My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 142 Why are you so ignorant?

"Stand aside and I will punish you later."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Master."

Immediately, Murong Wushuang and others stood aside obediently, not looking as domineering as they had just killed everyone.

This well-behaved and obedient attitude made everyone around him shine with envy.

Obedient and beautiful.

Where can you find such a good disciple?

Please give us a dozen too.

"Lin Taixu, you first blackmailed the Sun family in front of you, and then allowed your disciples to kill the Sun family's guards in the back. This crime cannot be punished."

"Why don't you kneel down and die."

Sun Yian looked at Lin Taixu and roared angrily, with murderous intent in his heart. Especially when he saw Lin Taixu's handsome appearance and aloof temperament, his murderous intent was even higher.

"Who are you? How dare you yell here?"

Lin Taixu asked.

"Lin Taixu, listen carefully. I am an elite disciple of Qinglin Academy, a close disciple of Lin Yunzhi, the vice president of Qinglin Academy, and the second young master of the Sun family in Qingfeng City, Sun Yian."

Sun Yian almost exploded when he heard this. When had he ever been scolded like this? What are you? He was about to get angry, but he didn't want to cause trouble, so he puffed out his chest and said with an arrogant expression.

"Can't you just say you are Sun Yian? Why are you talking so much?"

Lin Taixu looked at Sun Yian with disgust and said, muttering in his heart, there must be something wrong with this person.


Sun Yian couldn't help but be fooled by Lin Taixu's words. Shouldn't you be so frightened that you kneel down and beg for mercy after listening?

What do you mean by talking so much?

Everyone around looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly for a while. Are you pretending to be stupid, or are you really stupid?

They are trying to scare you by moving the backstage.

You don't understand.

Can you still have fun playing?


On the top floor of Zuixianju, Mingyue Niannian was drinking tea. Hearing Lin Taixu's words, he couldn't help it. The tea in his mouth spurted out and he almost choked to death.

Du Lengfeng, who was waiting on the side of this man, jumped at the corner of his eyes. When he realized it in Mingyue Niannian, he quickly looked down at his toes, fearing that his young lady would lose his temper and get angry with him.

Then he's finished.

Mingyue Niannian also knew that she had lost her composure. She looked at Du Lengfeng sheepishly and saw that he didn't see her embarrassment. She felt a little relieved and immediately reached out to wipe the tea that had dripped on the table. He looked at the projection in front of him happily.

Well, I didn’t expect that after not seeing each other for a few days, this guy looks better again.

Difficult to do.

"Lin Taixu, don't pretend to be confused. First you extorted fifteen million silver coins from my Sun family, and now you have killed so many Sun family guards. Do you still want to make excuses?"

Sun Yian said angrily.

"Are you a famous teacher?"

Lin Taixu ignored Sun Yian's shouting, looked at Han Qingshan in the distance, and asked lightly.

"Yes, I am the instructor of Qinglin College, the three-star famous teacher Han Qingshan."

Han Qingshan replied, looking at Lin Taixu arrogantly, as if he was waiting for Lin Taixu to be shocked when he found out his identity, and then he was so scared that he came to pay homage to him.

"Three-star famous teacher?"

Lin Taixu looked at the famous teacher level mark on Han Qingshan's chest. Sure enough, it was three stars. He immediately shook his head and said, "Tsk, tsk, three-star famous teacher."

"Why are you so ignorant?"


When Han Qingshan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. Why do you mean that I am so ignorant?

Not only was he confused and couldn't understand what Lin Taixu meant, everyone around him also looked confused, wondering why Han Qingshan was so ignorant.

Could it be that his ignorance means that he should not be promoted to a three-star master teacher?

Well, this is indeed ignorant.

Immediately, everyone present couldn't help but laugh secretly.

"Since you are a famous master, you should know the rules of not trespassing in the famous master's mansion."

"Now that you know this rule, you still break into this famous master's residence with a group of gangsters. Tell me, are you ignorant?"

Lin Taixu looked at Han Qingshan and said seriously.


On the top floor of Zui Xian's residence, Mingyue was amused again every year. Thinking of Du Lengfeng's presence, she had to endure it, it was so hard.

She felt that in all her life, she had never seen anyone as interesting as Lin Taixu.

He was obviously talking nonsense, but he still said it so seriously.

"Lin Taixu, don't be sharp-tongued and talk nonsense."

Han Qingshan was almost pissed to death by Lin Taixu's words. With such eloquence, it would be too disrespectful for you to not go to Baihua House to be the madam.

"What this famous teacher said is true, why are you talking nonsense?"

Lin Taixu sneered, pointed at the people around him and said, "You can ask everyone present if you and this group of gangsters entered my master's mansion. Did you inform me? Did my master give permission before you came in?"


Han Qingshan was stunned, he had no choice but to do this.

However, he came to Lin Taixu today to settle accounts. How could it be like the usual visits between famous teachers? Isn't this a big joke?

"You can't tell, right? Then I would like to ask Master Han, you have neither informed me nor my consent, so you are not trespassing. What is that?"

"Lin Taixu, don't make excuses. Just talk about him."

"You framed my children and grandchildren, and then extorted fifteen million silver coins from my Sun family. Instructor Han was invited by my Sun family to help our Sun family seek justice from you."

"But you, as a famous teacher, didn't even greet the famous teacher Gao Xing with a bow. This is simply treason."

"Moreover, knowing that Teacher Han was coming, you didn't know to kneel in front of the door to greet him. Instead, you blamed Teacher Han for entering without an invitation. This is simply unreasonable."

Sun Chaohong roared angrily, directly putting a big hat on Lin Taixu's head.

As long as the hat was put on, any one of them would be enough for Lin Taixu to be doomed. All these combined would definitely make Lin Taixu die without a burial place for several times.

"Yes, this Lin Taixu is too arrogant, he can actually do something like blackmail."

"The Sun family came here to seek justice, so naturally there is no need to judge according to common sense."

"I seem to have heard that Lin Taixu blackmailed many families in Qingfeng City."

"Yes, yes, my family was blackmailed by him for 500,000 silver coins."

"My family too."

As soon as Sun Chaohong finished speaking, he immediately attracted the approval of many people around him. Those who said they were also blackmailed by Lin Taixu, needless to say, their sons were definitely one of the 81 people who thought that the law did not punish the masses in Zuixianju.

"Lin Taixu, what else do you have to say?"

Sun Chaohong listened to the discussions of the people around him and asked Lin Taixu proudly.

"Everyone, it was Lin Taixu who arranged his disciples to seduce me and tricked me here. Then, Lin Taixu blackmailed me for 15 million silver coins for trespassing into the residence of a famous teacher, saying that if I didn't give it, he would kill me."

"I was afraid of death at the time, so I had to agree to his rude request and let my father give him 15 million silver coins."

"Later, my brother came back from Qinglin College and learned about this. He was so angry that he brought Teacher Han here to ask for an explanation."

"This is the truth of this matter. Who is right and who is wrong, who is right and who is wrong, you seniors will know as soon as you hear it."

Sun Yiquan squeezed out of the crowd and said loudly.

He, the eldest son of the Sun family, has been squeezed into a corner by the aggressive Sun family guards since he came in, and now he has finally squeezed out.

It's not easy. It's finally his turn to appear.

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