My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1491: Painful price

Outside the barrier, a bit of blood slowly condensed, and Chen Ze's face was pale and shaky.

He laughed at this scene.

"It's still successful."

Seeing this fragmented earth fall down under the force of the False Land, he was almost halfway through his thoughts.

He didn't get up until the land sealed by the enchantment was completely submerged in the blue mist, and he slowly got up and walked away.

Is he dead?

Maybe it really died once.

However, Chen Ze laid back his back when he was on the run. Not only did he use a powerful formation to cut off the back of these detached people, he also separated some of his souls and spirits in the distance.

Even if his real body is completely shattered, he can be reborn with this little spirit and vitality.

At this time, the strength of his cultivation system in this vein, the soul and blood qi can be decomposed into the most basic particle state, and the mutual dependence can slowly recover even if only the slightest remains.

It was only this time that he gave up most of the source, and I am afraid it will take a long time to recover before he can heal.

Moreover, his remodeling of the battle body is different from ordinary people. One cubic centimeter of neutron matter can be close to one billion tons of mass. Therefore, the material required by Chen Ze to remodel the battle body is too large, and may even swallow part of the original continent completely. It is possible to do it.


"Enchantment brilliance has become the weakest, everyone, please work harder!" Liu Heng said.

But at this time, it was not an ordinary detachment, even Tao Tianxing was desperate.

Looking at the sky, there is a vast blue sky everywhere. This is not a blue sky, but they have completely fallen into the blue mist.

It's totally uncertain where it is sinking right now. Once the enchantment is broken, they will die faster.

After all, once the barrier was broken, they had to face the blue mist. Once one's own defense cannot overcome the swallowing of illusory power, then there is only a dead end.

But if you don't make a move, you will also die.

"final hit!"

He drank high.

The faster death is only relative to those first- and second-order detachments. He is a third-order detachment, and he still has a high probability of being able to defend.

Everyone joined forces to attack, the barrier was finally shattered, and the blue mist instantly poured in like a tide.

At this time, whoever can survive has to rely on his own ability.

Everyone was lucky to defend and rushed out quickly.

"Damn, the blue mist here has reached the concentration on the way to the third island. My cultivation is hard to resist, I will die!"

"Chen Ze, I will pull us back when we die. It's really a devil."

Those who are first and second-order detached are unwilling.

They even have to wait for the opportunity to go to the third island, not to mention falling into a place of vain now. There is no peaceful way for them to choose, they can only resist.

Soon, someone screamed again and again because the defense was swallowed up. Some people are even more embarrassed when they are about to die, watching the people next to them suddenly make a move: "Old ghost, you killed my beloved son back then, and now you stay."

"Jiang Ming, my era was destroyed by you. The old man endured for fifty thousand years, and now he is facing you in a life and death confrontation."

These people started to mess up and attacked each other.

Originally, some people could survive by luck, but the teammates around them were opponents in the past, but huge interests brought them together.

Tao Tianxing couldn't help sighing when he saw these people being so crazy. All righteous people are a group of tiger-wolves who are honest and insidious in their hearts.

He regrets a bit now, why he can't suppress the greed in his heart and shoot at Chen Ze.

Based on his understanding of Chen Ze, if he treats each other sincerely, Chen Ze may not be able to reveal this cultivation system in the future.

Moreover, he has a long line, and he will still be passed down by his disciples.

Even if Chen Ze doesn't want the system to leak out, there will still be others exposed after all.

He quickly ascended under the protection of Liu Heng and quickly escaped from the chaos area.


He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his current defense is pretty good, and he should be able to support his return to the second island.


At this moment, an attack, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, hit him directly, instantly piercing his defense through a small hole.

A faint of blue mist poured in. Although Tao Tianxing sealed the gap in time, the blue mist still touched his body with a little vain force.

Damn it!

Tao Tianxing turned his head furiously, but where can I see other people in the vast blue mist, even if I feel the breath of the other person?

It is impossible for him to take revenge.

Finally returned to the second island. If it is in normal times, he can completely smash part of the battle body and ask for the invading body of the vain power, but the trace of vain power that invaded the body when he was on the island has been completely dissipated, and it is no longer possible. Eradicate at the cost of abandoning part of the battle body.

"Senior Liu, I'm afraid I'm going to die." He said.

Liu Heng had already noticed that he was being attacked, and he couldn't help but sighed: "This time we lost too badly. Only Chen Ze was killed, but you and Su Heng were lost. You are the best among the next generation in the Early Era. People with talent, can't think of... alas."

Liu Heng was not talking about the scene, otherwise he would not take the initiative to protect Tao Tianxing from leaving in that situation. It's just the follow-up carelessness, this is his responsibility.

"This is probably fate, I calculated Chen Ze, and now he is counter-calculating. The cycle of cause and effect, retribution."

Tao Tianxing was not a grudge at first, but his act of revenge finally ended up in this way, causing his mood to collapse and become depressed.

"You only have part of the power of vain invaded your body, not even one percent of what entered Ziruo's body at the beginning. With the clock of rejuvenation, you have at least a thousand years to live. Doesn't Chen Ze have the means to seal the power of vain? To teach it to its disciples, as long as it is used to force it out of this method, isn't it enough?"

Liu Heng's words comforted Tao Tianxing.

After the two of them, people kept escaping from the blue fog. Some people were indeed lucky not to be invaded by the power of vain, but most of the people who escaped had a bleak face, and it was clear that they had the same fate as Tao Tianxing.

"Only 18 people escaped." After checking the number of people, Tao Tianxing said.

"This is the biggest shame of my righteous path in millions of years." Liu Heng sighed: "It is these 18 people, and 90% of them will eventually die of vain force."

"You must find a way to be tender to them and get the power to seal the falsehood!"

Tao Tianxing clenched his fists.

What happened here was spread by some undead who traveled on the Second Island.

So many detached people came to siege Chen Ze. Although they were successful in the end, they were defeated by Chen Ze and killed so many people. Relatively speaking, it was a failure.

The painful price makes people unable to let go for a long time.

And Chen Ze, who was hiding in the Second Island, had already begun a frantic recovery. He used the concealed formation as a means to hide in a rolling mountainside, quickly decomposing everything around it into elementary particles, and first restore the neutron state of the battle body.

It is a pity that he abandoned most of his physical body and still has not been able to get rid of the power of vain, and needs to continue.

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