My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1576: Indiscriminate killing

The word "interest" can make the husband and wife turn against each other and the father and son become enemies.

Ning Bing went to the battlefield and then transitioned to the current position of commander in the legion. She has always disdain to maintain this kind of humanity and sophistication, and just wants to be herself.

The ending of Brother Camer happened to her alive not long ago. She is now curious about whose interests she touched again?

Soon, the divine boats of these divine thieves completely completed their encirclement, and Ning Bing and the more than one hundred people did not make too many moves. Their divine ship has exploded, and now it is too difficult to escape from the divine ship's pursuit by relying on the divine body.

"Ning Bing is handsome, today you can't escape with your wings, you'd better catch it with your hands. I might consider thinking about it, leaving your complete mind, so that you have a place to die." The headed man said.

Ning Bing had no hope of escape at this time. She slowly walked out of the crowd and said, "Don't talk nonsense, I just want to know, are you thief?"

After hearing this, the person's expression changed unchecked, and then he smiled: "You are the legion, we are the thief group, have always been opponents, haven't they."

"Seeing your reaction like this, I already know the answer. Don't worry, I won't ask who sent you, and you won't be able to tell me." Ning Bing waved his hand and said, "My God Phoenix Army is a God's Court Army. Over the past two hundred million years, soldiers have followed me to fight in the Star Territory, destroying countless thiefs. Many of them are partners who have fought with me on the battlefield of gods and demons.

It's just that I never thought that we didn't die in the hands of the demons, but now we are going to be killed by our own people. This is a man, even if he deceives himself and puts it in the name of the Protoss, he still can't escape the bad roots of human nature. "

Her voice was turbulent and spread far away.

Some people in the Divine Thieves Group were moved. Although they were willing to follow the orders of the leader in charge to kill Ning Bing, they were all soldiers.

Go to battle to kill the enemy, they die without regret.

But now he has to cut his own comrades-in-arms, and can't bear it.

"Since the ending is set, Ning Bing, God Shuai, you should decide on your own. What I promised is valid, and I will keep you a complete God's heart for future generations to worship." The man said.

Ning Bing smiled, very bold: "People are dead, and they still care about offerings. Those who recite my name will be remembered forever. Those who don't think about me, even if I'm just duplicity in front of him."

"It seems that the supernatural commander Ning Bing is going to resist to the end, so don't blame this seat for being merciless. Everyone obeys the orders and attack!"

At this time, tens of thousands of divine rainbows rose up on the four-way divine boat, and the mighty divine might wanted Ning Bing to kill more than a hundred people.

Ning Bing waved his arms: "Shenfeng Legion obeyed the order and attacked with all its strength!"

The expressions of these more than one hundred people are determined, and they have decided to fight to the death.


At this moment, a clear white energy hit in the distance. The rushing crowd was shrinking and gathering, attacking Ning Bing and the others, but I never expected that the sudden white light was huge and reflected More than three thousand people were beheaded.

The trajectory of Baimang's flight was completely emptied, and it was extremely silent.


In the distance, a divine ship couldn't dodge and was hit by a white mang, and it was completely wiped out.

What a terrifying means of attack!

An army general of the Shenting Army who was disguised as the God Thieves Group changed his face suddenly when he saw this scene, "What happened? What kind of attack was this."

But his lieutenants' eyes were blackened, and they didn't even know what it was.

"This method is so weird. Could it be that Hualian and the others are back?" A leader was surprised, "and only Chen Ze can refine this kind of weird attack."

"No. It will take them more than forty years to come back, don't be delusional."

Ning Bing looked into the distance, because everything in the direction from which the white light burst came was emptied, and several galaxies were even cut off, leaving the dark starlight as the background, and couldn't see what was in that direction.

The sudden attack also slowed down the offensive of the more than 10,000 people, all of them staring in that direction.

After a few breaths, I saw a huge magic weapon of weird shape crushing countless stars, and the speed was astonishing.

It seemed as if the blink of an eye had come from infinity to the front.

Moreover, the speed of the flying magic weapon did not decrease, and it directly slammed into the thief group that besieged Ning Bing and the others.

In an instant, both humans and divine ships were shattered by this weird flying magic weapon. In an instant, they screamed again and again, and saw that this thing was flying extremely fast, but it was very agile.

Cut into the encircling circle and rampage, and then the siege will be crushed to the **** ship, and the dead people can't count, and half of them are afraid.

In the end, the giant starship flicked its tail and stopped beside Ning Bing and the others. The hatch slowly opened. Chen Ze walked down first, followed by Hualian and Yan Yang, and finally Zhang Tong and another entourage.

"See the handsome!"

Hualian and the others always wanted to give Ning Bing this handsome face, and they all knelt on one knee.

Ning Bing had an unbelievable expression, " come back so fast!"

She glanced at Chen Ze, feeling inexplicably calm in her heart.

This guy beheaded the existence of the supreme god, almost killed the Chil galaxy councillor, and even the divine crown of the Chil galaxy star master was shaken away.

Although the people besieging their army here are numerous, they are all high spirits. In the same realm, she couldn't face the powerful high gods, but in front of the supreme **** Chen Ze, no matter how many high gods were ants.

"It all depends on Chen Ze's starry sky giant ship. The speed is too fast. It is a thousand times the speed of our divine body! We came back after only a few days. It was still a few times in the middle to slow down to recharge the starship." Hua Lotus said: "Shen Shuai, you have seen the previous Baimang, it is a wave electromagnetic cannon, which is specially designed to deal with the god-body cultivator. It can instantly disperse the energy of the god-body, and there is no chance to reunite."

"The power is indeed huge." Although Ning Bing couldn't be happy to see this powerful starship, "If you can arrive one day earlier, our Shenfeng Army will not be destroyed."

As soon as these words came out, the mood of the people present fell again.

"We will retaliate. But as long as we are still alive, the Shenfeng Legion will not be destroyed." The brothers of Yuyang are also dead, and none of them are left.

"Yes, we want to avenge the dead brothers!" Hualian looked at the people who were fleeing in the distance. She turned and rushed to the starship, "Chen Ze, I want to kill them all, kill them all!"

Chen Ze greeted everyone: "Go up, I'm about to start attacking indiscriminately."

More than a hundred people promoted here got on the starship, and everyone was dazzled by the novelties inside.

At this time, Chen Ze led everyone to a huge screen, which showed the perspective around the starship in all directions.

"Start a full range of energy strikes!"

Chen Ze opened his mouth and gave instructions.

The artificial intelligence system received Chen Ze's instruction and responded: "Repeat the instruction, all-round energy strike. The weapon system is being charged, and the strike will begin in ten seconds."

Then comes the reciprocal of the number.


At this time, the entire starship became bright, like a huge ball of light, and the lights began to shoot clear white beams from all directions in all directions, completely clearing the space within a million miracles around, even The stars failed to stay.

It was just a round of strikes, and there was no more light on the life radar.

More than a hundred people here were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Ning Bing, as a person who had been on the battlefield of Gods and Demons, was also surprised and asked: "Is it all killed?"

"There may be fish that slip through the net, but 99% of people are dead."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "This is the combination of technology and immortality cultivation. God commander, in the future this starship will be our new home for the Shenfeng Army. Believe me, the Shenfeng Army will only get better and better!"

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