My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1424: Immortal

Chen Ze nodded.

Old Qingniu said: "Actually, if you come out of the sixth heaven, if you can go here, you are already qualified to enter the place of origin. There is no need to continue walking. It is better to leave here. If you want to pursue a high level of cultivation, you can directly Go to the place of origin."

"Then what secrets are hidden in the Nine Heavens?" Chen Ze asked.

"I don't know. Back then, even though my master traveled here, I had reached the limit. I wanted to wait here for him to return. I don't want to, this wait is four million years." The direction to go.

Chen Ze turned his head and waved at this moment, and the two people behind were approaching.

"Brother Chen, what's the situation now?" he asked.

"A fellow, some kindness." Chen Ze said.

The old green cow looked at him, "Are you also practicing the Taoist Sutra?"

"Slightly dare to dare to call Xiu." Chen Ze still respects this person, after all, he is a **** cow recorded in ancient Chinese documents.

Throughout the ages, many heroes have been annihilated in the long river of history, but the fame of this blue cow is unknown.

"The master once said that the path is one way, ever-changing, and only respects the heart. The thought in the heart is the Tao."

Zhou Qi was puzzled, "Isn't the Force superior to the Tao?"

"If you think so, your path of cultivation is limited to this. I see that your female doll's cultivation is at its peak in the original state, and I can see that you want to break through. But, have you done it?"

A rhetorical question silenced Zhou Qi.

"Many people think that Tao is just a certain area of ​​the journey through practice. But I want to ask you, even now, are you free from the true energy that you initially absorbed?"

As soon as this word came out, it was like a thunder that exploded in everyone's minds.

"There are tall buildings in the world, you cannot climb high and look at the clouds without knowing the foundation of the foundation. Alas, many people understand this truth in the early stages of cultivation, suppress their realm, and lay a solid foundation. But when they reach a higher realm, they are lost again. Ego, throw it away."

The old green bull spoke respectfully, these four people were rare talented talents in this world, and they even stood at the peak of the world's cultivation. But now, like a pious disciple, listening to the words of the old green cow.

"A grain of sand can be a world, so small things can never be underestimated."

The old green cow raised his hand and turned a little illusion, so mysterious and mysterious, which made people see it not very thoroughly.

"Taoists are not the same, and they can't even be close. But when people talk about Tao, there are still differences. Just because they can echo some kind of force, they think that the latter can be superior to Tao. . Isn’t it true that if the Force wants to operate, it must also follow its own way."

When Chen Ze heard this, he felt the Nebula Dao in his body rumbling sound. It was just a subconscious insight, but it could give such a magnificent response.

Immediately, the Nebula Daoist sprang out from the center of his eyebrows unconstrained, floating in the air like a starry sky.

Lao Qing Niu sighed after seeing it, "You turned your body into a natal device, I have never seen it."

Chen Ze asked, "Senior, what is the real name of Daozu?"

"The master doesn't have a real name weapon, he has a great source, and he wants to refine the way of heaven for his own use. But this road is too difficult."

Chen Ze was speechless, he thought Chen Zu was cruel enough, and he dared to go up to the sky. Unexpectedly, this one in the legend was even more ruthless, and wanted to refine the way of heaven.

Ask an opponent, is it easy for you to kill him, or easy to subdue him?

Obviously, the latter is more difficult.

"Predecessors have a big wish, I can't wait to see the dust." Chen Ze said.

"The master once sent a message to me when he left Jiuzhongtian, only saying that the great world will be destroyed and the void will return to the original. Hope I warn the latecomers that if they have the opportunity, they can take a look at the sky." said the old green cow.

Chen Ze was shocked and asked, "Senior, did you ever know Chen Jinnan!"

"Why don't you remember. It's been almost a million years, too long, I can't remember. That little guy is so brilliant, he came here to fight me." said the old green cow.


Chen Ze swallowed: "He, lost?"

"It's not a failure to get close to me for three feet." Old Qingniu said: "He also said he wanted to take a look at the sky, but I don't know if he can do it."

"If it was just a glance, he might have done it. In that battle, the sky shattered, and the incarnation of the heavens fought a battle. It's a pity that he still lost in the end." Chen Ze said.

"It's not surprising, the way he has always been is wrong." Old Qingniu said.

Chen Ze was startled, "Wrong?"

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that his path is also wrong.

"If the Dao of Heaven can be defeated, how can this great world survive? At that time, the sun, the moon and the stars were in chaos and chaos, leaving only the scorched earth ruins."

Chen Ze nodded, this is the most likely result.

Unless, you can recast the way of heaven, and then regulate the sequence.

But if this is the case, why bother to ruin the way of heaven.

"But my master also said that this heavenly path is not a real heavenly path, it doesn't matter if it is ruined. After everything re-evolves, maybe it will be the liberation of us and other creatures."

Old Qingniu's words clouded the mountains, and everyone was incomprehensible.

"Senior, what secrets are hidden in the Nine Heavens? It can make Dao Ancestor think of reaching the sky and make Chen Zu be so desperate." Chen Ze asked again.

"You have a pit in your head." Unexpectedly, the old green cow suddenly cursed.


Chen Ze scratched his head and said, "I am obsessed. Seniors have never entered, how can I know."

"Nine-layer heaven, hiding the most terrifying secrets of the great world. The undead who once had the origin of the land came to attack, and they were all fruitless. Only those who walked up from the nine-layer heaven can snoop one or two." Green Bull said.

"I want to go up." Chen Ze said: "I must know this secret. I have walked too long for this road and paid too much. I am very unwilling to leave here."

"But once you snoop on this secret, it will become a taboo in the future. It will even cause countless undead beings to hunt down and kill them." Old Green Bull said.

Chen Ze was very calm: "If I tell them, it will be over."

"You have to make sure you can open this mouth. And how do you know this secret is a message?" Old Qing Niu said.

Chen Ze thinks about it too, if it's a secret. Since Daozu can communicate with him when he leaves Jiuzhongtian, he can naturally tell.

But Dao Ancestor even concealed his Blue Bull mount, it must be unspeakable.

"This Seventh Heaven is a place of tempering. You can see that the original crystal in front of you contains terrifying power. But, don't try it lightly." He said.

Chen Ze was shocked: "Why is this?"

"There have been countless powerhouses from the Sixth Heaven. After arriving here, they all wanted to try refining, but the cultivation base was swallowed, and they were transformed into Tao." Old Qingniu said.

"So, this is a big pit." Yili suddenly came.

"The same can be said. It's done, at the very least, you can enter the peak state of Zhuheng, and even cast a half-dead body." Old Qingniu said.

Chen Ze was astonished, "Half-dead body? What kind of statement is this? Seniors please tell me."

"The immortal beings are called the monks who have obtained the original material. In fact, their cultivation power is not invincible as imagined. The half-dead body is the existence that can compete with it. However, there is no eternal life, which can not survive these immortals. Nothing more than creatures."

Said the old green cow.

The implication is that if you want to fight against the undead, you don't need to refining the origin material, you only need to cast a half-dead body.

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