My Skills Are A Bit Brutal

Chapter 612 Don't get excited, you're bleeding again

Han Feng feels bitter, but Han Feng's bitterness cannot be said.

Now Han Feng's soul hates his body, because the smell surrounding him is so strong that Han Feng can't stand him anymore.


Han Feng tilted his head and threw up frantically at the ground.

Several classmates directly released their hands and threw Han Feng to the ground, and quickly ran away a distance of tens of meters.

Liu Ye looked at Han Feng's appearance at this moment, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

However, Liu Ye's little happiness quickly dissipated, because this space became too weird, and the exit channel was also closed.How to take the students to wait until the channel opened safely became the biggest problem in Liu Ye's heart.

"Teacher Liu, do you have to help the stinky star-sea realm expert? One more person will give you more power. It is also useful to rely on him to block the rabbit's attack."

Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

Liu Ye's eyes widened in an instant, looking at Han Feng who was vomiting frantically in the distance, he didn't even have the courage to come closer.

"You let me be a girl, it's not so good 07 right."

Liu Ye shook his head and said.

If facing the enemy, Liu Ye will rush forward without hesitation, but facing Han Feng, who has his own biochemical attack effect, Liu Ye has no courage.

And Liu Ye felt that this was Jiang Xiaobai's revenge.

"Teacher Liu, how can you be a girl? In my mind, you are... a true iron-blooded man."

Liu Ye's complexion became extremely cold, and she squinted at Jiang Xiaobai, "What do you mean."

"I just think Teacher Liu should be happy to help others."

Jiang Xiaobai said frankly.

"Ms. Liu, should we prepare? I always feel that when the rabbits go, their eyes are a bit wrong."

Jiang Xiaoxin walked over and said.

Liu Ye sighed, and Liu Ye could also see this.

"It's not right, those...the rabbits seem to have some grudges Jiang Xiaobai, maybe the next time the rabbits appear, Jiang Xiaobai will be the main target."

After Liu Ye finished speaking, she spread her hands, holding a star orb that she had just taken from the rabbit's body.

"This is a diamond-grade star orb, and it is only on the body of the weakest little white rabbit. This proves that this piece of space, the worst is the diamond dimension space."

A group of classmates were stunned. What Liu Ye said was not good news, except... Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and others can fight those... rabbits. The remaining classmates are only rubbed by those... rabbits stepping on the ground.

"If those...the rabbits really hold grudges, what will happen to Jiang Xiaobai next time?"

Wang Li asked nervously.

Now Wang Li doesn't think of the little white rabbit, but thinks Jiang Xiaobai is more cuter.After all, Jiang Xiaobai repelled the rabbit and saved everyone.At this moment, even if Jiang Xiaobai feasted, Wang Li would not say anything against it.

"We have to protect Jiang Xiaobai."

Liu Cheng stared at Jiang Xiaobai, showing an inexplicable look.

"It's enough to have my tornado to protect Jiang Xiaobai.

Juan Leng stood proudly beside Jiang Xiaobai, as if she had become a glamorous female bodyguard.

Many boys feel sour in their hearts in an instant.

Liu Ye rubbed his forehead and said, "Jiang Xiaobai, how many flying knives can you use at a time... what is the attack distance of your flying knives"

"I'm not a flying knife, I was 100% empty-handed."

Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

It is said that the longer the name, the stronger the skill, the two-character flying knife, how can it be heard that it is not 100% empty-handed and domineering.

Even Xiao Li's flying knife, Xiao Li's fucking flying knife, are not 100% high in style of being handed over by empty hands.

"Hundred%, be, empty-handed, take nothing."

Liu Ye said one word at a time, and finally repeated Jiang Xiaobai's skill name.

"I, Cao, this skill is extremely domineering by the name, especially with the probability of 100%, it is absolutely crazy and cool."

"Isn't it all empty-handed, how can I still be empty-handed, how do I feel weird?"

"Weirdness is not important, what is important is that it is effective. As long as those...... rabbits are not invincible with iron palms, Jiang Xiaobai can cut off the paws of those...... rabbits with a knife. "

Liu Ye glared at the discussing classmates, and the classmates closed their mouths, afraid to speak any more.

"Answer key questions."

Liu Ye said coldly.

"I can fly out as many knives as I have... one or two hundred meters, all within. If there are enough knives, I can instantly empty the rabbits within 200 meters."

At this moment, the students all looked at Jiang Xiaobai with reverence.

It seems that after seeing Jiang Xiaobai's head, seven 7 circles of colorful 7 Buddha lights appeared, a circle of angel halo appeared above his head, holy heaven wings appeared behind him, and 7 colorful clouds appeared under his feet, gathering all metaphysical powers. Bless everyone.

Liu Ye's body shook, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would be so good, he had already turned to the realm of Niu Plath.

"Students, all give Jiang Xiaobai your knife-like weapons, and Jiang Xiaobai will protect everyone at the critical moment."

Following Liu Ye's call, the classmates gathered their sharp weapons and handed them over to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can talk about any other skills. The teacher will help you analyze which skills are suitable for dealing with rabbits. You are now... the hope of the whole class."

Liu Ye said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Ye's smile, always feeling that Liu Ye's smile was a little strange.

"Well, how can I make the smell a lot lighter, is it possible that my cheap son has died, dad is coming to see you."

Jiang Xiaobai ran to Han Feng while talking, leaving Liu Ye alone in a mess.

This kid is really a ghost, and it is not easy to take the opportunity to cover his details.

Liu Ye felt a little lost in her heart.

After hesitating, Liu Ye raised his hand to cover his nose and followed Jiang Xiaobai to Han Feng.

Jiang Xiaobai walked halfway, looked back at Liu Ye who was following him, and shouted with a smile: "My surname is Han, our teacher Liu is coming to see you."

Hearing that Liu Ye was about to see him, Han Feng immediately sat up, rubbing his mouth, as if he had been hit with adrenaline.

"Liu Ye woo woo woo."

Han Feng cried sadly.

"Ms. Liu, hurry up to comfort him and ask what's wrong with this space."

Jiang Xiaobai blinked at Liu Ye, turned around and ran back.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's back, breathing the smelly air, Liu Ye was so angry that he wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you bastard wait for me! I will let you beg for mercy under me in the future!"

"I knew you cared about me, it moved me so much!"

Han Feng braced himself to stand up, showing the style of a ‘strong’ man.

"Don't get excited, you are bleeding again."

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