My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 143 Where is the famous teacher Wei?

"Sun Yiquan, you are making such slanderous accusations and going against me, aren't you afraid of losing your head?"

Lin Taixu looked at Sun Yiquan with a smile and asked.

This Bangchui was a coward at first, but now that he sees that he has the strength in numbers, he feels that he can do it again, right?

Many people?

Haha, this famous teacher is afraid of crowds?

Sorry, this famous teacher is afraid that there are not enough people.

When Lin Taixu looked at him like this, Sun Yiquan subconsciously took a step back. His feelings were awakened by Lin Taixu's original shadow.

Immediately, seeing the guards of the Sun family and Han Qingshan surrounding him, he became bolder again and said loudly, "What I said is the truth. How can it be called slander and false accusation?"

"Lin Taixu, now that the witnesses and material evidence are all there, how can I allow you to quibble? As a three-star master master, I order you to hand over your master token immediately and wait for your fate."

Han Qingshan shouted loudly, staring at Lin Taixu with cold eyes like daggers, making you jump for so long, now it is time to end this farce.

"You are simply unreasonable. When Sun Yiquan said that I blackmailed him, did you mean to blackmail him?"

"I also said that he is falsely accusing this famous teacher, and his heart is worthy of death."

"Why don't you believe it?"

Lin Taixu looked at Han Qingshan and yelled angrily, his body trembling with anger at Han Qingshan's shameless words.

Of course, this is pretending.


Han Qingshan smiled coldly and looked at Lin Taixu with pity. Are you being reasonable? That also depends on the person. You don’t deserve it.

He is a three-star famous teacher. Not to mention that he has a reason now, even if he doesn't, he can still deal with one or two-star famous teachers who are lower than his status at will.

And Lin Taixu actually wanted to reason with him?

How ridiculous.

Everyone is reasonable, so why do you practice martial arts? So why do you work hard to be promoted to a high-star famous teacher?

In this world, fists are the last word.

understand? younger brother!

"Will you die now?"

When Sun Yiquan heard this, he sneered in his heart. Han Qingshan had made the final decision. Unless a famous teacher higher than him came forward, who could deny his decision?

This is the majesty of a famous teacher.

"Wait until this loser dies and see how I deal with you."

Sun Yian looked at Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others, and said with a ferocious smile in his heart, starting to feel impatient.

Seeing this, everyone around them looked at Lin Taixu quietly, wondering what he would do.

Should we just surrender or stand up and resist?

Needless to say, the end result of being caught without mercy will definitely be a dismembered body.

As for rising up to resist


Needless to say, the outcome will be a lot of changes in body and head.

Some people who are quick-thinking are even thinking about taking the opportunity to take down Lin Taixu later in order to gain Han Qingshan's favor.

The favor of a three-star famous teacher.

Even if you think of it as a little brother, it can last for many years.

"Master, do we want to go out?"

Liu Sandao asked Diao Budiao, looking at the field, feeling that Lin Taixu's situation was very unfavorable.

If you fight against the Sun family, no one around you will help. After all, if you win, only the Sun family will feel it.

If he couldn't win, then Lin Taixu would be worried about him, and the risk would be too great.

However, Han Qingshan is different. He is a three-star famous teacher. As long as he takes action, or in other words, the people around him will most likely do it.

Although the results are the same, the rewards are vastly different.

Because even if Lin Taixu survived and wanted to take revenge on them afterwards, they could be said to have been ordered by Han Qingshan.

Even if you, Lin Taixu, are unreasonable, you can't kill them all.

If he really does this, Lin Taixu's reputation will definitely be ruined, and he will definitely be criticized for being cruel and cruel.

"Yes, Hall Master, I feel that Deputy Hall Master Lin can't control himself."

"Add 1000086."

Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing echoed that as soon as Han Qingshan opened his mouth, he conclusively convicted Lin Taixu, and there was no room for comment. If everyone waited to attack him, they would not be able to save him in time.

"Wait a minute, it's not realistic to kill Lin Taixu with just these few words."

Diao BuDiao touched his chin, which had no flesh at all, and said slowly.

Ouch, shit.

Liu Sandao and others were stunned and looked at Diao Butiao stupidly, feeling that they were not on the same page as Diao Butiao.

They were thinking about how to save Lin Taixu.

And Diao BuDiao actually thought about how to kill Lin Taixu.


However, it seems.

This is a good idea.

Liu Sandao and the other two looked at each other, then looked away for a moment.

If he dies, I'll be free: Liu Sandao.

If he dies, I won’t have to be threatened by him: Cheng Wuwei.

Add 1000000086: Li Yuanxing.

"Miss, it seems something is not going well with Lin Taixu."

On the top floor of Zui Xian's residence, Du Lengfeng blinked and said to Mingyue Niannian.

He was trying to increase his presence, but he couldn't help it. In the huge space, there were only himself and his young lady. The young lady didn't speak. He, as a subordinate, had to say a few words, otherwise, the atmosphere would be very awkward.

Mingyue glanced at Du Lengfeng indifferently, said nothing, and continued to look at the projection in front of her, wondering what Lin Taixu would do.

As for whether it's great or not, haha.

That depends on my mood.

Lin Taixu would be very good, but if he was in a bad mood, Han Qingshan would be very bad.

Samsung famous teacher?

Is it a big deal?

Sorry, if she wants to kill a three-star or four-star master teacher, it's just like playing.


Du Lengfeng’s heart trembled when he was looked at by Mingyue Niannian, as if a chill was creeping along the network cable, uh, along the lady’s eyes.

It chilled him to the bone and made him feel very excited.

He was so scared that he shut up immediately and muttered in his heart that his lady was good in everything except that she was a little cold. He didn’t know which stinky man would be lucky enough to be favored by the lady in the future.

Uh, no, which stinky man was so unlucky that the lady would take a fancy to him.

Of course, he would not dare to say this even if he was beaten to death.

Otherwise, he would be beaten to death.

“Lin Taixu, why don’t you hand over the master token quickly and wait for the decision of teacher Han?”

Sun Chaohong saw Lin Taixu standing motionless in the pavilion, and immediately shouted loudly.

“Decision? He is not worthy of it.”

Lin Taixu sneered, since you are unreasonable, that’s good. In fact, what he hates most is to reason with others.

"Qingfeng City, the Master Teacher Hall, where are the Master Teacher Guards?"

Then, Lin Taixu shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned, looking at Lin Taixu stupidly, not knowing what he meant.

Are you calling the Master Teacher Guards to help?

But, is it possible?

If it was just the Sun family, you might be able to suppress the Sun family by calling the Master Teacher Guards.

To put it another way, the Sun family would at least be a little wary and dare not do too much.

However, now there is a three-star master Han Qingshan present.

Sorry, let alone the Master Teacher Guards of Qingfeng City, even the head of the Master Teacher Hall of Qingfeng City, Diao Bu Diao, is here.

He has to kneel too.

You fool.

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