My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1719: Time Ganges

"Unexpectedly, the original little dumpling has now become such a handsome little man, not bad!" Yi smiled.

These words made the dumplings' face that was immortal and unwavering red.

"Oh, I've never seen you so shy before, haha..." The gentleman laughed.

"Shut up, don't hurry up and talk about business."

Tuanzi shouted in embarrassment, and then continued to speak: "To tell you a bad news, Chen Ze is dead."

The atmosphere froze in an instant. Although Chen Ze's two wives were unacceptable, they were not too sad.

They are all monks, who have lived and died many times. Every time Chen Ze went on an expedition, they were basically thrilling, and they had been prepared long ago.

"His life seems to be glorious, but no one knows his inner suffering. Along the way, he has burdened too much for our relatives, this time he can really rest well." There were still tears flowing out of the beginning.

"Sister-in-law, I'll break the seal for you first."

The gentleman looked at her a bit miserable indeed, without an arm, the injuries on her body were too much and too serious.

Untie the two seals, mobilized energy to repair the body at the beginning, and quickly recovered as before, but it was also a huge loss, I am afraid it will take a few days to cultivate and replenish.

"Now the God Realm is like this, far from what he wants to see." Yi sighed, "Unfortunately, he temporarily saved the great world, but he also caused the gods and demons to suffer and torture."

"Sister-in-law, it won’t be too long. My father, mother and several uncles are already recovering from their injuries, and they will be able to come over in less than two hundred years. My father ordered me to come here to reorganize the God’s Court and lead the Protoss people to drive these dark creatures away. Go out," the gentleman said.

At the beginning, he gathered his emotions and said, "It is gratifying that you, a dark creature, can say such a thing."

"Sister-in-law, you can misunderstand me. I can also be a bright creature. My father is the former lord of the gods, Changsheng, if it wasn't for Brother Chen to be too good, shouldn't this country be inherited by me."

Yi said at this moment: "Then you will be the lord of the gods after the establishment of the gods."

"The key now is to gather all the high-level members of the gods, otherwise rely on the two of us who are difficult to call to move the gods." Tuanzi said.

"It's too difficult. When the dark creatures attacked, most of the senior leaders of the gods have already died in battle, including the two elders. The two of us are not in the gods. If we want to rekindle the resistance of the gods, we can only save two people. ." Yi said.

Tuanzi thought for a while, "Are they Ning Bing and Yu Xi?"

"Yes! The two of them are now trapped in the Beijao Star Territory, where there are many tribulations. They are all made up of huge ice crystal stars. The core temperature is extremely low, almost reaching absolute zero." Yi said.

"Is there a lower limit for the temperature?" The gentleman was puzzled, he didn't understand this knowledge.

"Yes! Absolute zero is the limit of the volume of all substances. When this temperature is reached, the volume will disappear. But apart from Chen Ze, almost no one can do it. In nature, there is nowhere to reach this temperature." Yi said.

At this time, Taichu added: "In fact, even if there is, we can't find it. After all, if a field reaches this temperature, it will disappear from the outside world, and it will not be able to enter it at all."

"You will cultivate here for the time being, I will bring them back."

Tuanzi spoke, and then glanced at the gentleman: "You rely on the spectrum, and temporarily gather the protoss of this star field."

"Don't be so anxious. There are a lot of dark creatures in the Protoss. Once your true purpose is revealed, the five king beasts will come over. It will be difficult for us to fight in haste." Yi reminded, "Everything remains the same, I The two's cultivation base must be sealed again."

Tuanzi helpless: "Okay. It's really helpless. If Chen Ze is here, why bother."

"Even if my father and mother came over, they would be able to expel the dark creatures straightforwardly." The gentleman couldn't help it.

"I'm going."

Tuanzi set off and flew away. The gentleman here arched his hands: "The two sisters-in-laws will bear with me for the time being. I will try my best to clean the eyeliner of the five beasts first, and cultivate my own power among the darkest creatures."

The two nodded.



The voice rang in Chen Ze's ears, his vague consciousness gradually recovered, and soon he took control of his body and opened his eyes.

Here, in a beautiful peach forest, the five-color peach petals are shining brightly, surging with terrifying energy of Taoism.

He sat up and took a deep breath, feeling extremely comfortable.

"you're awake."

When the voice sounded, Chen Ze walked away, and saw a man sitting next to him, a man in ordinary clothes but half stained with blood, and a conspicuous blood hole in his chest was dripping blood.

It turned out that the sound he heard was the sound of this person dripping blood.

"Lord of the gods?" Chen Ze tried to ask, he was not dead, and only the lord of the gods could be seen.

"Just call me no end," he said.

After confirming his identity, Chen Ze put his attention on his wound: "Is this the wound of Litian Shengqi?"

"Yes, I come from a small world, and the Taoism of cultivation is not enough to suppress it, and it is difficult to sustain it." No end.

Chen Ze looked around: "This place seems to be very different from the God Realm."

"Did you suddenly change the colorful starry sky into a world continent? You suddenly feel very uncomfortable." Wushou smiled.

"One thing, I feel that I can't use my hands and feet." Chen Ze paid attention to his injury again: "Is there any way?"

There is no end, "Yes. And I can recover right away, but...I can't."

"Sacrifice all the creatures of the God Realm, and destroy the God Realm. I guess the reason why you can't suppress this holy energy from the sky is because you can't separate the God Realm from your body." Chen Ze said.

"You are so clever, you guessed it." The Lord of the Gods sighed, "Am I stupid?"

"All the respected heroes in this world are basically stupid and stupid. Because what they do is often detrimental to themselves, but can benefit all living beings." Chen Ze made an excuse for him.

"You wear this hat for me, now even if you want to change your mind, you have to think about it." Wushu said.

"There is definitely not one way, are there other?" Chen Ze asked.

"How difficult it is to find the Litian Saints and practice their exercises." No end.

Chen Ze thought for a while and said, "I am worried about the God Realm, can I go back once?"

Since he came out, Chen Ze never thought of standing by and at least helping the Lord of the Gods heal his injuries. Otherwise, when this master really changes his mind and wants to live, he can only stare at him.

"You can't go back, not even my projection illusion. If you open the God Realm, the Holy Qi from Heaven will inevitably invade again, then your sacrifices with Lilena will be wasted." No end.

Speaking of Lilena, Chen Ze was a little bit sad, "She is a silly girl. She can't let go of the demons in her heart, and she can't bear the destruction of the Protoss. As for the end."

"This is the world under the circle of time and space, and everything follows the cycle. The Ganges of Time has recorded everything, and as a member of the creation of the world, your talent is to control the holy path of time and space. If you want, you can be in the Ganges. I found her trace in the middle and brought it back to life." Wushou said.

After hearing this, Chen Ze shook: "If I can, can I also resurrect other people? My friends who have died."

"It's difficult. Those who can leave traces in the Ganges of Time are bound to be transcendent powerhouses, at least those who can influence a world. Lilena barely enters the list. Those of your friends, I don’t know. ." There is no end.

"Well, in that case, the most important thing before us is your injury." Chen Ze said, "Where is the Litian Saint Clan?"

Wushu smiled and said: "Your cultivation level, I am afraid that you can't beat a beast here. Don't worry, I can hold it for a while. Take the road here and improve your cultivation level."

Chen Ze had no choice but to settle down.

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