My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1718: Back pot

"The front is the God Realm."

This is not the first time a gentleman has come here. Although he has not entered the God Realm before, he has observed it closely.

Tuanzi hated this guy's appearance of knowing everything, and said with disdain: "I have lived in the God Realm, and I know it better than you."

"Also! When I didn't know, at that time your intelligence was not high, otherwise, how could you be so stupid to help Chen Ze be my mother's fatal blow." The gentleman retorted.

"If I don't block the blow, the darkest zone and the gods world will be gone." Tuanzi glanced at the gods realm and said: "Now the turmoil in the dark zone has been over for so long, look at the gods and gods. There is still no enchantment between the dark areas, and until the dark creatures enter and leave freely, it is obvious that they have no plans to leave. It seems that Senior Jun’s worries have occurred."

"I don't understand, what did Brother Chen think, how could he agree to let these beasts into the God Realm." The gentleman said.

Tuanzi said: "This is no way. He wants to go to the dark source to seal, there is no person in charge in the gods. Those king-level war beasts are watching outside, and once Chen Ze leaves, they will inevitably invade. He took the initiative to put it in. At least temporarily dissolving the hostile situation, they will not be violent and slaughter. Even if they break their promises, they will have to be after Chen Ze seals them to the dark zone. The time has been reduced by half, and the loss of a hundred years is the smallest for the Protoss."

"You still know him." The gentleman laughed.

The two entered the God Realm at this time. They were originally the Darkest creatures, and they didn't attract too much attention from the Darkest creatures.

However, the five king beasts got the news for the first time.

God realm enters the two king-level battle beasts again, how could they not be careful. Even if they have five, facing two is still very difficult.

The two of them walked all the way to see the tragic situation of the Protoss and the Demon Race, and the gentleman couldn't help but want to take action several times.

The group stopped him: "Don't be impulsive. The first thing we want to save is Chen Ze's relatives and friends and the old people of the Shenting. Without them, the two of us simply cannot organize the Protoss to confront these darkest creatures."

Although the two of them were strong enough, even if they hit the goalkeeper and killed all the high-level to dark beasts, and did not get the approval of the gods, it would be difficult for them to re-establish the gods and wipe out the dark creatures.

"It's so embarrassing, I am obviously the darkest creature, and I actually feel that they are so shameless to do this." The gentleman said depressed.

"No way, no matter what kind of creature it is, there are humiliating people. Didn't you find that the rulers of some galaxies that house the gods are actually the gods, and they have surrendered to the fierce power of the dark king beasts? Got it." Tuanzi said.

"Then what shall we do next?" the gentleman asked.

Dumpling thought for a while and said: "We can do this..."

After conspiring, the two went on the road again, and their whereabouts were very obvious, and they were also watched by the five king-level beasts.

"Come to us? What do they mean."

The five king beasts were very surprised, and couldn't figure out the intentions of these two comrades.

But when the two people met, the gentleman clasped his fist and smiled: "I finally saw it, disrespectful."

"Don't dare. The two came from afar and they were the guests." said a fellow named Zhan Kan among Wang Beasts.

"No, we are not here as guests." The gentleman shook his head.

As soon as he said this, the five king-level war beasts frowned, and one coldly said, "Then what are you here for?"

The gentleman didn’t care about the changes in the atmosphere and said: “Our brothers’ foundations were destroyed when the darkest zone was turbulent, but we accidentally learned about the God Realm. Therefore, we naturally wanted to share a piece of the pie when we came over. ."

"It turns out that this is the case, are you planning to join in?" Cha Kan's face was a little slow.

"Yes! The five of you can't enjoy such a big God Realm. It's not an exaggeration to share some with my brothers." The gentleman's smile on his face also revealed an invisible threat.

If you don't agree, we will do it alone. Anyway, the five of you can't do anything to us.

"Yes." The survey is not an atmospheric person, but it is still unclear whether Chen Ze is alive or dead. At this time, the internal friction is not appropriate. If Chen Ze is not dead, then they can still let these two hapless guys take care of themselves, so why not do it.

"Xiongtai atmosphere, I don't know which area is entrusted to us?" The gentleman asked with a smile.

"Our brothers have occupied this place for many years, so it is not appropriate to let you. In this way, let's go to the depths of the God Realm. Although it is also under the control of our brothers, it is too far away and can only release some commander-level beasts for autonomy. Since Xiongtai wants to share the realm of the gods, how about we reluctantly cut love?" Cha Kan said.

"Yes! That's it. Then we brothers will not bother me. We will go to stabilize our own territory first, and then we will host a banquet for you all."

The gentleman gave a fist, then turned and left with Tuanzi.

"Brother, why should you compromise with them? Put them inside. Once they have the power and fight from the inside out, we can easily be squeezed out." The red-eyed king beast on the side was very unwilling.

"Don't worry, if we know the news of Chen Ze's return, we will just retreat and leave, and throw the mess here. It just so happens that Chen Ze's former Ministry of God's Court is locked up with them, it's ready to go."

Then the five king beasts laughed.

However, the brothers who were regarded as the hapless guys here did not expect that they came into the God Realm to take over the Star Territory, and they learned that most of the people in Chen Ze's old Ministry of God's Court were here.

"It's really easy." The gentleman smiled.

"Listen to me both of you. We have a new lord here, and I don’t know what attitude towards you. You are Chen Ze’s women, and they will definitely come over to see you. Then I will be awake a little. It doesn't matter if you die, you will be pretty if you dare to cause trouble."

The dog-legs of the Protoss yelled at the two Iraqi people.

"The dog has changed to the animal master, what to say to our sisters. I am afraid that I will be implicated? Then you killed us. If you don't see it, wouldn't it be a hundred."

Can't help but speak too early.

"Look for it, right."

This person was just a whip when he got up. The wound healed from the beginning was just healed, and he was beaten up with broken bones, bloody.

"Haha..." Taichu said with a sneer: "Hold harder, are you tickling my old lady?"

"I can't kill you or me!"

The dog leg swung the whip again. Unexpectedly, someone in the distance yelled: "Assistant! The king has already arrived, you still can't come to pick you up."

The shouting was a commander-level war beast incarnate, and hundreds of doglegs hurriedly came over and knelt on the ground.

The gentleman was fine, but Tuanzi had met Yi, and for a while, Chen Ze left him with Yi to look after him.

He also has certain feelings for Yi.

Seeing them so miserable, the murderous heart has already started.

"We have seen the king!" The dogs shouted in unison.

Tuanzi turned his head and said to the commanding war beast beside him: "Do these protoss creatures treat their fellow clan like this on weekdays?"

"Almost. They all have enmity with the people in the old division of the Shenting Court, especially Chen Ze's wives, who have been tortured almost every day. However, the five kings had already ordered that they could not hurt their lives." said the leader of the war beast. .

"This kind of people who take refuge in a foreign race and are so cruel to the same race, we dare not stay, let's kill them all." Tuanzi said directly.

These words frightened these kneeling protoss doglegs: "My lord, we are loyal and loyal. We have been working for the darkest creatures for nearly a hundred years, and we also ask the king to forgive us."

This commanding war beast also hesitated. After all, the darkest war beasts in his hand were creatures with low intelligence, and there was no such thing as a dog-legged **** of the gods.

The gentleman said: "Did you not hear? I thought that leaving you would save our brothers a little bit, but if you are disobedient, we don't mind asking you to leave."

After hearing this, the commanding war beast hurriedly responded: "The subordinate is recruiting."

Then he personally took action, beheading all these more than one hundred people.

"Okay, you can leave first, we will deal with these two women." The gentleman waved his hand, and the commander of the beast left.

Then Tuanzi walked to Yi, and when she saw it, the skinned flesh struggling to stand up, trying to stop in front of Yi, "What are you going to do?"

Yi patted her on the shoulder and walked to the front, but stared at the dumpling. Then he laughed, "It turned out to be you little guy."

The gentleman was surprised and looked around two or three back and forth: "This is impossible, how can you hold back him?"

"Eyes!" Yi said.

At first I was confused, "What's the situation?"

"You know that your husband once had a dark war beast that he followed, named the starry world beast." Yi said.

At the beginning, this suddenly happened, so it was.

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