My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 21 This rubbish might be floating

"Tell me quickly, which master's disciple is this?"

Sun Chaohong yelled, his voice trembling, his eyes showing panic, and his mouth spitting all over the disciple's face.

"Yes, yes. It's Lin Taixu, the disciple of master Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang."

The disciple said intermittently, his eyes rolled back, and Sun Chaohong's fingers pinched his neck like a pair of pliers. He seemed to have heard the sound of his neck bones breaking.

It was very much like the Hundred Flowers Song played by Xiaohong in Baihua Tower.

My flowers bloom and the flowers die.

"Lin Taixu?"

"Murong Wushuang?"

Sun Chaohong was stunned. Who is Lin Taixu? Who is Murong Wushuang?

Why don't I know?

Thinking about it, the fingers pinching the disciple's neck loosened. Seeing this, the disciple quickly broke free from Sun Chaohong's fingers, stepped back several steps in a hurry, gasping for breath, revealing a pleasure of escaping death.

Stay away from the master of the family and cherish your life.

"Who is Lin Taixu?"

"Has another famous teacher come to Qingfeng City?"

Several elders of the Sun family looked at each other in confusion.

No way, Qingfeng City is just a small city. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a place where birds don't lay eggs and chickens don't grow hair.

Which famous teacher is so stupid that he actually ran to this broken place?

"It's that useless famous teacher."

The disciple who was almost strangled to death couldn't help but speak again. After speaking, he covered his mouth with a horrified look.


Didn't I swear that as long as I escaped with my life, I would be a mute and never speak for the rest of my life?

The old problem came back again?

"Useless famous teacher?"

"Lin Taixu?"


After being reminded by this disciple, Sun Chaohong and others finally remembered that in addition to Diao Butiao and Huang Taiji, there was indeed another famous teacher in Qingfeng City.

However, this famous teacher.


They just laughed.

If it weren't for this disciple's reminder, they really wouldn't have remembered it.

"He? How dare he detain my son and blackmail my Sun family?"

"This rubbish is probably too arrogant."

Sun Chaohong sneered, and the fear of death disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Is a famous teacher scary?


But that depends on who it is.

Who would be afraid of a rubbish like Lin Taixu who has no strength and no background?

Are you afraid?

Anyway, they are not afraid.

"That's right, you really think you are a famous teacher just because you have the title of a famous teacher."

"It's ridiculous."

The elders and others also turned from surprise to joy, and said with contempt, with a look of disdain on their faces.

It turned out to be this rubbish, who else did they think it was.

Scared to death.

Ever since Lin Taixu's father Lin Yicong disappeared, this guy has been a nobody in Qingfeng City.

If you don't believe it, go to the street and grab someone and ask, ask how many people know him.

You can also ask how many people have scolded and beaten him over the years.

If not dozens, there must be several.

So, his title of famous teacher can scare some ignorant people, but it is not good if he uses it to bully their Sun family.

Haha, I can only say that Lin Taixu wants to see his father.

"Grand Elder, go to Lin Taixu and bring Quan'er back."

Sun Chaohong turned around and sat on a chair in the hall, saying, "By the way, let that rubbish know what it means that the Sun family cannot be insulted."


The great elder laughed and said that it has always been the famous teacher who cannot be insulted. Now, it is time for this rubbish famous teacher to know what it means that the Sun family cannot be insulted.

Just thinking about it makes me feel excited.

"Which elder is willing to accompany me?"

The great elder stood up, glanced at the other elders present, and said with a smile.

He was not worried that he could not beat Lin Taixu, but that such a fun thing, it is better to share it with others than to enjoy it alone.

Well, this is called brotherly love and respect, and harmony.

"Let me accompany the elder."

A thin elder of the Sun family with a somewhat wretched face stood up and said with a smile.

He is the fifth elder of the Sun family, the last in the family, but the most wretched.

How could he be missing out on such a good thing, so when he heard the elder's words, he immediately volunteered to stand up.

"Let's go."

The elder said without comment, and walked out of the hall with the fifth elder.

In fact, he only needs an audience, and it doesn't matter who it is.

Otherwise, who will he show off his power to?

Who will spread it for him?

After all, it's not every year that stepping on famous teachers happens.

In the backyard, Lin Taixu was drinking tea, chatting with Murong Wushuang and others, and waiting for Liu Sandao to bring back his two million silver coins.

According to Lin Taixu's conservative estimate, even if he couldn't bring back two million silver coins, he would definitely get two hundred thousand at a discount.

Two hundred thousand silver coins are enough for the six of them to sit back and wait for death for a while.

"I didn't expect that making money in this world is still easy."

Thinking of this, Lin Taixu couldn't help showing a proud look on his face. He made so much money in less than two days after crossing here. He admired himself.

"Xiao Shuang'er, you don't have to hunt monsters to supplement your family income in the future."

Lin Taixu looked at Murong Wushuang and said, when he did not take in Murong Wushuang and others, Lin Taixu relied on the savings left to him by his father, plus the monthly salary from the Famed Master Hall, and he could live a comfortable life. Moisturizing.

However, since taking in Murong Wushuang and others, that is no longer possible.

All his savings were spent, and the salary from the Famous Teacher Hall was not enough.

Therefore, Murong Wushuang took on the responsibility of hunting monster beasts, and then sold the valuable body parts of the monster beasts in exchange for silver coins to subsidize the needs of Lin Taixu and others.

For more than half a year, I worked silently.

"It's okay. Only by experiencing fighting and the test of life and death can you become stronger quickly."

Murong Wushuang said calmly that the first reason for hunting monsters was to have money to buy resources to feed Lin Taixu, Zhao Feixue and others.

Second, it is also the best shortcut for her to become stronger quickly.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with this method of killing two birds with one stone. Instead, she planned to stick to it.

"There are many ways to become stronger, and this is not the only shortcut."

Lin Taixu smiled and said, for example, buying elixirs, and another example, he used the system to add experience points to Murong Wushuang and others.

As long as the little hands click quickly, there is no sadness, only love.

"You raise your level first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"And so do you. The level of a warrior is very important. You must know that before absolute power, any skills are useless."

Lin Taixu continued to say that only when their levels rise, can he get the experience points of a famous teacher. With the experience points of a famous teacher, he can level up himself.

Therefore, upgrading is far more important than making money.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Feixue and others responded respectfully.

"From now on, I will leave the making of money to my teacher, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Lin Taixu stood up and said, you are responsible for looking beautiful, and I am responsible for making money to support the family.

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