My Skills Are A Bit Brutal

Chapter 611 I have to provoke Jiang Xiaobai

"That... the awesome Star Sea Realm, didn't it just say that as long as you look at him with reverence, you can protect us? Why are people gone now!"

Wang Li said anxiously.

At this moment everyone feels the breath of death, those...there are so many rabbits, the speed is so fast, they can't finish, and they can't run. If they can't stop the rabbits, I'm afraid it will be everyone. It's going to be neat and tidy.

"The strong Xinghai Realm is squatting on the ground and being trampled on by rabbits."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly.

"Fuck, classmate Jiang Xiaobai, you are too calm, you are a god-level support, you don't rush to help at the critical moment! Otherwise everyone will be done!"

Liu Cheng shouted anxiously.

Jiang Xiaoxin pulls the bowstring at the same speed as when he is playing a pipa. With a fast hand, only afterimages can be seen, and tiny beads of sweat have appeared on her cheeks "zero zero zero."

Hearing Liu Cheng's words, Jiang Xiaoxin turned her face to look at Jiang Xiaobai slightly, also feeling a little surprised.

"I'm thinking about what skills should I use to defeat the enemy and win with the sword."

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking and stretched out his hand.

"Pretend, it's a matter of life and death at this time, what else do you pretend to be?"

"Jiang Xiaobai has no objection to pretending to be me, as long as he can save everyone!"

"Student Jiang, you have to be reliable, don't drop the chain at critical moments!"

The students shouted anxiously, because the rabbit was less than two meters away from everyone, and it was about to break through everyone's skill blockade.

Jiang Xiaoxin heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, and immediately stopped the attack, grabbed a dozen lancets from the iron box and patted Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

Liu Ye stared at the dozen or so knives in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and she couldn't figure out what Jiang Xiaobai was doing. Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai was going to play with Xiao Li Fei Dao Liu Cheng frowned Zou's brows, and muttered, "These... ...What is the use of the lancet, those... rabbits can't be killed with skills, what do you do with melee weapons in the auxiliary system?"

"I think Jiang Xiaobai is so poor that he hasn't taken a picture without seeing Teacher Liu. At this time, it's better to rely on Jiang Xiaobai than to rely on himself, so he should quickly step up his attack!"

Wang Li yelled.

Jiang Xiaobai did not bring those gossips, but instead mobilized the star power in his body, and sent a "100% empty-handed".

The skill was released, and the lancet in his hand was thrown at the rushing rabbit.

More than a dozen sword lights flashed in everyone's eyes, and then there was a scene that everyone would never forget.

Those in between...the dozen rabbits rushing in the front, seem to be manipulated by people, they are actually: people stand up while running, and raise a pair of front paws high, like that. It looked like he was about to pounce with his front paws, and it seemed like he was raising his hand to surrender.

Just as everyone was shocked and inexplicably surprised, the light of the sword flashed with the light of Sen Han, and it struck a pair of front paws raised high by the dozen rabbits.

Whoosh whoosh.

After Han Guang cut off the rabbit's front paws, he immediately started.

By Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows and smiled on his face.

The rabbit with the broken front paw was lying on the ground again, without the support of the front paw, these...the rabbits took a weird posture.

The front body was lying on the ground, and the back hips were puckered high, and the flushed eyes were filled with painful tears, which seemed to be reminiscent of some indescribable things.

Seeing the strange scene of the rabbit in front, the rabbits behind braked and stopped.

A rabbit the size of a minibus, staring at Jiang Xiaobai vigilantly, seems to want to remember Jiang Xiaobai's appearance in his heart.

After a few seconds of work, the rabbit quickly turned around and ran away with the rest of the rabbits.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the group of rabbits retreating.

"These...The rabbits are too scary. This space is definitely not a gold level. If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai's shot at the critical moment, we would really be wiped out."

"Jiang Xiaobai's skills are too handsome, right? This is definitely not an auxiliary skill. It is stronger than a strong attack. A dozen knives can fly out at a time, and it can make the white rabbit stand up and raise its paws. It is really invincible."

"Xiao Li's flying knife is only one shot at a time. Jiang Xiaobai's flying knife can be said to be Xiao Li's fucking flying knife. It is definitely a magical skill."

The students looked at Jiang Xiaobai with envy, and once were refreshed by Jiang Xiaobai's coquettish skills.

Jiang Xiaobai put the flying knife in his hand into Jiang Xiaoxin's iron box, and looked at Han Feng, who was constantly shaking on the ground.

The armor on Han Feng's body has disappeared. After being stepped on important parts by the running rabbit several times, Han Feng could not hold it. In the case of serious injuries, the armor shattered again 0... It was Jiang Xiaobai who shot in time and controlled the situation.Otherwise, if Han Feng is stepped on again, he will really be trampled to death.

Looking at Han Feng's tragic situation, the students all felt that they understood a truth, that is, you must never provoke Jiang Xiaobai, not even a single hair of Jiang Xiaobai! "Jiang Xiaobai, what should we do next?"

Some people have already taken Jiang Xiaobai as the backbone and actively questioned.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and looked at Liu Ye: "You have to ask Teacher Liu for this."

Liu Ye glared at Jiang Xiaobai, and said in a low voice, "The best choice is immediately.

Leaving, but now I don’t know why the passage is closed, we can only continue to stay in this space."

"Teacher Liu, you kill the rabbits to check their star orb level, and then go to a few people to bring that...Star Sea Realm to see if there is any rescue."

Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

A few classmates immediately followed Jiang Xiaobai's instructions. Liu Ye hesitated for a moment, feeling a strange feeling in her heart, but still followed Jiang Xiaobai's words.

"Ms. Liu listens to you, now do you feel... particularly refreshing."

Zhou Jia asked in Jiang Xiaobai's ear.

"Why is it cool? I think it's cooler to bully the rabbit."

Zhou Jia's cheeks blushed, giving Jiang Xiaobai a seductive look.

The several classmates who dragged Han Feng all covered their noses with one hand, and as the distance approached, a strange smell drifted over.


Stop, just put him on it, this taste is indeed a tasteful skill."

Jiang Xiaobai clutched his nose and said with emotion.

In the past, the taste was relatively lighter, but this time Han Feng was in bad luck. Not only did he win the skill that smelled, he was also trampled on important parts and stomach by the rabbits, which directly caused indescribable consequences.

The special effect attached to that consequence is...Han Feng's body has a particularly rich flavor, which has reached the level of biochemical weapons.

"I'm going, this is the powerhouse of the Xinghai Realm. As I said just now, I was hanging into the sky. Now I have become a sand sculpture. I asked Jiang Xiaobai to call him grandfather. He is really frustrated."

"Silly forks are there every year, and there are so many this year. This guy is the stupidest I have ever seen. I have to provoke Jiang Xiaobai."

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