My Skills Are A Bit Brutal

Chapter 610 Rabbits are ferocious

"All prepare for battle and form a battle formation!"

Liu Ye shouted from the side.

At this moment, although there are many guesses in everyone's hearts, facing the white rabbits who are about to arrive on the battlefield, everyone can only let go of the guesses in their hearts.

The battle formation was quickly set up, and Jiang Xiaobai became the core of the team once again.

"Han Feng, how is your situation? Rabbit is here."

Liu Ye reminded.

There are 10,000 words in Han Feng's heart that he wants to shout, but the strong sense of enjoyment in the backyard makes Han Feng unable to say a word.

Han Feng gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "Ya Lidie! No, I was wrong. What I want to say is that I'm fine, I can stand it!"

"Be careful, and step aside if you can't."

Listening to Liu Ye's cold voice, Han Feng suddenly felt a warm feeling in his heart, and at such an extremely embarrassing moment, being able to get the care of the goddess in his heart made Han Feng feel very good.

Is the injury more serious? Liu Ye will care more about herself.Han Feng's mind shows that she is lying on the bed.

"If this is the case, I hope to add a deadline to this skill, I hope it can last for 10,000 years!"

Excited, Han Feng shouted out psychological words.

Everyone suddenly became confused, and the eyes looking at Han Feng changed...

"This is a few meanings, is it that Han Feng is a soap party, the kind who loves picking up soap"

"It's hard to say, anyway... this reaction is quite abnormal. At this time, he doesn't want to deal with the rabbit, but wants to enjoy it for ten thousand years."

"Sure enough, he is a tough guy of steel, he can bear this, I really admire the five-body cast."

Zhou Jia glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and snorted at Han Feng: "He enjoys it so much, do you have to continue to help him? This is the first time I have seen such a person, compared to Long Aotian. It's more exciting, I really want to see his happiness limit."

Watching Zhou Jia, who had an eruption of the filthy lady's attributes, Jiang Xiaobai touched his chin and said, "Come slowly, don't worry, I think it will be more exciting in the future."

"Then you must ensure that it is exciting enough. I have heard the story of two golf balls. According to Han Feng's body, it is estimated that he can bear more."

Zhou Jia laughed as she spoke.

"Ready to fight, the rabbit has entered a distance of fifty meters!"

Jiang Xiaoxin reminded and pulled away the bow and arrow in her hand.

An ice-blue sharp arrow was shot out, and Jiang Xiaoxin's rabbit suddenly turned around in the air, avoiding Jiang Xiaoxin's arrow.

It's just that the rabbit in front evaded, and the rabbit in the back couldn't react well, and still caught the arrow, and was frozen into a lump of ice and fell to the ground.

"These... the rabbit reacts quickly and can still be there. Everyone is careful and vigilant! The long-range attack is released quickly, and the defense department starts to prepare!"

Liu Ye frowned and took over the battle command.

These...The rabbit is beyond Liu Ye's thoughts.

For a moment, a bad feeling appeared in Liu Ye's heart.

Han Feng turned his head to look at the rabbit less than ten meters away from him, gritted his teeth and stood up.

Puff! A loud fart sound, with an unusually strong smell.

Han Feng's body sprayed out, and at the same time a large pool of blood spread quickly on Han Feng's pants.

Han Feng, who felt very embarrassed, could no longer care about his grief, but quickly used his skills and showed blue armor on his body.

In the face of these evolved rabbits, Han Feng did not dare to be careless.If there is no armor protection, it is estimated that Han Feng will be trampled to death by these...

"Let you see my strength, the powerhouse of the Xinghai Realm is not to be offended!"

As Han Feng shouted, he put on a posture of kicking backwards with his front legs, and in his hand, there was another...shield.

The shield is two meters high and more than ten meters long, and it is released like a wall.

Han Feng slammed the shield on the ground in front of him, and the ground trembled slightly, stirring up a lot of dust.

Boom boom boom! The rabbit hit the shield, and the shield dented inward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a special thing! These...what are the things that rabbits eat, how come they have become stronger again!"

Han Feng roared.

The last time Han Feng and his comrades came in to investigate, the shield could easily block the rabbit, but now those... rabbits can actually smash the shield into shape.

Liu Ye's eyes became dignified.Although he didn't like Han Feng, Liu Ye still knew very well about Han Feng's combat effectiveness.

0 The shield in Han Feng's hand is made of special metal, which can be resisted by ordinary skills.Unless an opponent is much stronger than Han Feng, it will not be able to break through Han Feng's armor and shield.

"Be careful, those... rabbits have to jump over the shield!"

Liu Ye shouted.

After some rabbits hit the shield, the rabbits behind had already started to use the shield as an obstacle, and directly used the powerful jumping ability to jump high from the shield and flew directly over the shield.

Han Feng looked up at the abdomen of the rabbit flying in the air, his heart was full of sorrow and courage, he had been wounded and wanted to show his strength, but those... rabbits still easily broke through Han Feng. Defense.

0 "Asshole, who made you fly over Laozi's head!"

Han Feng's heart was crossed, and he directly threw the shield in his hand upwards, and smashed it at the... rabbits flying above his head.

A dozen rabbits in the air were smashed by shields and flew out, but there was no shield on the ground to stop them, and the rabbits behind them rushed towards Han Feng.

The various skills of the classmates were madly released, and Han Feng also fully used his skills, crossed his hands in front of him, and stood up to the impact of the rabbit.

In the past, Han Feng only needed to be responsible for defense, and he was covering with his teammates on the attack, but at this moment, Han Feng was only one person, and could not stop the group of rabbits rushing.

Fortunately, these...The rabbits are small, they all belong to the category of white rabbits. There are only a few small white rabbits the size of a minibus. The big white rabbit, everyone hasn't seen it yet.

The group of rabbits rushing over immediately submerged Han Feng in it.Han Feng could only protect his head and squat on the ground, allowing the rabbits to trample on him.

At this moment, the skill defects of the pure defense system were fully exposed to Han Feng.

Looking at the group of rabbits getting closer and closer, the classmates panicked, these...the rabbits have thick and thick skin, most people's skills, for... these... ... Rabbits can't cause fatal injuries at all, but Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Tornado can deal with rabbits.

The problem is that the attack frequency of Jiang Xiaoxin's Trio 3 has been mentioned as the highest, but it is completely impossible to defeat so many rabbits.

Even Liu Ye tried his best to shoot, but he couldn't defeat these... the rabbit defeated B.

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