My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1575: Ambush

Three years.

Chen Ze walked out of a star field with a vigorous look.

The four people here were already waiting impatiently. During the period, they contacted Ning Bing many times and explained the situation here.

Even though Ning Bing knew that Chen Ze would have a certain combat power increase in the Soul Leap after the Conferment of the Gods, at the most, he would be on par with himself or even become invincible among the high gods.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ze was able to kill the Supreme God, and even shattered Star Master Qi'er's divine crown.

With such a strong man sitting in town, the Shenfeng Army would become the first army of the Shenting Army.

Seeing Chen Ze appearing, Hua Lian took a hint of sarcasm: "The refining god, what's the result? We don't have to ask too much, one thousand times is too much, one hundred times is fine."

"Woman, really stingy. In a word, do you remember it till now."

Jiao Yang said with a bitter face, "Chen Ze, she hasn't given me a good face for three years, so don't pinch her, okay. Or, it's me who suffers."

"While going, I'll be annoyed when I see you." Hua Lian shouted.

After shrugging his shoulders with grief, he was silent, and the two entourage Zhang Tong smiled bitterly.

His family commanded the battlefield unrestrainedly and killed countless enemies, but was pinched to death by a woman.

"I will give face to Brother Jianyang."

With a shake of his hand, Chen Ze unlocked the giant starry sky ship he had refined, and instantly enlarged it to a span of one hundred thousand gods, which was even larger than the original Yi's Shenfu galaxy.

"What is this stuff?"

Hua Lian was surprised that she had never seen the sci-fi shape of the starry sky giant ship. The divine ships of the God Realm are all the same. Although the buildings above are stacked, the mountains are comparable to the small world, but the overall shape is roughly the same.

Chen Ze completely abandoned the inherent form of the divine ship, which was very strange.

"Isn't it mighty and domineering? This is the shape of a starry sky ship that I carefully designed, and the speed can definitely reach a thousand times the speed of the divine body." Chen Ze said.

"Okay, I just want to return to the Legion, not to mention a thousand times the speed of the divine body, but only ten times and five times I recognize it."

In short, it is enough to be able to go back in less than fifty years.

Chen Ze curled his lips, "Sure enough, I have nothing to say to you, I really don't know what Jeng Yang likes you."

After listening to it, Qiuyang felt excited, and quickly changed the topic, "Chen Ze, tell me about you starry sky giant ship."

"No, Yu Kang, you have to tell me one hundred advantages of liking me right away, otherwise the two of us will be over." Hua Lian said immediately.

Qiang Kang's face was bitter, and he looked embarrassed and dying.

Chen Ze laughed after seeing it, "Brother Yunyang, I'll teach you how to perfuse her."

As he said, he waved his hand and pointed at Hua Lian: "This point, this point, this point... Well, that's it, as long as it's not in the same position, it's just one point."

"Good idea, thanks for your help."

Hua Lian couldn't be mad, "Get me as far away as you two!"

Board the starry sky giant ship, inside is extremely luxurious. What sofa seats, spring mattresses. There are also various video game equipment refined by Chen Ze, etc. Various games make the four Protoss play happily and forget the time.

A thousand times the speed of the divine body, Chen Ze and the others rushed to the place agreed with Ning Bing in only three or two days. This was Chen Ze's midway test of the flight performance of the starry sky giant, plus the absorption of free energy is the starry sky giant. The weapon system serves as an energy reserve.

The shape of this starry sky giant ship is like a trident, except that the halberd blades at both ends are huge and curved to protect the main body of the giant ship in the middle. The powerful halberd blade was refined by Chen Ze with Hei Xuan. Although there is only one line, with the strength of Hei Xuan's absolute defense, it can cut anything at such a high speed.

"How many floors are you?" Jiao turned his head to look at Hua Lian beside him.

At this time, the woman stared at the video game screen, and her **** quickly made a phantom.

"170 million layers."

Yu Yang laughed loudly: "I'm 220 million floors."

They are playing a small game called "If you are a man, go down a hundred floors". Although it is simple and rude, it is extremely testy of reaction and hand speed. But here, Chen Ze changed his name to One Billion Super God! When Chen Ze designed this game, there was no upper limit. Even a powerful monk like the Protoss would not dare to care about his current speed.

Chen Ze promised them that whoever can get to the one billion level will help them refine a magic weapon again.

For the magic weapon, all four people have been sitting here and working hard these days, but unfortunately they have failed many times, and no one can even break through 300 million layers.

Chen Ze walked over at this moment, "Here we are."

"Wait a minute, I'm in good condition now, and I can definitely go down to the billionth floor." said Jian Yang.

Hualian was not reconciled to admit defeat, and when the opportunity came, she just clicked on the machine on the kangkang: "Okay, don't lose your ambition, we have to see the handsome man."

"Oh, my highest record!" Chiang jumped up with anger, "What are you doing, my magic weapon."

"Magic shit, I think you just want to play games."

Hualian turned her head and walked out proudly, Chen Ze sighed helplessly, "Yang Kang, you deserve it."

A few people got out of the starry sky giant ship, and there seemed to be no shadow of the Shenfeng Legion around. Hualian confirmed the position again and said with confidence: "It can't be wrong. Even if there is a deviation, you can get a glimpse at the size of our Legion's God Ship. You can see it."

Chen Ze frowned and looked around, and said, "Something seems to have happened. Although the galaxy on your threshold is intact, the stars are obviously dragged. There must be something huge passing by. The result of energy scrolling."

"The commander said that when we wait, we will definitely wait for us, unless there is any important task." Hua Lian said.

"I will know if we catch up and have a look. The speed difference between us is a hundred times, and a few days will be instantaneous."

Chen Ze greeted a few people to go back and set sail again on the huge starry sky ship. But now that the distance is too short, he can't fully raise the speed, and only used a hundred times the speed to catch up.

The broken star is moving fast in space, above the huge starry sky battlefield, the speed is insignificant, and it seems to be stationary from a distance.

The countless galaxies around have been fragmented and destroyed.

Ning Bing looked around with a serious face, she had been fighting for a long time, and the energy of the divine body was consumed in her eyes. Turning his head to look at his soldiers, many of them have fallen, and most of them are wounded.

Their divine ship was also torn apart, crushed by people's hands.

"Great commander, how could this happen." A leader stood beside him, and three or four brothers who had been fighting side by side for many years had died. At this time, there was a mixture of grief and anger.

"Perhaps the headquarter's news is wrong. We were in an ambush." ​​Ning Bing took a deep breath and asked, "How many of us are there?"

"Most of the damage was done. Chongming and their entire team were destroyed. There are only three or four people left here." The commander said.

At this time, the commander of the Camer Legion returned: "We still have fifty or so people, but we have lost a high god. He blew up and closed the road in order to allow us to break through."

In this battle, the Shenfeng Army was almost completely destroyed.

There were less than a hundred people, and the fighting was fierce.

Ning Bing sighed, "I'm sorry everyone, for failing to make effective judgments on Occupation, I was attacked by these thief groups."

"I don't think it is the fault of the **** commander, but the fault of the headquarters of the **** court army." The commander who returned was called Feizhang, and his words showed a hint of coldness.

"Did the non-leader notice something?" Ning Bing asked.

"I have carefully observed that these ambushers are well-trained, and they are by no means comparable to the ordinary thief group. Moreover, when they attack, they use a military formation. If they can use the general formation so skillfully, they must have been trained for a long time. The group is wandering everywhere, there is no time to roll out the formation."

"You mean, it was the army that ambushed us? But these people don't have the characteristics of the demons, are they our own?" said the previous commander.

Ning Bing said: "If you don't have evidence, don't speculate. This is under the jurisdiction of the Shenting Army, and it is also the place where I am responsible for patrolling."

"Then why you can't be a member of the God's Court Army." Non-chapter said: "Don't forget, why God Commander Camer back then was not framed by your own people. God's Commander, you have to recognize the reality, God Court Army. Someone wants you to die!"


At this time, dazzling myths were lit up in all directions, and dozens of divine ships surrounded them from all sides, completely besieging them.

"Why so fast? We changed directions several times, how did they find us?" said the leader.

"It can't be wrong." Non-chapter said: "We all have military positions now, and military positions can determine our position."

Ning Bing frowned, "Why?"



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