My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1717: Sure enough

"Sister, do you believe Chen Ze is dead?"

In a starry sky flowerbed, Taichu and Yi were bending to sort out the starry sky flowers and plants. Everywhere there was a refreshing fragrance, but their faces were exhausted.

Their cultivation bases were all imprisoned, and there were only two of them in the huge starry sky garden, but there were hundreds of people from the Protoss watching over them.

These people were originally members of a special Protoss. Now it has been nearly two hundred years since Chen Ze left to seal the Dark Source. The king beasts of the Dark Beast and the leaders really broke their promises and enslaved the Protoss and Demons with powerful combat power. .

The surrounding protoss were human traitors who took refuge in those king-level war beasts. They don't care who rules themselves, but they will never let go of the chance to humiliate Chen Ze's relatives.

After all, since Chen Ze turned out to be born, their majesty has been repeatedly provoked, and even the special rights inherited for countless years have been cancelled by Chen Ze.

"Do not believe."

Yi just lifted up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, but before he had time to hammer the sour back, he was yelled at by a protoss dog leg behind: "Hurry up and do work, you are lazy. I think you are so cheap. Is it the identity of the godmother?"


A whip was flicked and directly hit Yi's body. The electric sparks flickered and the pain made Yi almost fainted.

"Are you still unreasonable?" Too early, I couldn't stand it anymore. "We don't have the cultivation base now, just the body of ordinary people, how can we not be tired."

"I'm tired, otherwise, what do you want to do?" A protoss dogleg came up to sneer: "Smelly lady, you were so beautiful at the beginning, but now you know you regret it. Without Chen Ze, you are nothing."

"Hmph, at least we are worthy of the word Protoss. A group of dogs, even the demons rarely want to take refuge in the dark creatures, but you wastes have lost their spine early, bah!" Taichu took a sip.

"You dare to talk back, your skin is tight, right?"

This dog leg came up as two whips, and the original cultivation base was much weaker than Yi, so the divine body was also much weaker.

When these two whips came down, their skin and flesh spattered, and even the bones were broken. A slender white jade arm flew out and fell into the flowers, dyed with red flowers and grass.

It was so painful that cold sweat came out at the beginning, panting heavily, "Kill grandma if you have the ability, a bunch of dogs!"

When she was in the Profound Realm, she was aloof from her birth, and later she ruled for hundreds of millions of years. Walking out of the dwarf mysterious world is also the identity of Chen Ze's wife, the mistress of the gods, has never been so humiliated.

Even if he is reduced to labor today, he still won't bow his head.

"Then I will beat you to death!" The dog leg raised his whip again, but was caught by Yi Ren with severe pain: "Don't pretend. If you dare to kill us, how can you humiliate us every day? It's not yours. The animal master has spoken, you only have the right to supervise, not the right to live or kill."

"So what?" The man drew back his whip abruptly, "I'm hitting the two of you. Now we eat and drink spicy food, and we are in power. You have the backbone, don't you have to bow your heads as flower farmers here? Haha... "


This person was another whip, and then threw it to the entourage behind him: "Grandpa today is cool, continue tomorrow!"

When they left, Yi and Taichu two people could be regarded as letting out a sigh of relief. But at the beginning of the time, her injuries were very serious. Without her cultivation base, her divine body couldn't recover, so she could only support it like this.

"Counting the time, Chen Ze will be back soon." Yi said at this time: "You will bear with me later. If you have any grudges, we will report it later."

The two of them are relatively good in comparison. Yu Xi and the others are even more miserable. They were thrown into the Starfire Prison and tortured, and they were extracted and refined by their souls. In short, none of the high-ranking members of the gods survive, even The two elders were also determined by death and refused to surrender and compromise.

"What's the matter with the God Realm? How long has it taken to suffer so much." At the beginning, he reluctantly stopped the blood from the wound of his broken arm, his face pale.

"The realm of the gods is about to fall, and many disasters are inevitable." Yidao: "If Chen Ze can't live, I hope that they will fail directly, so that the entire world will be destroyed, and no monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods will have to die like us. ."

Even if the leader is gone, the people who are supervising them are still there. Although they are not as brutal and brutal as the two, they are not allowed to rest too much.

"Hurry up and work, if you dare to make us feel bad, we will also make you suffer more." One person said.

Most of the surviving Protoss in the God Realm are miserable, most of them are enslaved, to mine resources and minerals, and even more are raised in captivity to serve as the meat of those king-level war beasts.

"Bah! What kind of blood of the gods? The meat is so poor." Above the palace, the five to dark king beasts sat upright. In front of them, there was a huge stove. Thousands of people, many of whom have traces of human form.

Although transformed into a human body, it is inevitably the nature of a beast. Cannibalism is nothing more than daily.

"Okay, it's only a few years now that your mouth has become like this. Isn't this much more delicious than those hard-to-eat dark creatures? Be content." Another king beast smiled.

"You greedy guy can swallow even the planet, but I can't." Then the king beast ordered: "The gods who are more than a hundred years old should not be sent here. It's better to choose some human spirits for me. Women come here, their meat is the most delicious, I like it very much."

At this time, the few protoss creatures standing next to them were once the privileged patriarchs of the protoss. Chen Ze didn't kill them. They actually killed the same clan for their own lives.

"Yes, master."

Several people bowed their heads piously, very loyal, and seemed to have completely lost the bottom line of life.

The meal was still going on. At this time, a commander-level war beast ran from the void and turned into a human form when it fell, kneeling on one knee to pay homage to the five king beasts: "I have seen all the kings."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Our spies reported that two powerful auras appeared in the dark area, and they were flying towards the gods." The commander war beast responded.


These five king beasts were a little flustered, after all, when Chen Ze left, they were two people, and now there are two more breaths, how can they not panic.

They knew Chen Ze's strength, and they were invincible at all.

"Chen Ze is back?" said the most provocative Wang Beast.

"After we felt it, we discovered that the other party does not seem to be a bright creature, but it is likely to be some king beast among our dark creatures." The commander war beast replied.

"Are you deliberately frightening Lao Tzu?" The provocative Wang Beast slapped the commanding beast out with anger, and then shouted out in the air: "It's not Chen Ze that you made me nervous, which made Lao Tzu lose his appetite. "

A colleague next to him said: "Don't underestimate it. Now the turmoil in the dark zone has subsided for almost a hundred years. If Chen Ze is not dead, he should come back. During this time, we will be prepared to evacuate at any time."

"Oh, I really can't bear it. These comfortable days are too short. The God Realm is so beautiful, there are delicious wines and food, and the scenery is unique, but there is no dark place." The sighing Wang Beast sighed.

"We and Chen Ze are incompatible with each other. If it weren't for the eruption of the dark source, we would not have had the opportunity to go deep into the gods. It would be good to have so many years of enjoyment. When you leave, take a group of gods in captivity. You are afraid of not eating. What?"

The king beast next to him smiled.

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