My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1490: Chen Ze's backhand

Was this kid sent by God to play with him?

Relying on the two natural abilities of awakening, he rose from the beginning of the epoch, and got an eldership as a fourth-order detachment.

But Chen Ze showed two abilities that he was proud of casually, and they were much stronger than him.

Without the support of these two talents, he wouldn't think he could be much better than Chen Ze just by discussing his combat power.

End of explosion!

Su Heng's face like **** let the detached people around know that things are not as simple as they thought.

It seems that now, maybe, probably this fourth-order detachment senior can't do anything to Chen Ze, and next they can rely on only the fifth-order detachment.

"Elder Su, you can withdraw."

At this time Liu Heng said: "Your cultivation is completely restrained by him, and you can't show the facts. Leave the rest to me."

Su Hao was speechless, but he had to accept the facts.

What they want is not simply beheading Chen Ze, otherwise he will have a great chance to win by forcibly fighting.

But now they want to get Chen Ze's cultivation method, then they must be crushed, and only by taking Chen Ze alive can they force them to tell the secret of the cultivation system.

Chen Ze tilted his head and looked at Liu Heng: "Did you change people? It was just like that in the early era. I thought I didn't have much resistance."

"What do you look like, we have other things, otherwise I will kill you!" Su Wei said.

Chen Ze smiled, "You only have a hardened mouth."

"Want to motivate me to continue to shoot? Young man, you are too tender." Su Wei said.

Chen Ze shook his head: "No, I am not arousing you, but..."

His words lengthened the tone and did not disappear for a long time.

This voice seemed to have come through thousands of miles, appearing empty.

Everyone thought it was strange, and saw Chen Ze disappearing suddenly, and reappearing in front of Su Heng.

"I want to kill you!"


Su Hao didn't expect Chen Ze's sudden attack. Although he rose up to resist, he tried to distance himself with the power of space. But he only knew how to use space power, but he was far behind Chen Ze, who had already understood the laws of space.

His methods were useless in front of Chen Ze.

With a cut, he was cut straight this time. Even if the defense resisted part of the sword strength, the terrifying 300,000 years of blood and spirits were still cut off.


At this moment, it was also difficult for him to bear such a loss for the fourth-order transcendence, and a mouthful of blood showed signs of serious injury.

"Little thief, when I don't exist!"

Liu Heng shouted, covering it with his big hand.

But his attack seemed to be still in place, but he himself understood that his attack was not being stopped, but was still flying fast.

Because it didn't break Chen Ze's space defense, he was stretched out in the endless space and consumed himself until it dissipated completely.

This process is very long, but in everyone's eyes it seems to be a moment.

This is the time dilation effect brought about by space. The long-distance space is compressed within a certain range, but the internal things have to go all the way, which is just a moment in the eyes of outsiders.

In just this moment, Chen Ze shot the sword one after another, and the sword hit Su Heng.

This series of blows burned Su Hao's blood and spirit of more than two million years to light up in an instant, making his breath weak.

If he can't be supplemented in time, even if he is a fourth-order detachment, it will be difficult for him to escape the end of death.

"Die to me!"

Having reached the kill line, Chen Ze felt that he was playing the game boss against Su Heng, his health bar was exhausted, and only the final fatal blow was left.

Su Hao also broke out completely at this moment, using the final cultivation base to consolidate the space ability, and instantly broke the blockade of Chen Ze.

Liu Heng seized the opportunity to attack and smashed up instantly.

But Chen Ze seemed indifferent, he shot with a losing-lose ending. Even if you die, you have to put on a back cushion.

"Do not……"

Su Hao shouted desperately.

It's a sigh that his peerless Tianjiao once awakened two talents, but in the end he died.

At the last moment, his exhaustion was too great, and he tried his best to break Chen Ze's space blockade, leaving no room for resistance.

The soul was drawn by a knife and completely collapsed.

Even if there is still a remnant of blood, even if it condenses, there is only one walking corpse left.


The fourth-order detachment is dead!

At this moment, all the detached persons accompanying them all fell silent, unable to accept this fact.


Chen Ze flew out, blood spattered.

His body was torn apart and he wanted to reunite, but Liu Heng had already caught up, and Chen Ze was completely beaten into blood with another palm.

"Die to me!"

He scrolled vigorously and thoroughly steamed Chen Ze's vitality and soul.

At this moment, he did not have the joy of victory, on the contrary there was a deep sense of frustration.

He was a fifth-order detachment, and he watched his colleague be beheaded by Chen Ze in front of him.

Although a fourth-order detachment died, the result was finally good.

However, it is a pity that Chen Ze is dead, and then this cultivation system will disappear with it.

"Senior, Chen Ze is dead. Next we are going to look for his disciples. My only hope now is that Chen Ze handed over this cultivation system to his disciples." Tao Tianxing said.

Liu Heng nodded: "You are up to you to do the next thing. If you also need me to deal with Chen Ze's disciples, then I will doubt your ability."

Tao Tianxing said: "Senior don't worry, I won't let you down this time."

In fact, he was quite depressed. Originally, the relationship between Taichu Jiyuan and Chen Ze was very delicate, at least not in a hostile situation.

Just because it is the leader of the right way, it must be shot when being trapped by everyone. In fact, this was a sudden test for his management ability. I didn't expect the death of an elder to be on his head.


At this time, the ground shook suddenly, making everyone very puzzled.

"What happened?"

Someone asked inexplicably.

"Is the place of origin going to be closed? No, every time the place of origin has to be opened for two hundred years, there is still at least seven or eighty years left."

"No, the ground is not only shaking, but moving! And, it's falling down!"

Someone noticed this situation and his face changed drastically.

What is below?

It's a place of vain!

Even if they are all detached, but if they fall into it, they will still die!

"Get out of here!"

Everyone got up one after another, but a light curtain lit up from the distant sky, covering the place completely and completely sealing them off.

"how so!"

Someone attacked but failed to smash the enchantment, showing despair on his face.

"It must be Chen Ze!" Tao Tianxing realized afterwards: "When we surrounded him, we ignored that this place was already close to the edge of the Second Island. Here is a bulge that can be hit in one piece. Break away from the island as a whole."

"Unexpectedly, before he died, he left us such a big back player, he wanted to kill us all!"

Someone said in despair.

"Everyone listened to my orders and tried their best. After all, this is not the third island, we still have time. If we can break the barrier when we completely fall into the false land, we still have hope of survival." Liu Heng said.

Tao Tianxing nodded: "Yes, since this place has been separated from the Second Island, the ground veins that support the formation will be gone and won't last for too long. With so many detached people, we can definitely break the formation!"

Immediately, under their joint hands, everyone began to attack the enchantment.

And this fragment that was forcibly torn from the Second Island by Chen Ze using the formation method was also slowly falling into the ground of falsehood.

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