passed, and his old man must have been in the undead sequence." Lao Niu said.


Chen Ze was shocked when he heard that, "Senior's master, could it be Taoist ancestor, Li Er!"


Lao Niu was surprised at this moment, "Unexpectedly you even knew my master's name."

After hearing this, Chen Ze was pleasantly surprised and said: "I also come from the earth, the country of China! It's just two thousand five hundred and six hundred years late with the older generation."

"It turns out that there was such a mistake in time and space. The earth has only passed more than two thousand years." Lao Qingniu sighed: "I knew this before, I should go back."

"Senior, this is not the Seventh Heaven, right?" Chen Ze asked.

"This is the Seventh Heaven. Isn't it surprising, why isn't it a world?" Old Qingniu asked.

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