My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 20: Can’t I be arrogant?


Seeing the murderous look of the patriarch, the disciple almost fainted on the spot, and stammered, "Patriarch, calm down."

"If you have something to say, speak quickly. You are so hesitant. How can you be a disciple of our Sun family?"

An elder shouted loudly, showing a look of disappointment.

"Yes, it seems that our Sun family has been comfortable for too long, and the quality of our disciples has declined a bit."

"It is necessary to rectify it, otherwise, it is really unworthy of the reputation of our Sun family."

Several other elders also spoke up, with cold eyes.

In Qingfeng City, who dares to come to the Sun family to make trouble?

Do you want to die?

What's more, now that the second young master has climbed up the high branch and has a strong backing, it can be said that even if the other three major families in Qingfeng City come together to besiege the Sun family, they are not afraid at all.

This is the confidence of having a backing.

Obviously, these disciples have a small vision. How can they keep up with the Sun family that is about to take off?

"Master, elders."

Several Sun family disciples almost cried. Mommy, I only said one sentence, and you all said a few words each. Do you want us to talk?


"Hey, are you injured?"

"Who did it?"

Sun Chaohong suddenly exclaimed, and a pair of old eyes suddenly burst into a cold light.

In Qingfeng City, who dares to hurt Sun family disciples?

Don't want to live?

"The master is really sharp-eyed, and the disciples admire him."

A Sun family disciple said, feeling that he was about to cry again. It was not easy. He was finally discovered with his broken hands and arms.

"Anyone who dares to hurt my Sun family disciples in Qingfeng City is really bold."

"It seems that our Sun family has been low-key for a long time, and any cats and dogs dare to grin at our Sun family."

The elder sneered, with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Yes, who is it?"

"No matter who it is, if they offend our Sun family, they must be prepared to die."

"That's right. If we don't kill them, how can we show the supreme majesty of our Sun family?"

As soon as the elder finished speaking, the other elders were also indignant and said with a common hatred.

It just so happened that the second young master was so powerful that he was appreciated by Dean Lin Yunzhi. Their Sun family was worried that they had no chance to show their prowess.

Now someone dared to hurt a disciple of the Sun family.

I really wanted to fall asleep, and someone brought me a pillow.

Great praise.

"Tell me, which family is it? I will kill them now."

Sun Chaohong stood up and shouted in a deep voice, murderous.

As he stood up, the momentum of the fifth level of the second-level warrior erupted, like a hurricane roaring in the hall, shaking people's souls.


"The head of the family is mighty."

"The family is wise."

The elders and others nodded, with approval in their eyes. With such a head of the family, uh, the father of the second young master, why worry that the Sun family will not be strong and prosperous?

Seeing this, several Sun family disciples couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude, and almost knelt down to Sun Chaohong. Such a domineering head of the family, they could not repay him even if they were torn to pieces.

Isn't he just a famous teacher?


Take his resources, take his women, uh, he has no women, then take his disciples.

Although they were almost beaten to death by Murong Wushuang, they didn't feel any pain all over their bodies when they thought of Murong Wushuang's stunning beauty.


It doesn't exist. Beating is love, scolding is love, baby, this is kissing them.

Otherwise, why don't you beat others, but them?

"Report to the head of the family, the eldest young master was beaten for no reason yesterday, so today I took my disciples and others to ask for an explanation. I didn't expect that the other party not only did not apologize or compensate, but beat the eldest young master and the disciples again."

"Moreover, the beating was not enough, and the eldest young master was detained, saying that the head of the family should bring two million silver coins to redeem him, otherwise he would kill the eldest young master and destroy our Sun family."

A disciple said excitedly, beating was not enough, and a second beating was required?

Is there any justice in this world?

Is there any law?

"Haha, so brave."

Sun Chaohong couldn't help but sneer when he heard this. He knew his son's character very well. He must have failed to show off and was beaten.

However, in Qingfeng City, only his son can show off. Others can't show off.

And it's even worse to show off in front of his Sun family.

"If you don't do it, you won't die."

"You detained the eldest young master and dared to talk about destroying our Sun family. You should be punished according to your crime."

The elder said coldly.

"Yes, he should be executed."

"He should be executed."

Several other elders echoed, with murderous intent on their faces.

"That's right, isn't it just that she's a little prettier, isn't it just that she's a disciple of a famous teacher?"

"What's so arrogant about that?"

Another disciple said, looking at Sun Chaohong with admiration. Compared to the domineering arrogance of the head of the family, they are all scum.


"Disciple of a famous teacher?"


Suddenly, Sun Chaohong and several elders of the Sun family heard the words, as if they were collectively struck by lightning. The sneers and murderous intent on their faces froze, and they looked at the disciple who was talking stupidly.

Then, the hall fell into a strange and quiet atmosphere.


"Head, elders, why are you looking at your disciples like this?"

The disciple said in confusion.

Why are you looking at you like this?

Don't you have any idea?



Just a gust of wind sounded, and Sun Chaohong appeared in front of the disciple, locked his throat, and roared, "What did you say? Disciple of a famous teacher? Disciple of which famous teacher?"


"Master, spare me."

The disciple felt his breath choked by the locked throat, and his face turned red and his neck became thick. He shouted desperately, looking at the furious Sun Chaohong so close, his body was shaking with fear, and he felt that he was only one step away from death.

Mommy, isn't it good to be a mute?

I have to say this, if he can escape death this time, he swears to be a mute for the rest of his life.

This is simply not something a person can bear.

Not to mention that he was scared to death and trembling all over. If he was more careful, he could also find that the master of the family, who was just domineering, was also shaking.

How could he not be afraid?

Disciple of a famous teacher.

Uh, disciples are not scary, but famous teachers are scary.

In Qingfeng City, there are only two famous teachers, one is Huang Taiji, the head of the Huang family.

He is the head of the Huang family, the leader of the four major families in Qingfeng City. He has the entire Huang family and the famous teacher hall as his backing. Sun Chaohong can't afford to offend him.

The other one is Diao Bu Diao, the head of the famous teacher hall, who has the support of the entire famous teacher hall.

He is even more unacceptable.

And now you come to tell me that you have offended their disciples.

What? Do you have a grudge against me or the entire Sun family?


"What did I just say?"

"I didn't say anything."

"I don't know anything."

The elders, including the chief elder, looked up at the sky and the ground.

This is too scary.

At the same time, they gave full marks to the stupidity of the disciple.

You actually have the face to say what's arrogant?

With a famous teacher as a master, can't you be arrogant?

Can't you be arrogant?

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